- DVD 2 PAL -/ed 2004 Swan Lake / - DVD 2 PAL D 2007 Wagners Nibelungenring für Kinder / tt0000417 MKV F/d 1902 Le voyage dans la lune / A Trip to the Moon tt0004282 DVD 0 NTSC e 1914 Mabel's Married Life / tt0004282 MKV e 1914 Mabel's Married Life / tt0004707 DVD 0 NTSC e 1914 Tillie's Punctured Romance / tt0004707 MKV e 1914 Tillie's Punctured Romance / tt0004972 DVD/HD E 1915 The Birth of a Nation / Die Geburt einer Nation tt0004972 DVD 0 NTSC E 1915 The Birth of a Nation / Die Geburt einer Nation tt0007761 MKV e 1917 The Butcher Boy / Der Metzgergeselle tt0007819 MKV e 1917 Coney Island / tt0008112 MKV e 1917 His Wedding Night / tt0008377 MKV e 1917 Oh Doctor! / tt0008523 MKV e 1917 The Rough House / tt0008844 MKV e 1918 Are Crooks Dishonest? / Sind Gauner unehrlich? tt0008874 MKV e 1918 The Bell Boy / tt0008961 MKV e 1918 The City Slicker / Der gelackte Städter tt0008975 MKV e 1918 The Cook / Der Koch tt0009018 DVD 0 NTSC e 1918 A Dog's Life / tt0009018 MKV e 1918 A Dog's Life / tt0009123 MKV e 1918 Good Night, Nurse! / tt0009389 MKV e 1918 Moonshine / tt0009434 MKV e 1918 The Non-Stop Kid / tt0009466 MKV e 1918 Out West / tt0009611 DVD 0 NTSC e 1918 Shoulder Arms / tt0009611 MKV e 1918 Shoulder Arms / tt0009732 MKV e 1918 Two-Gun Gussie / tt0009899 MKV e 1919 Back Stage / tt0009973 MKV e 1919 Bumping Into Broadway / Pleite am Broadway tt0009986 MKV e 1919 Captain Kidd's Kids / Captain Kidds Kinder tt0010057 DVD 0 NTSC e 1919 A Day's Pleasure / tt0010057 MKV e 1919 A Day's Pleasure / tt0010146 MKV e 1919 From Hand to Mouth / tt0010155 MKV e 1920 The Garage / tt0010221 MKV e 1919 The Hayseed / tt0010258 MKV e 1920 His Royal Slyness / tt0010321 MKV e 1919 Just Neighbors / tt0010632 MKV e 1919 Ring Up the Curtain / tt0010747 MKV e 1919 Sunnyside / tt0010747 DVD 0 NTSC e 1919 Sunnyside / tt0011071 MKV e 1920 Convict 13 / Buster Keaton als Sträfling tt0011144 MKV e 1920 An Eastern Westerner / tt0011223 MKV e 1920 Get Out and Get Under / tt0011293 MKV e 1920 High and Dizzy / tt0011508 MKV e 1920 Neighbors / tt0011521 MKV e 1920 Number, Please? / tt0011541 MKV e 1920 One Week / tt0011656 MKV e 1920 The Scarecrow / tt0011922 MKV e 1921 Among Those Present / Er auf Fuchsjagd tt0011984 MKV e 1921 The Boat / Wasser hat keine Balken tt0012224 MKV e 1921 The Goat / tt0012253 MKV e 1921 Hard Luck / tt0012255 MKV e 1921 The Haunted House / tt0012278 MKV e 1921 The 'High Sign' / tt0012303 MKV e 1921 I Do / tt0012304 DVD 0 NTSC e 1921 The Idle Class / tt0012304 MKV e 1921 The Idle Class / tt0012349 DVD 0 NTSC e 1921 The Kid / tt0012349 MKV e 1921 The Kid / tt0012499 MKV e 1921 Never Weaken / tt0012512 MKV e 1921 Now or Never / Now or Never tt0012543 MKV e 1922 The Paleface / tt0012570 MKV e 1921 The Play House / tt0012945 MKV e 1922 The Blacksmith / Seines Glückes Schmied tt0013025 MKV e 1922 Cops / Buster und die Polizei tt0013055 MKV e 1922 Day Dreams / tt0013099 MKV e 1922 The Electric House / tt0013158 MKV e 1922 The Frozen North / tt0013201 MKV e 1922 Grandma's Boy / tt0013422 MKV e 1922 My Wife's Relations / tt0013442 MKV D/d 1922 Nosferatu / tt0013486 DVD 0 NTSC e 1922 Pay Day / tt0013486 MKV e 1922 Pay Day / tt0013858 MKV e 1923 The Balloonatic / Buster Keaton im siebenten Himmel tt0014218 MKV e 1923 The Love Nest / tt0014358 DVD 0 NTSC e 1923 The Pilgrim / tt0014358 MKV e 1923 The Pilgrim / tt0014624 DVD 0 NTSC E 1923 A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate / tt0014624 MKV ed 1923 A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate / tt0015324 MKV d 1924 Sherlock Jr. / tt0015864 DVD 0 NTSC E 1925 The Gold Rush / tt0015864 MKV ED/d 1925 The Gold Rush / tt0017136 DVD 2 PAL - 1927 Metropolis / tt0017136 MKV - 1927 Metropolis / tt0017825 MKV d 1927 Downhill / Abwärts tt0018578 DVD 0 NTSC E 1927 Wings / tt0018578 DVD/HD E 1927 Wings / tt0018773 DVD 0 NTSC e 1928 The Circus / Der Zirkus tt0018773 MKV ed 1928 The Circus / Der Zirkus tt0019254 MKV F/d 1928 La passion de Jeanne d'Arc / The Passion of Joan of Arc tt0019415 MKV e 1928 Spione / tt0019415 DVD 1 NTSC e 1928 Spione / tt0019729 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1929 The Broadway Melody / tt0019729 DVD/HD E/e 1929 The Broadway Melody / tt0020629 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1930 All Quiet on the Western Front / Im Westen nichts Neues tt0020629 MKV ED/ed 1930 All Quiet on the Western Front / Im Westen nichts Neues tt0020697 MKV D/d 1930 Der blaue Engel / tt0021165 MKV ED 1930 Murder! / Mord - Sir John greift ein! tt0021746 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1931 Cimarron / Pioniere des wilden Westens tt0021746 DVD/HD E/e 1931 Cimarron / Pioniere des wilden Westens tt0021749 DVD 0 NTSC e 1931 City Lights / Lichter der Großstadt tt0021749 MKV ed 1931 City Lights / Lichter der Großstadt tt0022100 MKV D/e 1931 M / tt0022100 DVD 0 NTSC D/e 1931 M / tt0022958 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1932 Grand Hotel / tt0022958 MKV ED/ed 1932 Grand Hotel / tt0023285 MKV ED/d 1932 Number Seventeen / Number 17 tt0023876 DVD 1 NTSC E 1933 Cavalcade / Kavalkade tt0023876 DVD/HD E 1933 Cavalcade / Kavalkade tt0024216 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1933 King Kong (1933) / tt0024216 MKV ED/ed 1933 King Kong (1933) / tt0025316 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1934 It Happened One Night / tt0025316 MKV ED/ed 1934 It Happened One Night / tt0026029 MKV ED 1935 The 39 Steps / tt0026557 MKV D 1935 Jä-soo! / tt0026752 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1935 Mutiny on the Bounty / tt0026752 DVD/HD ED/ed 1935 Mutiny on the Bounty / tt0027683 AVI/TV D 1936 Glückskinder / tt0027698 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1936 The Great Ziegfeld / tt0027698 DVD/HD E/e 1936 The Great Ziegfeld / tt0027977 DVD 0 NTSC e 1936 Modern Times / tt0027977 MKV ed 1936 Modern Times / tt0028212 MKV ED/d 1936 Sabotage / tt0028950 Blu-ray FD/ed 1937 La Grande Illusion / tt0028950 MKV FD/ed 1937 La Grande Illusion / tt0029146 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1937 The Life of Emile Zola / tt0029146 DVD/HD E/e 1937 The Life of Emile Zola / tt0029583 Blu-ray ED/ed 1937 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs / tt0029583 MKV ED/ed 1937 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs / tt0029811 MKV ED/d 1937 Young and Innocent / Jung und unschuldig tt0029843 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1938 The Adventures of Robin Hood / Die Abenteuer des Robin Hood tt0029843 MKV ED/ed 1938 The Adventures of Robin Hood / Die Abenteuer des Robin Hood tt0029947 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1938 Bringing Up Baby / Leoparden küsst man nicht tt0029947 MKV ED/ed 1938 Bringing Up Baby / Leoparden küsst man nicht tt0030166 AVI/TV D 1938 Füsilier Wipf / tt0030341 MKV ED 1938 The Lady Vanishes / Eine Dame verschwindet tt0030993 Blu-ray ED/ed 1938 You Can't Take It with You / Lebenskünstler tt0030993 MKV ED/ed 1938 You Can't Take It with You / Lebenskünstler tt0031381 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1939 Gone with the Wind / tt0031381 MKV ED/ed 1939 Gone with the Wind / tt0031505 MKV ED/d 1939 Jamaica Inn / Riff-Piraten tt0031679 MKV ED/d 1939 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington / tt0031885 DVD 2 PAL FD 1939 La règle du jeu / Spielregel tt0031885 DVD/HD FD 1939 La règle du jeu / Spielregel tt0031971 MKV ED 1939 Stagecoach / tt0032138 MKV ED/ed 1939 The Wizard of Oz / tt0032138 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1939 The Wizard of Oz / tt0032455 Blu-ray ED/ed 1940 Fantasia / tt0032455 MKV ED/ed 1940 Fantasia / tt0032484 MKV ED/ed 1940 Foreign Correspondent / Der Auslandskorrespondent tt0032551 DVD/HD ED/ed 1940 The Grapes of Wrath / tt0032551 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1940 The Grapes of Wrath / tt0032553 DVD 0 NTSC E 1940 The Great Dictator / Der Grosse Diktator tt0032553 MKV ED/d 1940 The Great Dictator / Der Grosse Diktator tt0032599 MKV ED 1940 His Girl Friday / tt0032599 DVD 2 PAL ED 1940 His Girl Friday / tt0032801 MKV D 1940 Die mißbrauchten Liebesbriefe / tt0032904 DVD/HD ED/ed 1940 The Philadelphia Story / tt0032904 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1940 The Philadelphia Story / tt0032910 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1940 Pinocchio / tt0032910 MKV ED/d 1940 Pinocchio / tt0032976 DVD 1 NTSC E 1940 Rebecca / tt0032976 MKV ED 1940 Rebecca / tt0033467 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1941 Citizen Kane / tt0033467 MKV ED/d 1941 Citizen Kane / tt0033563 Blu-ray ED/ed 1941 Dumbo / tt0033563 MKV ED/ed 1941 Dumbo / tt0033662 DVD/HD/TV CH 1942 Gilberte de Courgenay / tt0033729 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1941 How Green Was My Valley / tt0033729 MKV ED/ed 1941 How Green Was My Valley / tt0033804 MKV ED/ed 1941 The Lady Eve / Die Falschspielerin tt0033870 DVD 2 PAL E/ed 1941 The Maltese Falcon / tt0033870 MKV ED/ed 1941 The Maltese Falcon / tt0034492 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1942 Bambi / tt0034492 MKV ED/ed 1942 Bambi / tt0034583 Blu-ray ED/ed 1942 Casablanca / tt0034583 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1942 Casablanca / tt0034583 MKV ED/ed 1942 Casablanca / tt0035093 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1942 Mrs. Miniver / tt0035093 MKV ED/ed 1942 Mrs. Miniver / tt0035279 DVD/HD ED/ed 1942 Saboteur / tt0035279 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1942 Saboteur / tt0035417 DVD/HD E/ed 1942 The Talk of the Town / tt0035417 DVD 2 PAL E/ed 1942 The Talk of the Town / tt0035446 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1942 To Be or Not to Be / tt0035446 MKV ED/d 1942 To Be or Not to Be / tt0035884 MKV ED/ed 1943 Five Graves to Cairo / Fünf Gräber bis Kairo tt0036112 MKV ED/ed 1943 The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp / tt0036244 MKV ED 1942 The Ox-Bow Incident / Ritt zum Ox-Bow tt0036326 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1942 Saludos Amigos / tt0036326 DVD/HD ED/ed 1942 Saludos Amigos / tt0036342 MKV ED/ed 1943 Shadow of a Doubt / tt0036342 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1943 Shadow of a Doubt / tt0036443 MKV D 1943 Titanic / tt0036613 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1944 Arsenic and Old Lace / Arsen und Spitzenhäubchen tt0036613 DVD/HD E/e 1944 Arsenic and Old Lace / Arsen und Spitzenhäubchen tt0036621 MKV D 1944 Aventure malgache / Landung auf Madagaskar tt0036659 MKV D 1944 Bon Voyage / tt0036775 Blu-ray ED/d 1944 Double Indemnity / tt0036775 MKV ED/d 1944 Double Indemnity / tt0036818 MKV D 1944 Die Feuerzangenbowle / tt0036855 DVD/HD ED/ed 1944 Gaslight / tt0036855 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1944 Gaslight / tt0036868 DVD 1 NTSC E 1946 The Best Years of Our Lives / Die besten Jahre unseres Lebens tt0036868 DVD/HD E 1946 The Best Years of Our Lives / Die besten Jahre unseres Lebens tt0036872 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1944 Going My Way / tt0036872 DVD/HD ED/ed 1944 Going My Way / tt0037017 MKV ED/d 1944 Lifeboat / tt0037674 MKV D/d 1945 Les enfants du paradis / tt0037884 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1945 The Lost Weekend / tt0037884 MKV ED/d 1945 The Lost Weekend / tt0038109 MKV ED 1945 Spellbound / tt0038166 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1944 The Three Caballeros / tt0038166 DVD/HD ED/ed 1944 The Three Caballeros / tt0038559 MKV ED/ed 1946 Gilda / tt0038650 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1946 It's a Wonderful Life / tt0038650 MKV ED/d 1946 It's a Wonderful Life / tt0038718 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1946 Make Mine Music / tt0038718 DVD/HD E/e 1946 Make Mine Music / tt0038733 MKV ED/d 1946 A Matter of Life and Death / Stairway to Heaven tt0038787 DVD 1 NTSC E 1946 Notorious / Berüchtigt tt0038787 MKV ED 1946 Notorious / Berüchtigt tt0039404 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1947 Fun and Fancy Free / tt0039404 DVD/HD ED/ed 1947 Fun and Fancy Free / tt0039416 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1947 Gentleman's Agreement / tt0039416 DVD/HD E/e 1947 Gentleman's Agreement / tt0039628 MKV ED/ed 1947 Miracle on 34th Street / tt0039631 DVD 0 NTSC E 1947 Monsieur Verdoux / tt0039631 MKV ED/d 1947 Monsieur Verdoux / tt0039694 MKV ED 1947 The Paradine Case / tt0040367 MKV E/d 1948 A Foreign Affair / Eine auswärtige Affäre tt0040416 MKV ED/d 1948 Hamlet / tt0040497 DVD/HD FD/d 1949 Jour de fête / tt0040506 MKV ED/ed 1948 Key Largo / tt0040506 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1948 Key Largo / tt0040522 DVD 0 NTSC IE/e 1948 Ladri di biciclette / tt0040522 DVD/HD IE/e 1948 Ladri di biciclette / tt0040522 MKV ID 1948 Ladri di biciclette / tt0040580 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1948 Melody Time / tt0040580 DVD/HD ED/ed 1948 Melody Time / tt0040724 Blu-ray ED/ed 1948 Red River / tt0040724 MKV ED/ed 1948 Red River / tt0040725 MKV ED/d 1948 The Red Shoes / tt0040746 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1948 Rope / tt0040746 MKV ED/ed 1948 Rope / tt0040897 Blu-ray ED/ed 1948 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre / tt0040897 MKV ED/ed 1948 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre / tt0041094 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1949 The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad / Die Abenteuer von Ichabod und Taddäus Kröte tt0041094 DVD/HD ED/ed 1949 The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad / Die Abenteuer von Ichabod und Taddäus Kröte tt0041113 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1949 All the King's Men / Der Mann, der herrschen wollte tt0041113 DVD/HD ED/ed 1949 All the King's Men / Der Mann, der herrschen wollte tt0041452 MKV ED/ed 1949 The Heiress / Die Erbin tt0041546 MKV ED/ed 1949 Kind Hearts and Coronets / Adel verpflichtet tt0041959 DVD 2 PAL E 1949 The Third Man / tt0041959 MKV ED/d 1949 The Third Man / tt0042004 MKV ED/d 1949 Under Capricorn / Sklavin des Herzens tt0042192 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1950 All About Eve / Alles über Eva tt0042192 MKV ED/d 1950 All About Eve / Alles über Eva tt0042332 Blu-ray ED/ed 1950 Cinderella / tt0042332 MKV ED/ed 1950 Cinderella / tt0042546 Blu-ray ED/ed 1950 Harvey / tt0042546 MKV ED/ed 1950 Harvey / tt0042876 Blu-ray J/df 1950 Rashômon / tt0042876 MKV JD/ed 1950 Rashômon / tt0042895 MKV ED/d 1950 Rio Grande / tt0043014 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1950 Sunset Blvd. / Sunset Boulevard tt0043014 MKV ED/ed 1950 Sunset Blvd. / Sunset Boulevard tt0043265 Blu-ray ED 1951 The African Queen / tt0043265 MKV ED 1951 The African Queen / tt0043274 Blu-ray ED/ed 1951 Alice in Wonderland (1951) / Alice im Wunderland tt0043274 MKV ED/ed 1951 Alice in Wonderland (1951) / Alice im Wunderland tt0043278 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1951 An American in Paris / Ein Amerikaner in Paris tt0043278 MKV ED 1951 An American in Paris / Ein Amerikaner in Paris tt0043338 MKV ED/e 1951 Ace in the Hole / Reporter des Satans tt0043456 MKV ED/d 1951 The Day the Earth Stood Still / Der Tag, an dem die Erde stillstand tt0043627 AVI/TV D 1951 Heidelberger Romanze / tt0043686 MKV FD/efd 1952 Jeux interdits / Forbidden Games - Verbotene Spiele tt0043918 MKV ID/d 1952 Don Camillo / tt0043918 DVD 2 PAL ID/d 1952 Don Camillo / tt0043924 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1951 A Place in the Sun / tt0043924 MKV ED/ed 1951 A Place in the Sun / tt0044079 MKV ED/ed 1951 Strangers on a Train / tt0044079 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1951 Strangers on a Train / tt0044081 Blu-ray ED/ed 1951 A Streetcar Named Desire / tt0044081 MKV ED/ed 1951 A Streetcar Named Desire / tt0044413 MKV ED/ed 1952 Bend of the River / Meuterei am Schlangenfluss tt0044672 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1952 The Greatest Show on Earth / tt0044672 DVD/HD ED/ed 1952 The Greatest Show on Earth / tt0044696 DVD/HD Chd/d 1952 Heidi (1952) / tt0044696 DVD 2 PAL Chd/d 1952 Heidi (1952) / tt0044706 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1952 High Noon / tt0044706 MKV ED/d 1952 High Noon / tt0044837 DVD 0 NTSC E 1952 Limelight / tt0044837 MKV ED/d 1952 Limelight / tt0045081 MKV D/d 1953 Le retour de Don Camillo / Don Camillos Rückkehr tt0045152 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1952 Singin' in the Rain / tt0045152 MKV ED/ed 1952 Singin' in the Rain / tt0045793 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1953 From Here to Eternity / tt0045793 MKV ED/ed 1953 From Here to Eternity / tt0045883 MKV ED/ed 1953 Hondo / tt0045891 MKV ED/ed 1953 How to Marry a Millionaire / tt0046126 MKV ED/ed 1953 Niagara / tt0046126 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1953 Niagara / tt0046183 Blu-ray ED/ed 1953 Peter Pan / tt0046183 MKV ED/ed 1953 Peter Pan / tt0046250 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1953 Roman Holiday / tt0046250 MKV ED/ed 1953 Roman Holiday / tt0046268 MKV FD/ed 1953 Le salaire de la peur / Lohn der Angst tt0046487 DVD/HD FD/d 1953 Vacances de Monsieur Hulot, Les / tt0046754 MKV ED/d 1954 The Barefoot Contessa / Die barfüssige Gräfin tt0046912 MKV ED/ed 1954 Dial M for Murder / tt0047004 MP4/TV ChD 1954 Frühlingslied / 's Vreneli vom Eggisberg tt0047296 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1954 On the Waterfront / tt0047296 MKV ED/ed 1954 On the Waterfront / tt0047396 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1954 Rear Window / Fenster zum Hof, Das tt0047396 MKV ED/ed 1954 Rear Window / Fenster zum Hof, Das tt0047422 DVD/HD ED/ed 1954 River of No Return / tt0047422 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1954 River of No Return / tt0047437 MKV ED/ed 1954 Sabrina (1954) / tt0047437 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1954 Sabrina (1954) / tt0047478 Blu-ray JD/e 1954 Shichinin No Samurai / Seven Samurai tt0047478 MKV JD/e 1954 Shichinin No Samurai / Seven Samurai tt0047522 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1954 A Star Is Born / tt0047522 DVD/HD ED/ed 1954 A Star Is Born / tt0047528 DVD 2 PAL I/d 1954 La Strada / tt0047528 MKV ID/d 1954 La Strada / tt0047629 DVD/HD/TV CH 1954 Uli, der Knecht / tt0047985 MKV ED/ed 1955 The Desperate Hours / An einem Tag wie jeder andere tt0048002 MKV D/d 1955 Don Camillo e l'on. Peppone / Die große Schlacht des Don Camillo tt0048014 MKV D 1955 Drei Männer im Schnee / tt0048152 DVD/HD/TV Ch 1955 Heidi und Peter / tt0048280 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1955 Lady and the Tramp / tt0048280 MKV ED/ed 1955 Lady and the Tramp / tt0048281 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1955 The Ladykillers / tt0048281 MKV ED/ed 1955 The Ladykillers / tt0048356 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1955 Marty / tt0048356 DVD/HD ED/d 1955 Marty / tt0048424 MKV ED/ed 1955 The Night of the Hunter / The Night of the Hunter tt0048434 MKV D/e 1956 Nuit et brouillard / Night and Fog tt0048502 MKV Ch 1956 Polizischt Wäckerli / tt0048545 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1955 Rebel Without a Cause / tt0048545 MKV ED/ed 1955 Rebel Without a Cause / tt0048605 MKV ED/ed 1955 The Seven Year Itch / tt0048624 MKV D/d 1955 Sissi / tt0048728 MKV ED/ed 1955 To Catch a Thief / tt0048728 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1955 To Catch a Thief / tt0048750 DVD/HD ED/ed 1955 The Trouble with Harry / tt0048750 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1955 The Trouble with Harry / tt0048758 AVI/TV D 1955 Uli, der Pächter / tt0048801 DVD/HD ED/ed 1955 We're No Angels / tt0048801 MKV ED/e 1955 We're No Angels / tt0048960 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1956 Around the World in Eighty Days / In 80 Tagen um die Welt tt0048960 DVD/HD ED/ed 1956 Around the World in Eighty Days / In 80 Tagen um die Welt tt0049038 MKV ED/ed 1956 Bus Stop / tt0049038 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1956 Bus Stop / tt0049096 MKV ED/ed 1955 The Court Jester / Der Hofnarr tt0049096 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1955 The Court Jester / Der Hofnarr tt0049223 MKV ED/d 1956 Forbidden Planet / tt0049261 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1956 Giant / Giganten tt0049261 MKV ED/ed 1956 Giant / Giganten tt0049314 MKV ED/ed 1956 High Society / tt0049314 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1956 High Society / tt0049366 MKV ED/d 1956 Invasion of the Body Snatchers / tt0049366 DVD 1 NTSC E/ef 1956 Invasion of the Body Snatchers / tt0049406 MKV ED/d 1956 The Killing / Die Rechnung ging nicht auf tt0049470 MKV ED/ed 1955 The Man Who Knew Too Much / tt0049470 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1955 The Man Who Knew Too Much / tt0049566 AVI D 1956 Oberstadtgass / tt0049730 Blu-ray ED/ed 1956 The Searchers / tt0049730 MKV ED/ed 1956 The Searchers / tt0049762 MKV D/d 1956 Sissi: Die junge Kaiserin (1956) / tt0049876 MKV D/d 1956 The Trapp Family / tt0049877 AVI/TV D 1956 La traversée de Paris / tt0049934 MKV ED/ed 1956 War and Peace / tt0049934 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1956 War and Peace / tt0050083 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1957 12 Angry Men / Die 12 Geschworenen tt0050083 MKV ED/ed 1957 12 Angry Men / Die 12 Geschworenen tt0050105 MKV ED/ed 1957 An Affair to Remember / Die grosse Liebe meines Lebens tt0050179 DVD/HD D 1957 Die Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull / tt0050179 DVD 2 PAL D 1957 Die Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull / tt0050212 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1957 The Bridge on the River Kwai / Die Brücke am Kwai tt0050212 MKV ED/ed 1957 The Bridge on the River Kwai / Die Brücke am Kwai tt0050219 DVD/HD/TV CH 1957 Bäckerei Zürrer / tt0050419 MKV ED/ed 1957 Funny Face / Ein süsser Fratz tt0050419 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1957 Funny Face / Ein süsser Fratz tt0050556 MKV ED 1957 Jailhouse Rock / tt0050598 DVD 0 NTSC E 1957 A King in New York / tt0050598 MKV ED/d 1957 A King in New York / tt0050658 MKV ED/ed 1957 Love in the Afternoon / Ariane - Liebe am Nachmittag tt0050706 DVD/HD F 1958 Mon oncle / tt0050706 DVD 2 PAL F 1958 Mon oncle / tt0050783 MKV ID/ed 1957 Le Notti di Cabiria / tt0050825 Blu-ray ED/ed 1957 Paths of Glory / Wege zum Ruhm tt0050825 MKV ED/ed 1957 Paths of Glory / Wege zum Ruhm tt0050935 MKV D 1958 Scampolo / tt0050974 MKV D/d 1957 Sissi: Schicksalsjahre einer Kaiserin (1957) / tt0050976 MKV D/d 1957 Det sjunde inseglet / Das Siebente Siegel tt0050986 MKV SwD/d 1957 Smultronstället / Wild Strawberries tt0050986 DVD 2 PAL SwD/d 1957 Smultronstället / Wild Strawberries tt0051036 DVD/HD ED/ed 1957 Sweet Smell of Success / tt0051036 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1957 Sweet Smell of Success / tt0051200 DVD/HD D 1958 Das Wirtshaus im Spessart / tt0051200 DVD 2 PAL D 1958 Das Wirtshaus im Spessart / tt0051201 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1957 Witness for the Prosecution / tt0051201 MKV ED/e 1957 Witness for the Prosecution / tt0051411 MKV ED/d 1958 The Big Country / Weites Land tt0051459 MKV ED/ed 1958 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof / Die Katze auf dem heissen Blechdach tt0051525 MKV ED/d 1958 The Defiant Ones / tt0051588 MKV D/d 1958 Es geschah am hellichten Tag / tt0051588 DVD 2 PAL D/d 1958 Es geschah am hellichten Tag / tt0051622 MKV ED/ed 1958 The Fly / tt0051658 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1958 Gigi / tt0051658 DVD/HD ED/ed 1958 Gigi / tt0051745 MKV ED 1958 Houseboat / tt0051835 DVD/HD/TV CH 1958 Die Käserei in der Vehfreude / tt0052151 MKV ED/ed 1958 Run Silent Run Deep / tt0052311 MKV ED/ed 1958 Touch of Evil / tt0052357 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1958 Vertigo / tt0052357 MKV ED/ed 1958 Vertigo / tt0052400 MKV D/d 1958 Wir Wunderkinder / tt0052400 DVD 2 PAL D/d 1958 Wir Wunderkinder / tt0052561 MKV ED/ed 1959 Anatomy of a Murder / Anatomie eines Mordes tt0052618 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1959 Ben-Hur / Ben Hur tt0052618 MKV ED/ed 1959 Ben-Hur / Ben Hur tt0052654 MKV D/d 1959 Die Brücke / tt0052918 Blu-ray ED/ed 1959 Imitation of Life / tt0052918 MKV ED/ed 1959 Imitation of Life / tt0052948 MKV ED/ed 1959 Journey to the Center of the Earth / Journey to the Center of the Earth tt0053125 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1959 North by Northwest / tt0053125 MKV ED/d 1959 North by Northwest / tt0053172 MKV ED/ed 1959 Pillow Talk / tt0053172 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1959 Pillow Talk / tt0053198 Blu-ray FD/d 1959 Les quatre cents coups / 400 Blows, The tt0053198 MKV FD/d 1959 Les quatre cents coups / 400 Blows, The tt0053221 Blu-ray ED/ed 1959 Rio Bravo / tt0053221 MKV ED/ed 1959 Rio Bravo / tt0053285 Blu-ray ED/d 1959 Sleeping Beauty / tt0053285 MKV ED/d 1959 Sleeping Beauty / tt0053291 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1959 Some Like It Hot / tt0053291 MKV ED/ed 1959 Some Like It Hot / tt0053604 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1960 The Apartment / Das Appartement tt0053604 MKV ED/d 1960 The Apartment / Das Appartement tt0053779 Blu-ray ID/d 1960 La dolce vita / tt0053779 MKV ID/d 1960 La dolce vita / tt0053783 MKV D 1960 Der Teufel hat gut lachen / The Devil May Well Laugh tt0053946 MKV ED 1960 Inherit the Wind / tt0053976 MKV D/d 1960 Jungfrukällan / The Virgin Spring tt0054022 DVD/HD ED/e 1960 Let's Make Love / Machen wir's in Liebe tt0054022 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1960 Let's Make Love / Machen wir's in Liebe tt0054033 DVD/HD E 1960 The Little Shop of Horrors / tt0054033 DVD 2 PAL E 1960 The Little Shop of Horrors / tt0054047 Blu-ray ED/ed 1960 The Magnificent Seven / Glorreichen Sieben, Die tt0054047 MKV ED/ed 1960 The Magnificent Seven / Glorreichen Sieben, Die tt0054135 DVD/HD ED/ed 1960 Ocean's Eleven / tt0054135 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1960 Ocean's Eleven / tt0054198 DVD/HD GrESp/efsp 1960 Pote tin Kyriaki / Never on Sunday tt0054198 DVD 1 NTSC GrESp/efsp 1960 Pote tin Kyriaki / Never on Sunday tt0054215 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1960 Psycho / tt0054215 MKV ED/ed 1960 Psycho / tt0054248 MKV ID/d 1960 Rocco e i suoi fratelli / Rocco and His Brothers tt0054331 MKV ED/ed 1960 Spartacus / tt0054331 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1960 Spartacus / tt0054337 DVD/HD D 1960 Das Spukschloß im Spessart / tt0054337 DVD 2 PAL D 1960 Das Spukschloß im Spessart / tt0054387 MKV ED/ed 1960 The Time Machine / tt0054407 MKV D/d 1960 Le trou / Das Loch tt0054428 DVD/HD ED/ed 1960 The Unforgiven / Denen man nicht vergibt tt0054428 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1960 The Unforgiven / Denen man nicht vergibt tt0054698 MKV ED/ed 1961 Breakfast at Tiffany's / Frühstück bei Tiffany tt0054698 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1961 Breakfast at Tiffany's / Frühstück bei Tiffany tt0054743 MKV ED/d 1961 The Children's Hour / Infam tt0054781 AVI/TV D 1962 Es Dach überem Chopf / tt0054814 MKV D/d 1961 Don Camillo monsignore... ma non troppo / Hochwürden Don Camillo tt0054997 MKV ED/d 1961 The Hustler / tt0055031 MKV ED/d 1961 Judgment at Nuremberg / Das Urteil von Nürnberg tt0055032 MKV FD/d 1962 Jules et Jim / tt0055032 DVD 2 PAL FD/d 1962 Jules et Jim / tt0055184 MKV ED/d 1961 The Misfits / tt0055254 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1961 One Hundred and One Dalmatians / tt0055254 MKV ED/de 1961 One Hundred and One Dalmatians / tt0055256 MKV ED/ed 1961 One, Two, Three / One, Two, Three tt0055614 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1961 West Side Story / tt0055614 MKV ED/ed 1961 West Side Story / tt0055928 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1962 Dr. No / James Bond 01 tt0055928 MKV ED/ed 1962 Dr. No / James Bond 01 tt0056059 MKV ED/ed 1962 Hatari! / tt0056156 MKV D 1962 Der 42. Himmel / tt0056172 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1962 Lawrence of Arabia / tt0056172 MKV ED/ed 1962 Lawrence of Arabia / tt0056197 MKV ED/ed 1962 The Longest Day / tt0056217 MKV ED/ed 1962 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance / tt0056217 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1962 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance / tt0056218 MKV ED/ed 1962 The Manchurian Candidate / tt0056218 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1962 The Manchurian Candidate / tt0056452 MKV ED/ed 1962 Der Schatz im Silbersee / Winnetou 01 tt0056575 MKV ED/d 1962 That Touch of Mink / tt0056592 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1962 To Kill a Mockingbird / tt0056592 MKV ED/ed 1962 To Kill a Mockingbird / tt0056626 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1962 Two for the Seesaw / tt0056626 DVD/HD ED/ed 1962 Two for the Seesaw / tt0056687 MKV ED/ed 1962 What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? / tt0056801 Blu-ray ID/d 1963 8½ / tt0056801 MKV ID/d 1963 8½ / tt0056868 DVD/HD E 1963 Billy Liar / Geliebter Spinner tt0056868 DVD 2 PAL E 1963 Billy Liar / Geliebter Spinner tt0056869 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1963 The Birds / Die Vögel tt0056869 MKV ED/ed 1963 The Birds / Die Vögel tt0056923 MKV ED/d 1963 Charade / tt0056923 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1963 Charade / tt0056937 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1963 Cleopatra / tt0056937 MKV ED/ed 1963 Cleopatra / tt0057012 MKV ED/ed 1964 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb / tt0057076 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1963 From Russia with Love / James Bond 02 tt0057076 MKV ED/d 1963 From Russia with Love / James Bond 02 tt0057091 MKV ID/d 1963 Il gattopardo / Leopard, The tt0057115 MKV ED/ed 1963 The Great Escape / tt0057172 MKV D 1963 Im Parterre links / Ground Floor to the Left tt0057187 MKV ED/ed 1963 Irma la Douce / tt0057187 DVD 1 NTSC E 1963 Irma la Douce / tt0057193 MKV ED 1963 It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World / Eine total total verrückte Welt tt0057344 MKV D 1963 Mélodie en sous-sol / Any Number Can Win tt0057358 MKV D/d 1963 Nattvardsgästerna / Winter Light - Licht im Winter tt0057380 MKV D 1964 Old Shatterhand / Winnetou 03 tt0057427 MKV EDF/edf 1962 Le procès / The Trial tt0057546 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1963 The Sword in the Stone / tt0057546 MKV ED/ed 1963 The Sword in the Stone / tt0057590 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1963 Tom Jones / tt0057590 DVD/HD ED/ed 1963 Tom Jones / tt0057687 MKV ED/d 1963 Winnetou - 1. Teil / Winnetou 02 tt0058092 MKV ED/d 1964 Father Goose / tt0058150 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1964 Goldfinger / James Bond 03 tt0058150 MKV ED/d 1964 Goldfinger / James Bond 03 tt0058182 Blu-ray ED/d 1964 A Hard Day's Night / tt0058182 MKV ED/d 1964 A Hard Day's Night / tt0058265 MKV ED/d 1964 Kiss Me, Stupid / Küss mich, Dummkopf tt0058324 DVD/HD ED/ed 1964 Man's Favorite Sport? / tt0058324 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1964 Man's Favorite Sport? / tt0058329 DVD/HD ED/ed 1964 Marnie / tt0058329 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1964 Marnie / tt0058331 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1964 Mary Poppins / tt0058331 MKV ED/ed 1964 Mary Poppins / tt0058385 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1964 My Fair Lady / tt0058385 MKV ED/ed 1964 My Fair Lady / tt0058461 MKV ED/ed 1964 A Fistful of Dollars / tt0058709 MKV ED/ed 1964 Unter Geiern / Winnetou 05 tt0058751 MKV ED/d 1964 Winnetou - 2. Teil / Winnetou 04 tt0058977 MKV ED/ed 1966 Blindfold / New York Express tt0059049 MKV D/d 1965 Il compagno Don Camillo / Genosse Don Camillo tt0059113 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1965 Doctor Zhivago / tt0059113 MKV ED/d 1965 Doctor Zhivago / tt0059183 MKV ED/ed 1965 The Flight of the Phoenix / tt0059243 MKV ED/e 1965 The Great Race / Das grosse Rennen rund um die Welt tt0059399 DVD/HD EF/ef 1965 Lord Jim / tt0059399 DVD 1 NTSC EF/ef 1965 Lord Jim / tt0059538 MKV ED/ed 1965 Old Surehand / Winnetou 08 tt0059578 MKV ED/ed 1965 For a Few Dollars More / Per qualche dollaro in più tt0059742 DVD 2 PAL E/e 1965 The Sound of Music / tt0059742 MKV ED/d 1965 The Sound of Music / tt0059800 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1965 Thunderball / James Bond 04 tt0059800 MKV ED/ed 1965 Thunderball / James Bond 04 tt0059915 MKV ED/d 1965 Winnetou - 3. Teil / Winnetou 07 tt0059958 MKV ED/d 1965 Der Ölprinz / Winnetou 06 tt0060107 MKV Ru/d 1966 Andrey Rublyov / Andrej Rubljow tt0060196 Blu-ray ED/ed 1966 Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo. / The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Zwei glorreiche Halunken tt0060196 MKV ED/ed 1966 Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo. / The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Zwei glorreiche Halunken tt0060315 MKV ID/d 1966 Django / tt0060424 MKV ED/d 1966 The Fortune Cookie / tt0060522 MKV D 1966 How to Steal a Million / tt0060665 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1966 A Man for All Seasons / tt0060665 MKV ED/ed 1966 A Man for All Seasons / tt0060827 MKV D/d 1966 Persona / tt0061107 DVD/HD ED/ed 1966 Torn Curtain / tt0061107 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1966 Torn Curtain / tt0061184 MKV ED/d 1966 Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? / tt0061197 MKV ED/d 1966 Winnetou und das Halbblut Apanatschi / Winnetou 09 tt0061198 MKV ED/d 1966 Winnetou und sein Freund Old Firehand / Winnetou 10 tt0061343 DVD/HD F 1968 Alexandre le bienheureux / Alexandre, der glückselige Träumer tt0061343 DVD 2 PAL F 1968 Alexandre le bienheureux / Alexandre, der glückselige Träumer tt0061385 MKV ED/ed 1967 Barefoot in the Park / Barfuss im Park tt0061395 MKV FD/d 1967 Belle de jour / Belle de jour - Schöne des Tages tt0061395 Blu-ray FD/d 1967 Belle de jour / Belle de jour - Schöne des Tages tt0061418 MKV ED/ed 1967 Bonnie and Clyde / Bonnie und Clyde tt0061418 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1967 Bonnie and Clyde / Bonnie und Clyde tt0061452 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1967 Casino Royale / tt0061512 MKV ED/d 1967 Cool Hand Luke / Der Unbeugsame tt0061523 MKV ED/ed 1967 A Countess from Hong Kong / Die Gräfin von Hongkong tt0061619 MKV ED/ed 1966 El Dorado / tt0061722 Blu-ray ED/ed 1967 The Graduate / tt0061722 MKV ED/ed 1967 The Graduate / tt0061735 MKV ED/ed 1967 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner / tt0061811 DVD 1 NTSC EF/ef 1967 In the Heat of the Night / tt0061811 MKV ED/ed 1967 In the Heat of the Night / tt0061852 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1967 The Jungle Book / tt0061852 MKV ED/ed 1967 The Jungle Book / tt0062136 DVD/HD FD/d 1967 Play Time / tt0062512 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1967 You Only Live Twice / James Bond 05 tt0062512 MKV ED/ed 1967 You Only Live Twice / James Bond 05 tt0062622 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1968 2001: A Space Odyssey / Odyssee im Weltraum tt0062622 MKV ED/ed 1968 2001: A Space Odyssey / Odyssee im Weltraum tt0062994 MKV ED/ed 1968 Funny Girl / tt0063385 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1968 Oliver! / tt0063385 MKV ED/ed 1968 Oliver! / tt0063442 MKV ED/d 1968 Planet of the Apes / tt0063462 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1967 The Producers / tt0063462 MKV ED/ed 1967 The Producers / tt0063522 Blu-ray ED/ed 1968 Rosemary's Baby / tt0063522 MKV ED/ed 1968 Rosemary's Baby / tt0063688 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1968 The Thomas Crown Affair / Thomas Crown ist nicht zu fassen tt0063688 MKV ED/ed 1968 The Thomas Crown Affair / Thomas Crown ist nicht zu fassen tt0063818 MKV D 1968 Winnetou und Shatterhand im Tal der Toten / Winnetou 11 tt0064115 DVD/HD ED/ed 1969 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid / Butch Cassidy und Sundance Kid tt0064115 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1969 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid / Butch Cassidy und Sundance Kid tt0064115 MKV ED 1969 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid / Butch Cassidy und Sundance Kid tt0064116 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1969 C'era una volta il West / Once Upon a Time in the West - Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod tt0064116 MKV ED/d 1969 C'era una volta il West / Once Upon a Time in the West - Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod tt0064165 MKV FD/d 1970 Les choses de la vie / Die Dinge des Lebens tt0064276 MKV ED/ed 1969 Easy Rider / tt0064276 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1969 Easy Rider / tt0064437 MKV ED/e 1970 The Honeymoon Killers / tt0064505 MKV ED/ed 1969 The Italian Job (1969) / tt0064665 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1969 Midnight Cowboy / tt0064665 MKV ED/d 1969 Midnight Cowboy / tt0064757 DVD 2 PAL D/ed 1969 On Her Majesty's Secret Service / James Bond 06 tt0064757 MKV ED/ed 1969 On Her Majesty's Secret Service / James Bond 06 tt0064816 MKV FD/d 1969 La piscine / tt0065112 DVD/HD ED/ed 1969 Topaz / tt0065112 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1969 Topaz / tt0065126 MKV ED/d 1969 True Grit / Der Marshal tt0065207 MKV ED/d 1968 Where Eagles Dare / Agenten sterben einsam tt0065214 MKV ED/ed 1969 The Wild Bunch / Sie kannten kein Gesetz tt0065234 MKV FD/d 1969 Z / Anatomie eines politischen Mordes tt0065421 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1970 The AristoCats / Aristocats tt0065421 MKV ED/ed 1970 The AristoCats / Aristocats tt0065446 AVI D 1970 The Ballad of Cable Hogue / Abgerechnet wird zum Schluss tt0065988 MKV ED/ed 1970 Little Big Man / tt0066026 Blu-ray ED/ed 1970 M*A*S*H / tt0066026 MKV ED/ed 1970 M*A*S*H / tt0066026 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1970 M*A*S*H / tt0066206 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1970 Patton / tt0066206 MKV ED/ed 1970 Patton / tt0066227 MKV D 1970 Pippi Långstrump på de sju haven / tt0066249 MKV ED/e 1970 The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes / Das Privatleben des Sherlock Holmes tt0066265 AVI D 1970 På rymmen med Pippi Långstrump / tt0066769 DVD/HD ED/ed 1971 The Andromeda Strain / Andromeda: Tödlicher Staub aus dem All tt0066769 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1971 The Andromeda Strain / Andromeda: Tödlicher Staub aus dem All tt0066808 MKV ED/ed 1971 Bananas / tt0066921 MKV ED/ed 1971 A Clockwork Orange / Uhrwerk Orange tt0066995 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1971 Diamonds Are Forever / James Bond 07 tt0066995 MKV ED/ed 1971 Diamonds Are Forever / James Bond 07 tt0066999 Blu-ray ED/ed 1971 Dirty Harry / Dirty Harry 1 tt0066999 MKV ED/ed 1971 Dirty Harry / Dirty Harry 1 tt0067023 MKV ED/ed 1971 Duel / tt0067023 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1971 Duel / tt0067093 MKV ED/d 1971 Fiddler on the Roof / Anatevka tt0067116 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1971 The French Connection / tt0067116 DVD/HD ED/ed 1971 The French Connection / tt0067185 MKV ED/ed 1971 Harold and Maude / tt0067185 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1971 Harold and Maude / tt0067328 Blu-ray ED/ed 1971 The Last Picture Show / tt0067328 MKV ED/ed 1971 The Last Picture Show / tt0067355 MKV ID/d 1970 Lo chiamavano Trinità... / Die rechte und die linke Hand des Teufels tt0067588 MKV ED/ed 1971 Play Misty for Me / Sadistico tt0067800 AVI ED/e 1971 Straw Dogs / tt0067959 MKV ED/d 1971 Walkabout / tt0068240 MKV ED/d 1972 Avanti! / Avanti, Avanti! tt0068309 MKV ED/e 1972 Boxcar Bertha / Die Faust der Rebellen tt0068327 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1972 Cabaret / tt0068327 DVD/HD ED/ed 1972 Cabaret / tt0068441 MKV FD/d 1972 César et Rosalie / Cesar und Rosalie tt0068473 MKV ED/ed 1972 Deliverance / Beim Sterben ist jeder der Erste tt0068555 MKV ED/ed 1972 Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask / Was Sie schon immer über Sex wissen wollten, aber bisher nicht zu fragen wagten tt0068611 MKV ED/ed 1972 Frenzy / tt0068611 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1972 Frenzy / tt0068646 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1972 The Godfather / tt0068646 MKV ED/ed 1972 The Godfather / tt0068699 MKV ED/ed 1973 High Plains Drifter / Ein Fremder ohne Namen tt0068762 MKV ED/ed 1972 Jeremiah Johnson / tt0069113 MKV ED/ed 1972 The Poseidon Adventure / Die Höllenfahrt der Poseidon tt0069293 MKV RuD/ed 1972 Solyaris / Solaris tt0069400 DVD/HD FD/d 1971 Trafic / tt0069495 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1972 What's Up, Doc? / tt0069495 MKV ED/d 1972 What's Up, Doc? / tt0069704 MKV ED/d 1973 American Graffiti / tt0069704 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1973 American Graffiti / tt0069762 MKV ED/ed 1973 Badlands / Badlands - Zerschossene Träume tt0069822 MKV ED/ed 1973 Breezy / tt0070047 MKV ED/d 1973 The Exorcist / tt0070130 MKV FD/d 1973 La Grande Bouffe / tt0070215 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1973 Mio nome è Nessuno, Il / Mein Name ist Nobody tt0070215 MKV ED/ed 1973 Mio nome è Nessuno, Il / Mein Name ist Nobody tt0070328 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1973 Live and Let Die / James Bond 08 tt0070328 MKV ED/d 1973 Live and Let Die / James Bond 08 tt0070355 Blu-ray ED/ed 1973 Magnum Force / Dirty Harry 2 tt0070355 MKV ED/ed 1973 Magnum Force / Dirty Harry 2 tt0070379 MKV ED/d 1973 Mean Streets / tt0070379 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1973 Mean Streets / tt0070460 DVD/HD FED/ed 1973 La nuit américaine / tt0070510 MKV ED/ed 1973 Paper Moon / tt0070511 MKV ED/d 1973 Papillon / tt0070608 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1973 Robin Hood / tt0070608 MKV ED/ed 1973 Robin Hood / tt0070666 MKV ED/d 1973 Serpico / tt0070735 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1973 The Sting / Der Clou tt0070735 MKV ED/ed 1973 The Sting / Der Clou tt0070832 MKV D/d 1974 Tri orísky pro Popelku / Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel tt0070832 DVD 2 PAL D 1974 Tri orísky pro Popelku / Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel tt0070903 MKV ED/ed 1973 The Way We Were / tt0070904 MKV D 1973 Welt am Draht / tt0070909 MKV ED/ed 1973 Westworld / tt0071141 MKV D 1974 Angst essen Seele auf / tt0071315 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1974 Chinatown / tt0071315 MKV ED/d 1974 Chinatown / tt0071360 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1974 The Conversation / Der Dialog tt0071360 MKV ED/ed 1974 The Conversation / Der Dialog tt0071524 MKV ED 1974 The Front Page / Extrablatt tt0071562 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1974 The Godfather: Part II / tt0071562 MKV ED/d 1974 The Godfather: Part II / tt0071691 MKV D 1974 Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle / Kaspar Hauser tt0071706 MKV ED/e 1974 Juggernaut / 18 Stunden bis zur Ewigkeit tt0071807 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1974 The Man with the Golden Gun / James Bond 09 tt0071807 MKV ED/ed 1974 The Man with the Golden Gun / James Bond 09 tt0071853 MKV ED/ed 1975 Monty Python and the Holy Grail / tt0072226 MKV ED/ed 1974 The Sugarland Express / tt0072320 MKV FD/d 1974 Le trio infernal / tt0072431 MKV ED/ed 1974 Young Frankenstein / Frankenstein Junior tt0072684 MKV ED/d 1975 Barry Lyndon / tt0072890 MKV ED/d 1975 Dog Day Afternoon / Hundstage tt0072926 MKV ED/ed 1975 The Eiger Sanction / Im Auftrag des Drachen tt0073036 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1975 Genio, due compari, un pollo, Un / Nobody ist der Grösste tt0073036 MKV ED/ed 1975 Genio, due compari, un pollo, Un / Nobody ist der Grösste tt0073155 MKV FD/d 1975 L'important c'est d'aimer / That Most Important Thing: Love tt0073195 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1975 Jaws / Der Heisse Hai tt0073195 MKV ED/d 1975 Jaws / Der Heisse Hai tt0073312 MKV ED/ed 1975 Love and Death / Die letzte Nacht des Boris Gruschenko tt0073440 DVD/HD E/e 1975 Nashville / tt0073440 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1975 Nashville / tt0073486 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1975 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest / tt0073486 MKV ED/ed 1975 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest / tt0073540 MKV ED/d 1975 Picnic at Hanging Rock / tt0073802 MKV ED/d 1975 Three Days of the Condor / tt0073802 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1975 Three Days of the Condor / tt0074119 MKV ED/d 1976 All the President's Men / Alle Männer des Präsidenten tt0074119 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1976 All the President's Men / Alle Männer des Präsidenten tt0074285 MKV ED/ed 1976 Carrie / Carrie: Des Satans jüngste Tochter tt0074285 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1976 Carrie / Carrie: Des Satans jüngste Tochter tt0074483 Blu-ray ED/ed 1976 The Enforcer / Dirty Harry 3 tt0074483 MKV ED/ed 1976 The Enforcer / Dirty Harry 3 tt0074512 DVD/HD ED/ed 1976 Family Plot / tt0074512 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1976 Family Plot / tt0074695 MKV ED/ed 1977 Cross of Iron / Steiner - Das Eiserne Kreuz tt0074937 MKV ED/ed 1976 Murder by Death / Eine Leiche zum Dessert tt0074958 MKV ED/d 1976 Network / tt0075029 MKV ED/d 1976 The Outlaw Josey Wales / Der Texaner tt0075148 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1976 Rocky / tt0075148 MKV ED/ed 1976 Rocky / tt0075213 MKV ED 1976 The Shootist / tt0075314 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1976 Taxi Driver / tt0075314 MKV ED/d 1976 Taxi Driver / tt0075675 MKV ED/d 1977 Der amerikanische Freund / tt0075686 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1977 Annie Hall / Der Stadtneurotiker tt0075686 MKV ED/ed 1977 Annie Hall / Der Stadtneurotiker tt0075784 MKV ED/ed 1977 A Bridge Too Far / Die Brücke von Arnheim tt0075784 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1977 A Bridge Too Far / Die Brücke von Arnheim tt0075824 MKV FD/ed 1977 Cet obscur objet du désir / Dieses obskure Objekt der Begierde tt0075860 MKV ED/ed 1977 Close Encounters of the Third Kind / Die unheimliche Begegnung der 3. Art tt0075860 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1977 Close Encounters of the Third Kind / Die unheimliche Begegnung der 3. Art tt0076070 MKV ED/ed 1977 The Gauntlet / Der Mann, der niemals aufgibt tt0076363 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1977 The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh / tt0076363 MKV ED/ed 1977 The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh / tt0076451 MKV ED/ed 1977 New York, New York / New York, New York tt0076618 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1977 The Rescuers / Bernard und Bianca tt0076618 MKV ED/ed 1977 The Rescuers / Bernard und Bianca tt0076666 DVD/HD ED/ed 1977 Saturday Night Fever / tt0076666 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1977 Saturday Night Fever / tt0076752 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1977 The Spy Who Loved Me / James Bond 10 tt0076752 MKV ED/ed 1977 The Spy Who Loved Me / James Bond 10 tt0076759 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1977 Star Wars / tt0076759 DVD/HD ED/ed 1977 Star Wars / Remastered tt0076759 DVD/HD ED/ed 1977 Star Wars / Original tt0076759 MKV ED/ed 1977 Star Wars / tt0076886 DVD 2 PAL I/e 1978 Violanta / tt0077025 MKV ED/d 1978 Holocaust / Die Geschichte der Familie Weiss tt0077355 MKV ED/ed 1978 Coma / tt0077405 MKV ED/ed 1978 Days of Heaven / tt0077416 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1978 The Deer Hunter / tt0077416 MKV ED/ed 1978 The Deer Hunter / tt0077539 MKV ED 1978 Fedora / tt0077711 MKV D/d 1978 Höstsonaten / tt0077838 MKV E/d 1978 The Last Waltz / The Band tt0078212 MKV D/d 1978 Die Schweizermacher / tt0078718 MKV ED/ed 1979 ...and justice for all. / Und Gerechtigkeit für alle tt0078723 MKV ED/ed 1979 1941 / tt0078748 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1979 Alien / Alien: Das unheimliche Wesen aus einer fremden Welt tt0078748 MKV ED/d 1979 Alien / Alien: Das unheimliche Wesen aus einer fremden Welt tt0078788 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1979 Apocalypse Now / tt0078788 MKV ED/ed 1979 Apocalypse Now / tt0078875 MKV D/d 1979 Die Blechtrommel / tt0078875 DVD 2 PAL D/d 1979 Die Blechtrommel / tt0078966 MKV ED/ed 1979 The China Syndrome / Das China-Syndrom tt0079116 MKV ED/ed 1979 Escape from Alcatraz / tt0079261 MKV ED/ed 1979 Hair / tt0079261 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1979 Hair / tt0079417 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1979 Kramer vs. Kramer / tt0079417 MKV ED/ed 1979 Kramer vs. Kramer / tt0079470 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1979 Life of Brian / tt0079470 MKV ED/ed 1979 Life of Brian / tt0079522 MKV ED/ed 1979 Manhattan / tt0079522 DVD 1 NTSC E 1979 Manhattan / tt0079574 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1979 Moonraker / James Bond 11 tt0079574 MKV ED/ed 1979 Moonraker / James Bond 11 tt0079672 MKV ED/d 1977 Opening Night / tt0079817 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1979 Rocky II / tt0079817 MKV ED/d 1979 Rocky II / tt0079944 MKV RuD/ed 1979 Stalker / tt0079945 MKV ED/ed 1979 Star Trek: The Motion Picture / Star Trek - Der Film tt0080120 MKV ED/ed 1979 The Warriors / tt0080339 MKV ED/ed 1980 Airplane! / Die unglaubliche Reise in einem verrückten Flugzeug tt0080339 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1980 Airplane! / Die unglaubliche Reise in einem verrückten Flugzeug tt0080388 DVD/HD ED/d 1980 Atlantic City / Atlantic City, USA tt0080388 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1980 Atlantic City / Atlantic City, USA tt0080455 MKV ED/d 1980 The Blues Brothers / tt0080472 MKV ED 1980 Bronco Billy / tt0080474 MKV ED/ed 1980 Brubaker / tt0080678 MKV ED/d 1980 The Elephant Man / tt0080684 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1980 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back / tt0080684 DVD/HD ED/ed 1980 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back / Remastered tt0080684 DVD/HD ED/ed 1980 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back / Original tt0080684 MKV ED/ed 1980 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back / tt0081059 MKV ED 1980 Lion of the Desert / The Lion of the Desert tt0081182 MKV ED 1980 La mort en direct / Death Watch tt0081283 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1980 Ordinary People / tt0081283 MKV ED/ed 1980 Ordinary People / tt0081353 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1980 Popeye / tt0081398 MKV ED/ed 1980 Raging Bull / Wie ein wilder Stier tt0081398 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1980 Raging Bull / Wie ein wilder Stier tt0081505 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1980 The Shining / tt0081505 MKV ED/ed 1980 The Shining / tt0081534 MKV ED/d 1980 Somewhere in Time / Ein tödlicher Traum tt0081554 MKV D 1980 Stardust Memories / tt0081834 MKV ED/d 1985 Das Boot / tt0081933 DVD 2 PAL D 1981 Smurfs / Season 1 (1981) tt0082096 DVD 2 PAL DE/e 1981 Das Boot / tt0082096 MKV D/d 1981 Das Boot / tt0082158 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1981 Chariots of Fire / Die Stunde des Siegers tt0082158 MKV ED/ed 1981 Chariots of Fire / Die Stunde des Siegers tt0082176 MKV D/ed 1981 Christiane F. - Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo / tt0082340 MKV ED/ed 1981 Escape from New York / Klapperschlange, Die tt0082340 Blu-ray ED/ed 1981 Escape from New York / Klapperschlange, Die tt0082342 MKV D 1982 Espion, lève-toi / Der Maulwurf tt0082398 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1981 For Your Eyes Only / James Bond 12 tt0082398 MKV ED/d 1981 For Your Eyes Only / James Bond 12 tt0082406 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1981 The Fox and the Hound / Cap und Capper tt0082406 MKV ED/ed 1981 The Fox and the Hound / Cap und Capper tt0082416 DVD/HD ED/ed 1981 The French Lieutenant's Woman / tt0082416 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1981 The French Lieutenant's Woman / tt0082432 MKV ED 1981 Gallipoli / tt0082846 MKV ED/d 1981 On Golden Pond / tt0082971 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1981 Raiders of the Lost Ark / tt0082971 MKV ED/ed 1981 Raiders of the Lost Ark / tt0083390 DVD/HD E/e 1981 Brideshead Revisited / Wiedersehen mit Brideshead tt0083399 DVD/HD ED/ed 1982 Cheers / Season 01 (1982) tt0083399 DVD/HD ED/ed 1982 Cheers / Season 02 (1983) tt0083399 DVD/HD ED/ed 1982 Cheers / Season 03 (1984) tt0083399 DVD/HD ED/ed 1982 Cheers / Season 04 (1985) tt0083399 DVD/HD ED/ed 1982 Cheers / Season 05 (1986) tt0083399 DVD/HD ED/ed 1982 Cheers / Season 06 (1987) tt0083399 DVD/HD ED/ed 1982 Cheers / Season 07 (1988) tt0083399 DVD/HD ED/ed 1982 Cheers / Season 08 (1989) tt0083399 DVD/HD ED/ed 1982 Cheers / Season 09 (1990) tt0083399 DVD/HD ED/ed 1982 Cheers / Season 10 (1991) tt0083399 DVD/HD ED/ed 1982 Cheers / Season 11 (1992) tt0083658 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1982 Blade Runner / Der Blade Runner tt0083658 MKV ED/ed 1982 Blade Runner / Der Blade Runner tt0083833 Blu-ray ED/ed 1982 Diner / tt0083833 MKV ED/ed 1982 Diner / tt0083866 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1982 E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial / tt0083866 MKV ED/ed 1982 E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial / tt0083922 MKV D/d 1982 Fanny och Alexander / tt0083943 MKV ED/d 1982 Firefox / tt0083944 MKV ED/ed 1982 First Blood / tt0083944 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1982 First Blood / tt0083946 MKV ED/e 1982 Fitzcarraldo / tt0083987 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1982 Gandhi / tt0083987 MKV ED/d 1982 Gandhi / tt0084329 MKV ED/ed 1982 A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy / Eine Sommernachts-Sexkomödie tt0084434 DVD/HD ED/ed 1982 An Officer and a Gentleman / tt0084434 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1982 An Officer and a Gentleman / tt0084602 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1982 Rocky III / tt0084602 MKV ED/d 1982 Rocky III / tt0084726 MKV ED/ed 1982 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan / Star Trek II - Der Zorn des Khan tt0084787 MKV ED/ed 1982 The Thing / tt0084805 MKV ED/ed 1982 Tootsie / tt0084805 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1982 Tootsie / tt0084855 MKV ED/ed 1982 The Verdict / tt0084917 MKV ED 1982 The World According to Garp / Garp und wie er die Welt sah tt0085271 MKV/TV ED 1983 Brainstorm / Projekt Brainstorm tt0085276 MKV ED/ed 1983 Breathless / Atemlos tt0085276 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1983 Breathless / Atemlos tt0085404 MKV ED/e 1983 The Day After / Der Tag danach tt0085549 DVD/HD ED/ed 1983 Flashdance / tt0085549 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1983 Flashdance / tt0085794 MKV ED/d 1982 The King of Comedy / tt0085959 MKV ED/ed 1983 The Meaning of Life / tt0085959 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1983 The Meaning of Life / tt0086005 AVI ED/ed 1983 Never Cry Wolf / tt0086005 MKV E/e 1983 Never Cry Wolf / tt0086006 DVD 1 NTSC E 1983 Never Say Never Again / James Bond 00 tt0086006 MKV ED/ed 1983 Never Say Never Again / James Bond 00 tt0086034 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1983 Octopussy / James Bond 13 tt0086034 MKV ED/ed 1983 Octopussy / James Bond 13 tt0086190 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1983 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi / tt0086190 DVD/HD ED/ed 1983 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi / Remastered tt0086190 DVD/HD ED/ed 1983 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi / Original tt0086190 MKV ED/ed 1983 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi / tt0086197 MKV ED/ed 1983 The Right Stuff / Der Stoff aus dem die Helden sind tt0086200 DVD/HD ED/ed 1983 Risky Business / tt0086200 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1983 Risky Business / tt0086250 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1983 Scarface / tt0086250 MKV ED/ed 1983 Scarface / tt0086383 Blu-ray ED/ed 1983 Sudden Impact / Dirty Harry 4 tt0086383 MKV ED/ed 1983 Sudden Impact / Dirty Harry 4 tt0086425 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1983 Terms of Endearment / tt0086425 MKV ED/ed 1983 Terms of Endearment / tt0086541 MKV ED/d 1983 Videodrome / tt0086567 MKV ED/ed 1983 WarGames / tt0086619 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1983 Yentl / tt0086619 DVD/HD ED/ed 1983 Yentl / tt0086667 DVD/HD E/e 1982 The Barchester Chronicles / tt0086855 MKV E/d 1984 André and Wally B. / Die Abenteuer von André und Wally B. tt0086855 MKV ED/ed 1984 André and Wally B. / Die Abenteuer von André und Wally B. tt0086879 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1984 Amadeus / tt0086879 MKV ED/ed 1984 Amadeus / tt0086960 MKV ED/ed 1984 Beverly Hills Cop / Beverly Hills Cop - Ich lös' den Fall auf jeden Fall tt0086960 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1984 Beverly Hills Cop / Beverly Hills Cop - Ich lös' den Fall auf jeden Fall tt0086979 MKV ED/ed 1984 Blood Simple / Blood Simple - Eine mörderische Nacht tt0086993 MKV ED/d 1984 The Bounty / Die Bounty tt0087056 MKV ED/d 1984 A Christmas Carol / Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte tt0087273 DVD/HD D/d 1984 Flußfahrt mit Huhn / tt0087273 DVD 2 PAL D/d 1984 Flußfahrt mit Huhn / tt0087277 MKV ED/ed 1984 Footloose / tt0087277 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1984 Footloose / tt0087469 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1984 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom / tt0087469 MKV ED/ed 1984 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom / tt0087544 MKV JapD/d 1984 Kaze no tani no Naushika / Aus dem Tal der Winde tt0087553 MKV ED/d 1984 The Killing Fields / tt0087803 MKV ED/ed 1984 Nineteen Eighty-Four / tt0087843 MKV ED/ed 1984 Once Upon a Time in America / tt0087843 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1984 Once Upon a Time in America / tt0087884 MKV ED/d 1984 Paris, Texas / tt0087884 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1984 Paris, Texas / tt0087909 MKV ED/d 1985 Phenomena / tt0088170 MKV ED/d 1984 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock / Star Trek III - Auf der Suche nach Mr. Spock tt0088247 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1984 The Terminator / tt0088247 MKV ED/ed 1984 The Terminator / tt0088323 MKV ED/d 1984 Die unendliche Geschichte / Neverending Story tt0088323 Blu-ray ED/d 1984 Die unendliche Geschichte / Neverending Story tt0088559 MKV ED 1985 MacGyver / Season 4 (1988) tt0088559 MKV ED 1985 MacGyver / Season 5 (1989) tt0088559 MKV ED 1985 MacGyver / Season 6 (1990) tt0088559 MKV ED 1985 MacGyver / Season 7 (1991) tt0088559 DVD/HD ED/ed 1985 MacGyver / Season 1 (1985) tt0088559 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1985 MacGyver / Season 1 (1985) tt0088559 DVD/HD ED/ed 1985 MacGyver / Season 2.1 (1986) tt0088559 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1985 MacGyver / Season 2.1 (1986) tt0088559 DVD/HD ED/ed 1985 MacGyver / Season 2.2 (1986) tt0088559 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1985 MacGyver / Season 2.2 (1986) tt0088559 DVD/HD ED/ed 1985 MacGyver / Season 3.1 (1987) tt0088559 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1985 MacGyver / Season 3.1 (1987) tt0088559 DVD/HD ED/ed 1985 MacGyver / Season 3.2 (1987) tt0088559 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1985 MacGyver / Season 3.2 (1987) tt0088583 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1985 North and South / tt0088583 MKV ED/ed 1985 North and South / tt0088680 MKV ED/d 1985 After Hours / Die Zeit nach Mitternacht tt0088763 Blu-ray ED/ed 1985 Back to the Future / Zurück in die Zukunft tt0088763 MKV ED/ed 1985 Back to the Future / Zurück in die Zukunft tt0088814 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1985 The Black Cauldron / Taran und der Zauberkessel tt0088814 DVD/HD ED/ed 1985 The Black Cauldron / Taran und der Zauberkessel tt0088846 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1985 Brazil / tt0088846 MKV ED/ed 1985 Brazil / tt0088847 MKV ED/d 1985 The Breakfast Club / Der Frühstücksclub tt0088939 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1985 The Color Purple / Die Farbe Lila tt0088939 MKV ED/d 1985 The Color Purple / Die Farbe Lila tt0089218 MKV ED/ed 1985 The Goonies / tt0089656 DVD/HD D 1985 Männer... / tt0089656 DVD 2 PAL D 1985 Männer... / tt0089755 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1985 Out of Africa / tt0089755 MKV ED/d 1985 Out of Africa / tt0089767 MKV ED/ed 1985 Pale Rider / tt0089880 DVD/HD ED/ed 1985 Rambo: First Blood Part II / tt0089880 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1985 Rambo: First Blood Part II / tt0089881 MKV JD/d 1985 Ran / tt0089927 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1985 Rocky IV / tt0089927 MKV ED/d 1985 Rocky IV / tt0090264 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1985 A View to a Kill / James Bond 14 tt0090264 MKV ED/ed 1985 A View to a Kill / James Bond 14 tt0090329 MKV ED/ed 1985 Witness / tt0090329 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1985 Witness / tt0090357 MKV ED/ed 1985 Young Sherlock Holmes / Das Geheimnis des verborgenen Tempels tt0090490 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1985 North and South, Book II / tt0090490 MKV ED/ed 1985 North and South, Book II / tt0090555 DVD/HD ED/ed 1986 Crocodile Dundee / Crocodile Dundee - Ein Krokodil zum Küssen tt0090555 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1986 Crocodile Dundee / Crocodile Dundee - Ein Krokodil zum Küssen tt0090605 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1986 Aliens / Aliens: Die Rückkehr tt0090605 MKV ED/d 1986 Aliens / Aliens: Die Rückkehr tt0090610 MKV SD 1986 Alla vi barn i Bullerbyn / Wir Kinder aus Bullerbue tt0090756 MKV ED/ed 1986 Blue Velvet / tt0090756 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1986 Blue Velvet / tt0090830 MKV ED/ed 1986 Children of a Lesser God / Gottes vergessene Kinder tt0090830 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1986 Children of a Lesser God / Gottes vergessene Kinder tt0090863 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1986 The Color of Money / Die Farbe des Geldes tt0090863 MKV ED/ed 1986 The Color of Money / Die Farbe des Geldes tt0090967 DVD 2 PAL E/d 1986 Down by Law / tt0090967 MKV E/d 1986 Down by Law / tt0091064 MKV ED/ed 1986 The Fly / tt0091149 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1986 The Great Mouse Detective / tt0091149 DVD/HD ED/ed 1986 The Great Mouse Detective / tt0091187 MKV ED 1986 Heartbreak Ridge / tt0091203 MKV ED/ed 1986 Highlander / tt0091209 MKV ED/d 1986 The Hitcher / tt0091251 MKV RuD/d 1985 Idi i smotri / Come and See tt0091306 MKV ED 1986 Jumpin'Jack Flash / tt0091396 DVD/HD ED/ed 1986 Legal Eagles / tt0091396 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1986 Legal Eagles / tt0091455 MKV E/d 1986 Luxo Jr. / Die kleine Lampe tt0091455 MKV ED/ed 1986 Luxo Jr. / Die kleine Lampe tt0091480 MKV FD 1986 Manon des sources (1986) / Manons Rache tt0091530 MKV ED/d 1986 The Mission / tt0091557 MKV ED 1986 The Mosquito Coast / tt0091605 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1986 Der Name der Rose / tt0091605 MKV D/d 1986 Der Name der Rose / tt0091605 MKV E/e 1986 Der Name der Rose / tt0091649 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1987 Northanger Abbey (1987) / tt0091670 MKV D/d 1986 Offret / The Sacrifice tt0091763 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1986 Platoon / tt0091763 MKV ED/d 1986 Platoon / tt0091867 MKV ED/d 1985 A Room with a View / tt0091886 MKV ED/d 1986 Salvador / tt0092005 MKV ED/ed 1986 Stand by Me / tt0092007 MKV ED/ed 1986 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home / Star Trek IV - Zurück in die Gegenwart tt0092067 MKV JD/ed 1986 Castle in the Sky / Tenkû no shiro Rapyuta tt0092067 DVD 2 PAL JD/d 1986 Castle in the Sky / Tenkû no shiro Rapyuta tt0092099 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1986 Top Gun / tt0092099 MKV ED/d 1986 Top Gun / tt0092493 DVD/HD ED/ed 1988 Crocodile Dundee II / tt0092493 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1988 Crocodile Dundee II / tt0092563 MKV ED/d 1987 Angel Heart / tt0092593 MKV FD/d 1987 Au revoir les enfants / Auf Wiedersehen, Kinder tt0092593 Blu-ray FD/d 1987 Au revoir les enfants / Auf Wiedersehen, Kinder tt0092644 MKV ED/ed 1987 Beverly Hills Cop II / tt0092644 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1987 Beverly Hills Cop II / tt0092890 MKV ED/d 1987 Dirty Dancing / tt0092890 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1987 Dirty Dancing / tt0092965 MKV ED/ed 1987 Empire of the Sun / tt0093010 MKV ED/ed 1987 Fatal Attraction / tt0093010 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1987 Fatal Attraction / tt0093058 MKV ED/ed 1987 Full Metal Jacket / tt0093105 MKV ED/ed 1987 Good Morning, Vietnam / tt0093105 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1987 Good Morning, Vietnam / tt0093191 MKV D/d 1987 Der Himmel über Berlin / Wings of Desire tt0093209 MKV ED/ed 1987 Hope and Glory / tt0093223 MKV ED 1987 House of Games / tt0093277 MKV ED 1987 Ironweed / tt0093389 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1987 The Last Emperor / tt0093389 MKV ED/d 1987 The Last Emperor / tt0093409 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1987 Lethal Weapon / tt0093409 MKV ED/ed 1987 Lethal Weapon / tt0093428 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1987 The Living Daylights / James Bond 15 tt0093428 MKV ED/ed 1987 The Living Daylights / James Bond 15 tt0093437 MKV ED/ed 1987 The Lost Boys / tt0093512 MKV ED/ed 1987 Maurice / tt0093524 MKV SD 1987 Mer om oss barn i Bullerbyn / Neues von den Kindern aus Bullerbue tt0093773 MKV ED/ed 1987 Predator / tt0093779 MKV ED/ed 1987 The Princess Bride / tt0093818 MKV ED/e 1987 Radio Days / tt0093832 MKV E/d 1987 Red's Dream / Rots Traum tt0093832 MKV ED/ed 1987 Red's Dream / Rots Traum tt0093870 MKV ED/ed 1987 RoboCop / tt0094082 DVD/HD ED/ed 1987 Suspect / tt0094082 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1987 Suspect / tt0094137 DVD/HD ED/ed 1987 3 Men and a Baby / Noch drei Männer, noch ein Baby tt0094137 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1987 3 Men and a Baby / Noch drei Männer, noch ein Baby tt0094226 MKV ED/d 1987 The Untouchables / tt0094226 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1987 The Untouchables / tt0094291 MKV ED/d 1987 Wall Street / tt0094332 MKV ED/ed 1987 The Witches of Eastwick / tt0094332 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1987 The Witches of Eastwick / tt0094336 MKV ED/d 1987 Withnail & I / tt0094336 DVD 2 PAL E 1987 Withnail & I / tt0094608 MKV ED/ed 1988 The Accused / Angeklagt tt0094721 MKV ED/ed 1988 Beetlejuice / tt0094721 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1988 Beetlejuice / tt0094731 MKV ED/ed 1988 Betrayed / Verraten tt0094737 MKV ED/ed 1988 Big / tt0094828 MKV FD/fd 1988 Camille Claudel / tt0094924 MKV ED/ed 1988 Evil Angels / A Cry in the Dark - Ein Schrei in der Dunkelheit tt0094963 Blu-ray ED/ed 1988 The Dead Pool / Dirty Harry 5 tt0094963 MKV ED/ed 1988 The Dead Pool / Dirty Harry 5 tt0094964 MKV ED/ed 1988 Dead Ringers / Die Unzertrennlichen tt0095016 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1988 Die Hard / Stirb Langsam tt0095016 MKV ED/ed 1988 Die Hard / Stirb Langsam tt0095159 MKV ED/ed 1988 A Fish Called Wanda / tt0095159 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1988 A Fish Called Wanda / tt0095174 DVD/HD ED/ed 1988 Frantic / tt0095174 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1988 Frantic / tt0095243 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1988 Gorillas in the Mist: The Story of Dian Fossey / tt0095243 MKV ED/ed 1988 Gorillas in the Mist: The Story of Dian Fossey / tt0095250 MKV D/d 1988 Le grand bleu / The Big Blue tt0095327 MKV JE/ed 1988 Hotaru no haka / Die letzten Glühwürmchen - Grave of the Fireflies tt0095327 MKV JD/d 1988 Hotaru no haka / Die letzten Glühwürmchen - Grave of the Fireflies tt0095497 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1988 The Last Temptation of Christ / tt0095497 MKV ED/ed 1988 The Last Temptation of Christ / tt0095631 MKV ED/ed 1988 Midnight Run (1988) / tt0095638 DVD/HD ED/ed 1988 The Milagro Beanfield War / tt0095638 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1988 The Milagro Beanfield War / tt0095647 MKV ED 1988 Mississippi Burning / tt0095675 DVD/HD SpD/d 1988 Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios / Frauen am Rande des Nervenzusammenbruchs tt0095765 DVD 1 NTSC IE/ie 1989 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso / Cinema Paradiso tt0095765 MKV ID/e 1989 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso / Cinema Paradiso tt0095776 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1988 Oliver And Company / tt0095776 DVD/HD ED/ed 1988 Oliver And Company / tt0095801 MKV ED/ed 1987 Out of Rosenheim / Bagdad Cafe tt0095953 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1988 Rain Man / tt0095953 MKV ED/d 1988 Rain Man / tt0095956 DVD/HD ED/d 1988 Rambo III / tt0095956 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1988 Rambo III / tt0096163 MKV D/d 1988 Spoorloos / The Vanishing - Spurlos verschwunden tt0096273 MKV E/d 1988 Tin Toy / tt0096273 MKV ED/ed 1988 Tin Toy / tt0096283 MKV JpED/ed 1988 Tonari no Totoro / Mein Nachbar Totoro tt0096332 DVD/HD ED/ed 1988 The Unbearable Lightness of Being / tt0096332 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1988 The Unbearable Lightness of Being / tt0096438 MKV ED/ed 1988 Who Framed Roger Rabbit / tt0096438 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1988 Who Framed Roger Rabbit / tt0096639 MKV ED/ed 1989 Lonesome Dove / Weg in die Wildnis tt0096754 DVD/HD ED/ed 1989 The Abyss / Abyss - Abgrund des Todes tt0096754 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1989 The Abyss / Abyss - Abgrund des Todes tt0096794 MKV ED/d 1989 Always / Always - Der Feuerengel von Montana tt0096874 Blu-ray ED/ed 1989 Back to the Future Part II / Zurück in die Zukunft II tt0096874 MKV ED/ed 1989 Back to the Future Part II / Zurück in die Zukunft II tt0096895 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1989 Batman / tt0096895 MKV ED/ed 1989 Batman / tt0096933 DVD/HD ED/ed 1989 Black Rain / tt0096933 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1989 Black Rain / tt0096969 MKV ED/ed 1989 Born on the Fourth of July / Geboren am 4. Juli tt0096969 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1989 Born on the Fourth of July / Geboren am 4. Juli tt0097165 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1989 Dead Poets Society / tt0097165 MKV ED/ed 1989 Dead Poets Society / tt0097216 DVD 2 PAL E/ed 1989 Do the Right Thing / tt0097216 MKV ED/ed 1989 Do the Right Thing / tt0097223 MKV RomD/d 1988 Dom za vesanje / Time of the Gypsies tt0097239 DVD 2 PAL E/e 1989 Driving Miss Daisy / tt0097239 MKV ED/d 1989 Driving Miss Daisy / tt0097322 DVD/HD ED/d 1989 The Fabulous Baker Boys / tt0097322 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1989 The Fabulous Baker Boys / tt0097441 MKV ED/ed 1989 Glory / tt0097499 DVD 1 NTSC E 1989 Henry V / tt0097499 DVD 1 NTSC ED/d 1989 Henry V / tt0097499 DVD/HD ED/d 1989 Henry V / tt0097499 MKV ED 1989 Henry V / tt0097576 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1989 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade / tt0097576 MKV ED/ed 1989 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade / tt0097674 MKV E/d 1989 Knick Knack / Knick Knack tt0097674 MKV ED/ed 1989 Knick Knack / Knick Knack tt0097722 MKV ED 1989 Lean on Me / Der knallharte Prinzipal tt0097733 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1989 Lethal Weapon 2 / tt0097733 MKV ED/ed 1989 Lethal Weapon 2 / tt0097742 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1989 Licence to Kill / James Bond 16 tt0097742 MKV ED/d 1989 Licence to Kill / James Bond 16 tt0097757 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1989 The Little Mermaid / tt0097757 MKV ED/ed 1989 The Little Mermaid / tt0097937 MKV ED/d 1989 My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown / Mein linker Fuss tt0098273 MKV ED/ed 1989 Sea of Love / tt0098273 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1989 Sea of Love / tt0098382 MKV ED/d 1989 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier / Star Trek V - Am Rande des Universums tt0098479 DVD/HD ED/d 1989 Till We Meet Again / Die Champagner-Dynastie tt0098479 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1989 Till We Meet Again / Die Champagner-Dynastie tt0098635 DVD 1 NTSC E 1989 When Harry Met Sally... / tt0098635 MKV ED/d 1989 When Harry Met Sally... / tt0098724 MKV ED/ed 1989 Sex, Lies, and Videotape / tt0098724 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1989 Sex, Lies, and Videotape / tt0098769 MKV ED 1990 The Civil War / Civil War: Der amerikanische Bürgerkrieg tt0098769 DVD 2 PAL ED 1990 The Civil War / Civil War: Der amerikanische Bürgerkrieg tt0098825 MKV ED/ed 1990 House of Cards / tt0098936 MKV ED/ed 1990 Twin Peaks / Season 1 (1990) tt0098936 MKV ED/ed 1990 Twin Peaks / Season 2.1 (1991) tt0098936 MKV ED/ed 1990 Twin Peaks / Season 2.2 (1991) tt0099040 MKV ED/ed 1990 An Angel at My Table / Ein Engel an meiner Tafel tt0099077 Blu-ray ED/ed 1990 Awakenings / Zeit des Erwachens tt0099077 MKV ED/ed 1990 Awakenings / Zeit des Erwachens tt0099088 Blu-ray ED/ed 1990 Back to the Future Part III / Zurück in die Zukunft III tt0099088 MKV ED/ed 1990 Back to the Future Part III / Zurück in die Zukunft III tt0099348 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1990 Dances with Wolves / tt0099348 MKV ED/ed 1990 Dances with Wolves / tt0099422 DVD/HD ED/e 1990 Dick Tracy / tt0099422 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1990 Dick Tracy / tt0099423 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1990 Die Hard 2 / Stirb Langsam 2 tt0099423 MKV ED/ed 1990 Die Hard 2 / Stirb Langsam 2 tt0099487 MKV ED/ed 1990 Edward Scissorhands / tt0099674 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1990 The Godfather: Part III / tt0099674 MKV ED/ed 1990 The Godfather: Part III / tt0099685 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1990 Goodfellas / tt0099685 MKV ED/ed 1990 Goodfellas / tt0099699 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1990 Green Card / tt0099699 DVD/HD ED/ed 1990 Green Card / tt0099699 MKV ED/e 1990 Green Card / tt0099768 MKV ED/ed 1990 Hidden Agenda / Geheimprotokoll tt0099810 MKV ED/ed 1990 The Hunt for Red October / tt0099871 MKV ED/ed 1990 Jacob's Ladder / In der Gewalt des Jenseits tt0099939 MKV ED/ed 1990 King of New York / tt0100046 MKV ED 1990 The Long Walk Home / tt0100150 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1990 Miller's Crossing / tt0100150 MKV ED/d 1990 Miller's Crossing / tt0100157 DVD 1 NTSC E 1990 Misery / tt0100157 MKV ED/d 1990 Misery / tt0100263 DVD 2 PAL FD/d 1990 Nikita / tt0100263 MKV FD/d 1990 Nikita / tt0100404 MKV D/d 1990 Presumed Innocent / Aus Mangel an Beweisen tt0100405 MKV ED/ed 1990 Pretty Woman / tt0100405 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1990 Pretty Woman / tt0100470 MKV D 1990 Reise der Hoffnung / Journey of Hope tt0100477 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1990 The Rescuers Down Under / Bernard und Bianca im Känguruland tt0100477 DVD/HD ED/ed 1990 The Rescuers Down Under / Bernard und Bianca im Känguruland tt0100507 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1990 Rocky V / tt0100507 MKV ED/d 1990 Rocky V / tt0100514 MKV ED/d 1990 The Rookie / Rookie - Der Anfänger tt0100514 MKV ED/d 1990 The Rookie / Rookie - Der Anfänger tt0100928 DVD/HD ED/ed 1990 White Hunter Black Heart / tt0100928 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1990 White Hunter Black Heart / tt0100935 MKV ED/ed 1990 Wild at Heart / tt0100935 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1990 Wild at Heart / tt0101316 DVD/HD ED/ed 1992 L'Amant / Der Liebhaber tt0101316 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1992 L'Amant / Der Liebhaber tt0101410 MKV ED/ed 1991 Barton Fink / tt0101414 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1991 Beauty and the Beast / Die Schöne und das Biest tt0101414 MKV ED/ed 1991 Beauty and the Beast / Die Schöne und das Biest tt0101540 MKV ED/ed 1991 Cape Fear / Kap der Angst tt0101540 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1991 Cape Fear / Kap der Angst tt0101605 MKV ED/d 1991 The Commitments / Die Commitments tt0101605 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1991 The Commitments / Die Commitments tt0101640 MKV ChinD/e 1991 Dà hóng denglong gaogao guà / Rote Laterne tt0101669 DVD/HD ED/ed 1991 Dead Again / tt0101669 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1991 Dead Again / tt0101700 MKV FD/fd 1991 Delicatessen / tt0101700 DVD 2 PAL FD/d 1991 Delicatessen / tt0101765 MKV FD/e 1991 La double vie de Véronique / tt0101921 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1991 Fried Green Tomatoes / tt0101921 MKV ED/d 1991 Fried Green Tomatoes / tt0102050 MKV ED/d 1991 Homo Faber / tt0102057 DVD/HD ED/ed 1991 Hook / tt0102057 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1991 Hook / tt0102138 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1991 JFK / tt0102138 MKV ED/ed 1991 JFK / tt0102266 MKV ED/ed 1991 The Last Boy Scout / tt0102428 DVD/HD ED/d 1991 Meeting Venus / tt0102428 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1991 Meeting Venus / tt0102536 DVD 0 NTSC E/e 1991 Night on Earth / tt0102536 MKV E/d 1991 Night on Earth / tt0102721 MKV ED 1991 Proof / tt0102798 MKV ED/ed 1991 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves / tt0102926 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1991 The Silence of the Lambs / tt0102926 MKV ED/d 1991 The Silence of the Lambs / tt0102975 MKV ED/ed 1991 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country / Star Trek VI - Das unentdeckte Land tt0103064 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day / tt0103064 MKV ED/ed 1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day / tt0103074 MKV ED/d 1991 Thelma and Louise / tt0103074 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1991 Thelma and Louise / tt0103594 DVD 2 PAL E/e 1992 1492: Conquest of Paradise / Die Eroberung des Paradieses tt0103594 MKV ED/d 1992 1492: Conquest of Paradise / Die Eroberung des Paradieses tt0103639 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1992 Aladdin / tt0103639 MKV ED/ed 1992 Aladdin / tt0103644 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1992 Alien 3 / tt0103644 MKV ED/d 1992 Alien 3 / tt0103767 MKV ED 1992 Baraka / tt0103772 MKV ED/d 1992 Basic Instinct / tt0103772 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1992 Basic Instinct / tt0103776 MKV ED/ed 1992 Batman Returns / Batmans Rückkehr tt0103855 MKV ED/ed 1992 The Bodyguard / tt0103855 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1992 The Bodyguard / tt0103874 MKV ED/ed 1992 Dracula / tt0103939 DVD 1 NTSC E 1992 Chaplin / Chaplin - Das Leben der unsterblichen Filmlegende tt0103939 MKV ED/d 1992 Chaplin / Chaplin - Das Leben der unsterblichen Filmlegende tt0103994 Blu-ray SpD/d 1992 Como agua para chocolate / Bittersüsse Schokolade tt0103994 MKV SpD/d 1992 Como agua para chocolate / Bittersüsse Schokolade tt0104036 MKV ED/d 1992 The Crying Game / tt0104070 DVD/HD ED/ed 1992 Death Becomes Her / tt0104070 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1992 Death Becomes Her / tt0104231 DVD/HD ED/ed 1992 Far and Away / tt0104231 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1992 Far and Away / tt0104237 DVD 2 PAL E 1992 Damage / tt0104237 MKV ED/d 1992 Damage / tt0104257 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1992 A Few Good Men / tt0104257 MKV ED/ed 1992 A Few Good Men / tt0104348 MKV ED/ed 1992 Glengarry Glen Ross / tt0104361 MKV ED 1991 A Grand Day Out with Wallace and Gromit / Wallace & Gromit - Alles Käse tt0104361 DVD 2 PAL ED 1991 A Grand Day Out with Wallace and Gromit / Wallace & Gromit - Alles Käse tt0104454 MKV ED/d 1992 Howards End / tt0104454 DVD 2 PAL E/e 1992 Howards End / tt0104466 MKV ED/e 1992 Husbands and Wives / Ehemaenner und Ehefrauen tt0104507 MKV/TV D 1992 Indochine / tt0104691 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1992 The Last of the Mohicans / tt0104691 MKV ED/ed 1992 The Last of the Mohicans / tt0104694 MKV ED/ed 1992 A League of Their Own / tt0104695 MKV ED/e 1992 Leap of Faith / tt0104695 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1992 Leap of Faith / tt0104709 AVI/TV D 1989 Leo Sonnyboy / tt0104714 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1992 Lethal Weapon 3 / tt0104714 MKV ED/ed 1992 Lethal Weapon 3 / tt0104779 MKV ED/d 1992 Bitter Moon / tt0104779 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1992 Bitter Moon / tt0104782 DVD/HD FD/d 1992 Léolo / tt0104782 DVD 2 PAL FD/d 1992 Léolo / tt0104797 MKV ED/d 1992 Malcolm X / tt0104809 DVD 2 PAL D 1993 Ein Mann für jede Tonart / tt0104815 DVD 2 PAL SpD/ed 1992 Mariachi, El / tt0104815 MKV SpD/ed 1992 Mariachi, El / tt0105046 MKV ED/ed 1992 Of Mice and Men / tt0105046 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1992 Of Mice and Men / tt0105112 MKV ED/ed 1992 Patriot Games / tt0105112 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1992 Patriot Games / tt0105151 MKV D 1992 The Player / tt0105159 MKV ED 1992 The Power of One / Im Glanz der Sonne tt0105226 MKV ED 1993 Red Rock West / tt0105236 DVD 2 PAL E/e 1991 Reservoir Dogs / tt0105236 MKV ED/ed 1991 Reservoir Dogs / tt0105265 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1992 A River Runs Through It / tt0105265 MKV ED/ed 1992 A River Runs Through It / tt0105323 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1992 Scent of a Woman / tt0105323 MKV ED/ed 1992 Scent of a Woman / tt0105414 DVD/HD E/e 1992 Single White Female / tt0105414 DVD 2 PAL E/e 1992 Single White Female / tt0105417 MKV ED/ed 1992 Sister Act / tt0105435 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1992 Sneakers / tt0105435 MKV ED/ed 1992 Sneakers / tt0105488 MKV ED/ed 1992 Strictly Ballroom / tt0105488 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1992 Strictly Ballroom / tt0105665 MKV ED/ed 1992 Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me / tt0105695 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1992 Unforgiven / Erbarmungslos tt0105695 MKV ED/ed 1992 Unforgiven / Erbarmungslos tt0106004 DVD/HD ED/ed 1993 Frasier / Season 01 (1993) tt0106004 DVD/HD ED/ed 1993 Frasier / Season 02 (1994) tt0106004 DVD/HD ED/ed 1993 Frasier / Season 03 (1995) tt0106004 DVD/HD ED/ed 1993 Frasier / Season 04 (1996) tt0106004 DVD/HD ED/ed 1993 Frasier / Season 05 (1997) tt0106004 DVD/HD ED/ed 1993 Frasier / Season 06 (1998) tt0106004 DVD/HD ED/ed 1993 Frasier / Season 07 (1999) tt0106004 DVD/HD ED/ed 1993 Frasier / Season 08 (2000) tt0106004 DVD/HD ED/ed 1993 Frasier / Season 09 (2001) tt0106004 DVD/HD ED/ed 1993 Frasier / Season 10 (2002) tt0106004 DVD/HD ED/ed 1993 Frasier / Season 11 (2003) tt0106226 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1993 The Age of Innocence / Zeit der Unschuld tt0106226 MKV ED/ed 1993 The Age of Innocence / Zeit der Unschuld tt0106519 MKV ED/ed 1993 Carlito's Way (1993) / tt0106582 DVD/HD ED/d 1993 Cliffhanger / Cliffhanger - Nur die Starken überleben tt0106582 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1993 Cliffhanger / Cliffhanger - Nur die Starken überleben tt0106673 MKV ED/ed 1993 Dave / tt0106770 MKV ED/ed 1993 Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story / tt0106856 MKV ED/e 1993 Falling Down / tt0106856 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1993 Falling Down / tt0106977 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1993 The Fugitive / tt0106977 MKV ED/ed 1993 The Fugitive / tt0107048 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1993 Groundhog Day / tt0107048 MKV ED/ed 1993 Groundhog Day / tt0107096 DVD/HD ED/ed 1993 Heaven and Earth / tt0107096 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1993 Heaven and Earth / tt0107151 DVD 1 NTSC E 1993 The House of the Spirits / tt0107151 MKV ED/d 1993 The House of the Spirits / tt0107156 DVD/HD ManD/d 1993 Xi yan / Das Hochzeitsbankett tt0107156 DVD 2 PAL ManD/d 1993 Xi yan / Das Hochzeitsbankett tt0107206 MKV ED/ed 1993 In the Line of Fire / tt0107206 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1993 In the Line of Fire / tt0107207 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1993 In the Name of the Father / tt0107207 MKV ED/ed 1993 In the Name of the Father / tt0107209 MKV D 1993 In weiter Ferne, so nah! / Faraway, So Close! tt0107290 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1993 Jurassic Park / tt0107290 MKV ED/ed 1993 Jurassic Park / tt0107302 MKV ED/d 1993 Kalifornia / tt0107302 DVD 1 NTSC E 1993 Kalifornia / tt0107322 MKV ED/d 1993 King of the Hill / König der Murmelspieler tt0107362 MKV ED/d 1993 Last Action Hero / tt0107501 MKV ED/d 1993 The Man Without a Face / tt0107501 DVD 2 PAL E 1993 The Man Without a Face / tt0107507 MKV ED/e 1993 Manhattan Murder Mystery / tt0107507 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1993 Manhattan Murder Mystery / tt0107616 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1993 Much Ado About Nothing / Viel Lärm um nichts tt0107616 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1993 Much Ado About Nothing / Viel Lärm um nichts tt0107616 MKV ED/ed 1993 Much Ado About Nothing / Viel Lärm um nichts tt0107688 MKV ED/ed 1993 The Nightmare Before Christmas / tt0107808 MKV ED/ed 1993 A Perfect World / tt0107818 MKV ED/d 1993 Philadelphia / tt0107822 DVD 1 NTSC E 1993 The Piano / tt0107822 MKV ED/ed 1993 The Piano / tt0107843 DVD/HD ED/ed 1993 Point of No Return / tt0107843 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1993 Point of No Return / tt0107943 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1993 The Remains of the Day / tt0107943 MKV ED/ed 1993 The Remains of the Day / tt0108052 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1993 Schindler's List / tt0108052 MKV ED/ed 1993 Schindler's List / tt0108065 MKV ED/e 1993 Searching for Bobby Fischer / tt0108101 DVD 1 NTSC E 1993 Shadowlands / tt0108101 DVD/HD E 1993 Shadowlands / tt0108122 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1993 Short Cuts / tt0108122 DVD/HD E/e 1993 Short Cuts / tt0108147 MKV ED/ed 1993 Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit / tt0108149 MKV ED/d 1993 Six Degrees of Separation / Das Leben - Ein Sechserpack tt0108160 DVD/HD ED/ed 1993 Sleepless in Seattle / tt0108160 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1993 Sleepless in Seattle / tt0108185 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1993 Sommersby / tt0108185 DVD/HD ED/ed 1993 Sommersby / tt0108185 MKV ED 1993 Sommersby / tt0108265 DVD/HD ED/ed 1993 Swing Kids / tt0108265 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1993 Swing Kids / tt0108330 MKV ED/d 1993 This Boy's Life / Die Geschichte einer Jugend tt0108333 MKV ED/e 1993 The Three Musketeers / tt0108333 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1993 The Three Musketeers / tt0108369 DVD 2 PAL F/e 1993 Tout le monde n'a pas eu la chance d'avoir des parents communistes / tt0108394 MKV FD/d 1993 Trois couleurs: Bleu / tt0108399 MKV ED/d 1993 True Romance / tt0108500 MKV FD/d 1993 Les visiteurs / tt0108550 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1993 What's Eating Gilbert Grape / tt0108550 MKV ED/d 1993 What's Eating Gilbert Grape / tt0108598 MKV ED/d 1993 Wallace & Gromit in The Wrong Trousers / Wallace & Gromit - Die Techno-Hose tt0108598 DVD 2 PAL ED 1993 Wallace & Gromit in The Wrong Trousers / Wallace & Gromit - Die Techno-Hose tt0108823 MKV ED/ed 1994 Heaven & Hell: North & South, Book III / tt0108858 DVD/HD E 1994 Middlemarch / tt0108858 DVD 1 NTSC E 1994 Middlemarch / tt0108962 MKV ED/ed 1993 To Play the King / tt0109045 MKV ED/d 1994 The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert / Priscilla - Königin der Wüste tt0109254 MKV ED/ed 1994 Beverly Hills Cop III / tt0109254 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1994 Beverly Hills Cop III / tt0109255 MKV ED/d 1994 Der bewegte Mann / tt0109348 MKV ED/d 1994 Bullets Over Broadway / tt0109444 MKV ED/ed 1994 Clear and Present Danger / Das Kartell tt0109444 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1994 Clear and Present Danger / Das Kartell tt0109456 DVD 1 NTSC EF/e 1994 Color of Night / tt0109579 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1994 Death and the Maiden / tt0109579 MKV ED/d 1994 Death and the Maiden / tt0109642 DVD/HD ED/ed 1995 Dolores Claiborne / tt0109642 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1995 Dolores Claiborne / tt0109642 MKV ED 1995 Dolores Claiborne / tt0109771 DVD 1 NTSC I/e 1994 Farinelli / tt0109830 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1994 Forrest Gump / tt0109830 MKV ED/ed 1994 Forrest Gump / tt0109831 DVD 2 PAL E/e 1994 Four Weddings and a Funeral / tt0109831 MKV ED/d 1994 Four Weddings and a Funeral / tt0109836 MKV ED/d 1994 Frankenstein / tt0109836 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1994 Frankenstein / tt0109842 MKV ED/d 1994 Fresh / tt0110005 MKV ED/d 1994 Heavenly Creatures / tt0110005 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1994 Heavenly Creatures / tt0110074 MKV ED/ed 1994 The Hudsucker Proxy / tt0110074 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1994 The Hudsucker Proxy / tt0110148 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1994 Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles / tt0110148 MKV ED/ed 1994 Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles / tt0110216 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1994 Junior / tt0110322 MKV ED/d 1994 Legends of the Fall / tt0110357 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1994 The Lion King / tt0110357 MKV ED/ed 1994 The Lion King / tt0110361 MKV D/d 1994 Lisbon Story / tt0110367 MKV ED/ed 1994 Little Women / Betty und ihre Schwestern tt0110413 DVD 2 PAL FE/fe 1994 Léon / Leon - Der Profi tt0110413 MKV ED/ed 1994 Léon / Leon - Der Profi tt0110428 MKV ED 1994 The Madness of King George / tt0110478 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1994 Maverick / tt0110478 MKV ED/ed 1994 Maverick / tt0110598 MKV ED/d 1994 Muriel's Wedding / tt0110632 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1994 Natural Born Killers / tt0110632 MKV ED/ed 1994 Natural Born Killers / tt0110638 MKV ED/d 1994 Nell / tt0110684 MKV ED/ed 1994 Nobody's Fool / tt0110684 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1994 Nobody's Fool / tt0110729 DVD 2 PAL E 1994 Once Were Warriors / tt0110729 MKV ED/d 1994 Once Were Warriors / tt0110877 DVD 1 NTSC I/e 1994 Il Postino / tt0110877 MKV ID/d 1994 Il Postino / tt0110889 DVD/HD E 1994 Priest / tt0110889 DVD 1 NTSC E 1994 Priest / tt0110912 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1994 Pulp Fiction / tt0110912 MKV ED/ed 1994 Pulp Fiction / tt0110917 MKV FD/d 1994 Una pura formalità / Eine reine Formalität tt0110932 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1994 Quiz Show / tt0110932 MKV ED 1994 Quiz Show / tt0110963 MKV FD/d 1994 La reine Margot / Queen Margot tt0111161 Blu-ray ED/ed 1994 The Shawshank Redemption / tt0111161 DVD 1 NTSC E 1994 The Shawshank Redemption / tt0111161 MKV ED/ed 1994 The Shawshank Redemption / tt0111257 MKV ED/ed 1994 Speed / tt0111257 Blu-ray ED/ed 1994 Speed / tt0111280 MKV ED/d 1994 Star Trek: Generations / Star Trek - Treffen der Generationen tt0111495 MKV FD/d 1994 Trois couleurs: Rouge / tt0111503 MKV ED/ed 1994 True Lies / tt0111507 MKV FD/d 1994 Trois couleurs: Blanc / tt0111667 MKV ED/d 1994 The War / Das Baumhaus tt0111756 MKV ED/ed 1994 Wyatt Earp / Das Leben einer Legende tt0111756 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1994 Wyatt Earp / Das Leben einer Legende tt0111960 MKV ED/ed 1995 The Final Cut / tt0112130 MKV ED/d 1995 Pride and Prejudice / tt0112130 DVD 1 NTSC E 1995 Pride and Prejudice / tt0112379 DVD/HD ND/d 1995 Antonia / Antonias Welt tt0112379 DVD 2 PAL ND/d 1995 Antonia / Antonias Welt tt0112384 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1995 Apollo 13 / tt0112384 MKV ED/ed 1995 Apollo 13 / tt0112461 MKV ED/ed 1995 The Basketball Diaries / Jim Carroll - In den Strassen von New York tt0112471 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1995 Before Sunrise / tt0112471 MKV ED/ed 1995 Before Sunrise / tt0112573 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1995 Braveheart / tt0112573 MKV ED/d 1995 Braveheart / tt0112579 DVD 2 PAL E/e 1995 The Bridges of Madison County / Die Brücken am Fluss tt0112579 MKV ED/ed 1995 The Bridges of Madison County / Die Brücken am Fluss tt0112641 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1995 Casino / tt0112641 MKV ED/ed 1995 Casino / tt0112682 MKV ED/ed 1995 La cité des enfants perdus / Die Stadt der verlorenen Kinder tt0112691 DVD 2 PAL ED 1995 Wallace & Gromit in A Close Shave / Wallace & Gromit: Unter Schafen tt0112691 MKV ED/d 1995 Wallace & Gromit in A Close Shave / Wallace & Gromit: Unter Schafen tt0112722 MKV ED/ed 1995 Copycat / Copykill tt0112740 MKV ED/ed 1995 Crimson Tide / Crimson Tide - In tiefster Gefahr tt0112818 DVD/HD ED/ed 1995 Dead Man Walking / tt0112818 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1995 Dead Man Walking / tt0112851 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1995 Desperado / tt0112851 MKV ED/d 1995 Desperado / tt0112864 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1995 Die Hard: With a Vengeance / Stirb langsam - Jetzt erst recht tt0112864 MKV ED/d 1995 Die Hard: With a Vengeance / Stirb langsam - Jetzt erst recht tt0112883 DVD/HD ED/ed 1995 Don Juan DeMarco / tt0112883 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1995 Don Juan DeMarco / tt0113101 MKV ED/ed 1995 Four Rooms / Silvester in fremden Betten tt0113117 DVD/HD ED/ed 1995 French Kiss / tt0113117 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1995 French Kiss / tt0113161 MKV ED/ed 1995 Get Shorty / Schnappt Shorty tt0113189 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1995 GoldenEye / James Bond 17 tt0113189 MKV ED/d 1995 GoldenEye / James Bond 17 tt0113247 MKV FD/d 1995 La haine / tt0113277 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1995 Heat / tt0113277 MKV ED/ed 1995 Heat / tt0113501 MKV ED/ed 1995 Just Cause / tt0113540 DVD/HD ED/d 1995 Kids / tt0113540 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1995 Kids / tt0113568 MKV JapD/d 1995 Ghost in the Shell / Kôkaku Kidôtai tt0113627 MKV ED/ed 1995 Leaving Las Vegas / tt0113627 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1995 Leaving Las Vegas / tt0113819 MKV ED/d 1995 Mighty Aphrodite / Geliebte Aphrodite tt0113987 DVD/HD ED/ed 1995 Nixon / tt0113987 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1995 Nixon / tt0114069 MKV ED/ed 1995 Outbreak / tt0114117 DVD/HD E/e 1995 Persuasion (1995) / tt0114117 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1995 Persuasion (1995) / tt0114148 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1995 Pocahontas / tt0114148 DVD/HD ED/ed 1995 Pocahontas / tt0114279 MKV ED/d 1995 Richard III / tt0114287 DVD/HD ED/ed 1995 Rob Roy / tt0114287 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1995 Rob Roy / tt0114319 DVD/HD ED/d 1995 Sabrina (1995) / tt0114319 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1995 Sabrina (1995) / tt0114354 MKV D/d 1995 Schlafes Bruder / tt0114354 DVD 2 PAL D 1995 Schlafes Bruder / tt0114369 DVD 1 NTSC ED/ed 1995 Se7en / Seven tt0114369 MKV ED/d 1995 Se7en / Seven tt0114388 MKV ED/ed 1995 Sense and Sensibility / tt0114388 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1995 Sense and Sensibility / tt0114508 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1995 Species / tt0114523 DVD/HD/TV D 1995 Stadtgespräch / tt0114558 MKV ED 1995 Strange Days / tt0114704 DVD/HD D/d 1995 Der Totmacher / tt0114704 DVD 2 PAL D/d 1995 Der Totmacher / tt0114709 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1995 Toy Story / tt0114709 MKV ED/ed 1995 Toy Story / tt0114745 MKV ED 1995 The Tuskegee Airmen / Die Ehre zu fliegen tt0114746 DVD 2 PAL E/e 1995 Twelve Monkeys / tt0114746 MKV ED/ed 1995 Twelve Monkeys / tt0114814 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1995 The Usual Suspects / Die üblichen Verdächtigen tt0114814 MKV ED/ed 1995 The Usual Suspects / Die üblichen Verdächtigen tt0114924 MKV ED/e 1995 While You Were Sleeping / tt0114924 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1995 While You Were Sleeping / tt0115387 DVD/HD E/e 1996 The Tenant of Wildfell Hall / tt0115639 MKV ED/ed 1996 Beautiful Girls / tt0115640 DVD/HD ED 1996 Beautiful Thing / Die erste Liebe tt0115640 DVD 2 PAL ED 1996 Beautiful Thing / Die erste Liebe tt0115734 MKV ED/ed 1996 Bottle Rocket / Durchgeknallt tt0115751 DVD 1 NTSC E 1996 Breaking the Waves / tt0115751 MKV ED/d 1996 Breaking the Waves / tt0115964 DVD/HD ED/d 1996 Crash / tt0115964 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1996 Crash / tt0116191 DVD/HD ED/ed 1996 Emma / tt0116191 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1996 Emma / tt0116209 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1996 The English Patient / tt0116209 MKV ED/d 1996 The English Patient / tt0116213 MKV ED/ed 1996 Eraser / tt0116213 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1996 Eraser / tt0116242 DVD/HD E/e 1996 Everyone Says I Love You / tt0116242 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1996 Everyone Says I Love You / tt0116242 MKV ED 1996 Everyone Says I Love You / tt0116253 DVD/HD ED/ed 1996 Executive Decision / Critical Decision tt0116253 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1996 Executive Decision / Critical Decision tt0116259 MKV ED/ed 1996 Extreme Measures / tt0116259 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1996 Extreme Measures / tt0116282 DVD 1 NTSC E 1996 Fargo / tt0116282 MKV ED/ed 1996 Fargo / tt0116367 MKV ED/d 1996 From Dusk Till Dawn / tt0116477 MKV ED/ed 1996 Hamlet / tt0116581 DVD/HD F/e 1996 Huitième jour, Le / tt0116581 DVD 2 PAL F/e 1996 Huitième jour, Le / tt0116583 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1996 The Hunchback of Notre Dame / tt0116583 MKV ED/ed 1996 The Hunchback of Notre Dame / tt0116629 DVD/HD ED/ed 1996 Independence Day / tt0116629 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1996 Independence Day / tt0116692 MKV D/d 1996 Jenseits der Stille / tt0116692 DVD 2 PAL D/d 1996 Jenseits der Stille / tt0116695 MKV ED/d 1996 Jerry Maguire / tt0116695 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1996 Jerry Maguire / tt0116790 MKV D 1996 Kolja / tt0116908 DVD/HD ED/d 1996 The Long Kiss Goodnight / tt0116922 MKV ED/d 1997 Lost Highway / tt0117060 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1996 Mission: Impossible / tt0117060 MKV ED/ed 1996 Mission: Impossible / tt0117381 MKV ED/ed 1996 Primal Fear / tt0117407 MKV D/d 1996 Pusher / tt0117438 MKV ED/ed 1996 Ransom / tt0117438 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1996 Ransom / tt0117500 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1996 The Rock / tt0117500 MKV ED/ed 1996 The Rock / tt0117509 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1996 Romeo + Juliet / tt0117509 MKV ED/d 1996 Romeo + Juliet / tt0117589 DVD 2 PAL E/e 1996 Secrets and Lies / Lügen und Geheimnisse tt0117589 DVD/HD E/e 1996 Secrets and Lies / Lügen und Geheimnisse tt0117589 MKV D 1996 Secrets and Lies / Lügen und Geheimnisse tt0117631 MKV ED/d 1996 Shine / Der Weg ins Licht tt0117665 MKV ED/d 1996 Sleepers / tt0117666 MKV D/d 1996 Sling Blade / Auf Messers Schneide tt0117731 MKV ED/d 1996 Star Trek: First Contact / Star Trek - Der erste Kontakt tt0117913 MKV ED/ed 1996 A Time to Kill / tt0117951 Blu-ray ED/ed 1996 Trainspotting / tt0117951 MKV ED/ed 1996 Trainspotting / tt0118308 DVD/HD ED/d 1996 Emma / tt0118308 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1996 Emma / tt0118531 MKV ED/ed 1997 One Eight Seven / 187 - Eine tödliche Zahl tt0118548 DVD/HD ED/ed 1997 Absolute Power / tt0118548 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1997 Absolute Power / tt0118548 MKV D/d 1997 Absolute Power / tt0118564 MKV/TV D 1997 Affliction / Der Gejagte tt0118571 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1997 Air Force One / tt0118571 MKV ED/e 1997 Air Force One / tt0118583 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1997 Alien: Resurrection / Alien - Die Wiedergeburt tt0118607 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1997 Amistad / Amistad - Das Sklavenschiff tt0118607 MKV ED/ed 1997 Amistad / Amistad - Das Sklavenschiff tt0118694 MKV MandarinD/d 2002 Fa yeung nin wa / In the Mood for Love tt0118694 DVD 2 PAL MandarinD/d 2002 Fa yeung nin wa / In the Mood for Love tt0118715 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1998 The Big Lebowski / tt0118715 MKV ED/ed 1998 The Big Lebowski / tt0118760 DVD/HD ED/ed 1997 The Boxer / Der Boxer tt0118760 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1997 The Boxer / Der Boxer tt0118798 MKV ED/ed 1998 Bulworth / tt0118798 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1998 Bulworth / tt0118799 DVD 2 PAL ID/d 1997 La vita è bella / tt0118799 MKV ID/d 1997 La vita è bella / tt0118843 DVD/HD SerbDE/d 1998 Crna macka, beli macor / Chat noir, chat banc - Schwarze Katze, weißer Kater tt0118843 DVD 2 PAL SerbDE/d 1998 Crna macka, beli macor / Chat noir, chat banc - Schwarze Katze, weißer Kater tt0118880 MKV ED/ed 1997 Con Air / tt0118880 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1997 Con Air / tt0118884 MKV ED/d 1997 Contact / tt0118887 MKV ED/ed 1997 Cop Land / tt0118929 MKV ED/ed 1998 Dark City / tt0118971 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1997 The Devil's Advocate / tt0118971 MKV ED/ed 1997 The Devil's Advocate / tt0119094 MKV ED/ed 1997 Face/Off / Im Körper des Feindes tt0119116 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1997 The Fifth Element / tt0119116 MKV ED/d 1997 The Fifth Element / tt0119164 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1997 The Full Monty / tt0119164 MKV ED/d 1997 The Full Monty / tt0119167 MKV D 1997 Funny Games / tt0119174 MKV ED/d 1997 The Game / tt0119174 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1997 The Game / tt0119177 MKV ED/ed 1997 Gattaca / tt0119217 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1997 Good Will Hunting / tt0119217 MKV ED/ed 1997 Good Will Hunting / tt0119282 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1997 Hercules / tt0119282 MKV ED/ed 1997 Hercules / tt0119307 DVD 2 PAL F/e 1998 L'Homme est une femme comme les autres / tt0119314 MKV ED/ed 1998 The Horse Whisperer / tt0119314 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1998 The Horse Whisperer / tt0119360 DVD/HD ED/d 1997 In and Out / tt0119360 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1997 In and Out / tt0119396 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1997 Jackie Brown / tt0119396 MKV ED/d 1997 Jackie Brown / tt0119472 MKV ED/d 1997 Knockin' on Heaven's Door / tt0119485 DVD/HD ED/d 1997 Kundun / tt0119485 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1997 Kundun / tt0119485 MKV D 1997 Kundun / tt0119488 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1997 L.A. Confidential / tt0119488 MKV ED/ed 1997 L.A. Confidential / tt0119535 MKV ED/d 1997 A Life Less Ordinary / tt0119558 MKV ED/d 1997 Lolita / tt0119558 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1997 Lolita / tt0119567 MKV ED/ed 1997 The Lost World: Jurassic Park / tt0119567 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1997 The Lost World: Jurassic Park / tt0119643 MKV ED/d 1998 Meet Joe Black / Rendezvous mit Joe Black tt0119654 MKV ED/d 1997 Men in Black / tt0119654 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1997 Men in Black / tt0119668 MKV ED/ed 1997 Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil / tt0119668 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1997 Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil / tt0119698 DVD 2 PAL JD/d 1997 Mononoke-hime / tt0119698 MKV JD/jd 1997 Mononoke-hime / tt0119791 DVD/HD ED/ed 1997 Nightwatch / tt0119791 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1997 Nightwatch / tt0119822 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1997 As Good as It Gets / Besser geht's nicht tt0119822 MKV ED/ed 1997 As Good as It Gets / Besser geht's nicht tt0119874 DVD/HD ED/ed 1997 The Peacemaker / tt0119874 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1997 The Peacemaker / tt0119942 MKV ED 1998 Primary Colors / tt0119978 MKV D 1997 The Rainmaker / tt0120188 MKV ED/d 1999 Three Kings / tt0120188 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 Three Kings / tt0120241 MKV ED/ed 1997 Suicide Kings / tt0120255 MKV ED 1997 The Sweet Hereafter / tt0120324 MKV ED/d 1998 A Simple Plan / tt0120338 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1997 Titanic / tt0120338 MKV ED/ed 1997 Titanic / tt0120347 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1997 Tomorrow Never Dies / James Bond 18 tt0120347 MKV ED/ed 1997 Tomorrow Never Dies / James Bond 18 tt0120363 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 Toy Story 2 / tt0120363 MKV ED/d 1999 Toy Story 2 / tt0120382 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1998 The Truman Show / tt0120382 MKV ED/ed 1998 The Truman Show / tt0120399 MKV ED 1997 U Turn / Kein Weg zurück tt0120533 MKV ED/d 1998 Celebrity / Celebrity - Schön, reich, berühmt tt0120570 MKV ED/d 1998 From the Earth to the Moon / tt0120586 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1998 American History X / tt0120586 MKV ED/ed 1998 American History X / tt0120587 DVD/HD ED/e 2001 Antz / tt0120587 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 2001 Antz / tt0120591 MKV ED/d 1998 Armageddon / Armageddon - Das jüngste Gericht tt0120591 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1998 Armageddon / Armageddon - Das jüngste Gericht tt0120601 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 Being John Malkovich / tt0120601 MKV ED/ed 1999 Being John Malkovich / tt0120616 DVD/HD ED/ed 1999 The Mummy / tt0120616 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 The Mummy / tt0120623 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1998 A Bug's Life / Das grosse Krabbeln tt0120623 MKV ED/ed 1998 A Bug's Life / Das grosse Krabbeln tt0120630 MKV ED/d 2001 Chicken Run / Chicken Run - Hennen rennen tt0120630 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 Chicken Run / Chicken Run - Hennen rennen tt0120647 MKV ED/d 1998 Deep Impact / tt0120647 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1998 Deep Impact / tt0120660 MKV ED/ed 1998 Enemy of the State / Der Staatsfeind Nr. 1 tt0120663 MKV ED/ed 1999 Eyes Wide Shut / tt0120669 MKV ED/ed 1998 Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas / tt0120679 MKV ED/ed 2002 Frida / tt0120679 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 Frida / tt0120686 MKV ED/ed 1998 Stepmom / Seite an Seite tt0120689 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 The Green Mile / tt0120689 MKV ED/d 1999 The Green Mile / tt0120716 DVD/HD ED/ed 1999 Jakob the Liar / tt0120716 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 Jakob the Liar / tt0120731 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1998 Leggenda del pianista sull'oceano, La / Novecento, The Legend of 1900, Die Legende vom Ozeanpianisten tt0120731 MKV ED/d 1998 Leggenda del pianista sull'oceano, La / Novecento, The Legend of 1900, Die Legende vom Ozeanpianisten tt0120735 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1998 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels / Bube Dame König grAs tt0120735 MKV ED/d 1998 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels / Bube Dame König grAs tt0120737 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring / tt0120737 DVD/HD ED/ed 2001 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring / tt0120737 MKV ED/ed 2001 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring / tt0120737 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring / Extended tt0120737 DVD/HD ED/ed 2001 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring / Extended tt0120746 MKV ED/ed 1998 The Mask of Zorro / tt0120746 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1998 The Mask of Zorro / tt0120755 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2000 Mission: Impossible II / tt0120755 DVD/HD ED/d 2000 Mission: Impossible II / tt0120762 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1998 Mulan / tt0120762 MKV ED/ed 1998 Mulan / tt0120768 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1998 The Negotiator / Verhandlungssache tt0120768 MKV ED/ed 1998 The Negotiator / Verhandlungssache tt0120780 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1998 Out of Sight / tt0120780 MKV ED/d 1998 Out of Sight / tt0120784 DVD/HD ED/ed 1999 Payback / tt0120784 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 Payback / tt0120787 DVD/HD ED/ed 1998 A Perfect Murder / tt0120787 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1998 A Perfect Murder / tt0120794 MKV ED/ed 1998 The Prince of Egypt / tt0120794 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 1998 The Prince of Egypt / tt0120812 MKV ED/d 1998 Rush Hour / tt0120812 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1998 Rush Hour / tt0120815 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1998 Saving Private Ryan / tt0120815 MKV ED/d 1998 Saving Private Ryan / tt0120828 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1998 Six Days Seven Nights / tt0120844 MKV ED/d 1998 Star Trek: Insurrection / tt0120855 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 Tarzan / tt0120855 MKV ED/ed 1999 Tarzan / tt0120863 MKV ED/d 1988 The Thin Red Line / tt0120863 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1988 The Thin Red Line / tt0120885 DVD/HD ED/d 1997 Wag the Dog / tt0120885 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1997 Wag the Dog / tt0120890 MKV ED/ed 1998 Wild Things / tt0120903 MKV ED/d 2000 X-Men / tt0120903 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2000 X-Men / tt0120906 MKV/TV ED 1998 Zero Effect / tt0120907 DVD/HD ED/ed 1999 eXistenZ / tt0120910 Blu-ray ED/ed 1999 Fantasia 2000 / tt0120910 MKV ED/ed 1999 Fantasia 2000 / tt0120912 DVD/HD ED/ed 2002 Men in Black II / tt0120912 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 Men in Black II / tt0120915 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace / tt0120915 MKV ED/ed 1999 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace / tt0120917 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2000 The Emperor's New Groove / tt0120917 MKV ED/ed 2000 The Emperor's New Groove / tt0121164 MKV ED/ed 2005 Corpse Bride / Corpse Bride - Hochzeit mit einer Leiche tt0121164 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Corpse Bride / Corpse Bride - Hochzeit mit einer Leiche tt0121210 MKV DE 1963 Der 90. Geburtstag oder Dinner for One / tt0121765 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones / tt0121765 MKV ED/ed 2002 Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones / tt0121766 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith / tt0121766 MKV ED/ed 2005 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith / tt0121980 DVD/HD/TV CH 1960 Anne Bäbi Jowäger / Anne Bäbi Jowäger - I. Teil: Wie Jakobli zu einer Frau kommt tt0122151 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1998 Lethal Weapon 4 / tt0122151 MKV ED/ed 1998 Lethal Weapon 4 / tt0122541 DVD/HD ED/d 1999 An Ideal Husband / tt0122541 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1999 An Ideal Husband / tt0122933 DVD/HD ED/ed 1999 Analyze This / Reine Nervensache tt0122933 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 Analyze This / Reine Nervensache tt0123111 AVI D 1969 Här kommer Pippi Långstrump (1969) / tt0123755 MKV ED/d 1997 Cube / tt0123755 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1997 Cube / tt0124315 DVD 1 NTSC E 1999 The Cider House Rules / Gottes Werk und Teufels Beitrag tt0124315 MKV ED/d 1999 The Cider House Rules / Gottes Werk und Teufels Beitrag tt0125439 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 Notting Hill / tt0125439 MKV ED/d 1999 Notting Hill / tt0125659 MKV D 1997 Abre los ojos / Open Your Eyes tt0125664 MKV ED 1999 Man on the Moon / Der Mondmann tt0126029 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 Shrek / tt0126029 MKV ED/ed 2001 Shrek / tt0126250 MKV ED/d 1999 Cookie's Fortune / Cookies Fortune - Aufruhr in Holly Springs tt0127536 MKV ED/ed 1998 Elizabeth / tt0128133 MKV D 1997 Comedian Harmonists / tt0128133 DVD 2 PAL D 1997 Comedian Harmonists / tt0128229 MKV D 1964 Geld und Geist / Money and Spirit tt0128278 DVD/HD ED/ed 1999 Instinct / tt0128278 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 Instinct / tt0128442 MKV ED/d 1998 Rounders / tt0128445 MKV ED/ed 1998 Rushmore / tt0129167 MKV ED/ed 1999 The Iron Giant / tt0129307 MKV D 1967 Polizist Wäckerli in Gefahr / tt0129659 AVI D 1998 Zugvögel - ... einmal nach Inari / tt0129686 MKV ED/d 1998 Hornblower: The Even Chance / Horatio Hornblower: The Duel tt0130121 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 Mickey Blue Eyes / tt0130623 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2000 Dinosaur / tt0130623 DVD/HD ED/ed 2000 Dinosaur / tt0130827 DVD 2 PAL D/d 1998 Lola rennt / tt0130827 MKV ED/e 1998 Lola rennt / tt0131409 MKV E/d 1997 Geri's Game / tt0131409 MKV ED/ed 1997 Geri's Game / tt0132477 MKV ED/d 1999 October Sky / tt0133093 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 The Matrix / tt0133093 MKV ED/ed 1999 The Matrix / tt0133240 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 Treasure Planet / tt0133240 DVD/HD ED/ed 2002 Treasure Planet / tt0133952 MKV ED/ed 1998 The Siege / tt0134119 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1999 The Talented Mr. Ripley / tt0134119 MKV ED/d 1999 The Talented Mr. Ripley / tt0135032 MKV D 1983 Utopia / Das ferne Land Utopia tt0135790 MKV D 1999 Bang Boom Bang - Ein todsicheres Ding / tt0136244 DVD/HD E/e 1998 Hideous Kinky / tt0136244 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 1998 Hideous Kinky / tt0137363 MKV ED/ed 1999 Arlington Road / tt0137363 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 Arlington Road / tt0137494 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 Entrapment / tt0137494 MKV ED/ed 1999 Entrapment / tt0137523 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1999 Fight Club / tt0137523 MKV ED/d 1999 Fight Club / tt0138097 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1998 Shakespeare in Love / tt0138097 MKV ED/ed 1998 Shakespeare in Love / tt0138524 MKV ED 2003 Intolerable Cruelty / (un)möglicher Härtefall, Ein tt0138524 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 Intolerable Cruelty / (un)möglicher Härtefall, Ein tt0138749 MKV ED/ed 2000 The Road to El Dorado / tt0138749 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 2000 The Road to El Dorado / tt0139654 MKV ED/ed 2001 Training Day / tt0139654 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 Training Day / tt0139668 MKV ED/ed 1999 True Crime / tt0139668 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 True Crime / tt0140352 MKV ED/d 1999 The Insider / tt0140352 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1999 The Insider / tt0140888 DVD/HD Port/e 1998 Central do Brasil / Central Station tt0140888 DVD 1 NTSC Port/e 1998 Central do Brasil / Central Station tt0140888 MKV D 1998 Central do Brasil / Central Station tt0143145 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 The World Is Not Enough / James Bond 19 tt0143145 MKV ED/ed 1999 The World Is Not Enough / James Bond 19 tt0144084 MKV ED/ed 2000 American Psycho / tt0144117 MKV ED/d 1999 The Boondock Saints / Der blutige Pfad Gottes tt0145487 MKV ED/ed 2002 Spider-Man / tt0145487 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 Spider-Man / tt0145503 DVD/HD ED/d 1999 Sunshine / tt0145503 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1999 Sunshine / tt0145681 DVD/HD ED/ed 1999 The Bone Collector / Der Knochenjäger tt0145681 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 The Bone Collector / Der Knochenjäger tt0146309 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2000 Thirteen Days / tt0146309 MKV ED/d 2000 Thirteen Days / tt0146316 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2001 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider / tt0146838 DVD/HD ED/ed 1999 Any Given Sunday / An jedem verdammten Sonntag tt0146838 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 Any Given Sunday / An jedem verdammten Sonntag tt0146882 MKV ED/ed 2000 High Fidelity / tt0146882 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2000 High Fidelity / tt0146984 DVD/HD ED/ed 2000 The Legend of Bagger Vance / tt0146984 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2000 The Legend of Bagger Vance / tt0147612 MKV D 1998 Happiness / tt0150377 DVD/HD ED/ed 1999 Double Jeopardy / tt0150377 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 Double Jeopardy / tt0150662 DVD/HD Schw/d 1998 Fucking Åmål / tt0150662 DVD 2 PAL Schw/d 1998 Fucking Åmål / tt0150915 DVD/HD E/f 1998 Hilary and Jackie / tt0150915 DVD 1 NTSC E/f 1998 Hilary and Jackie / tt0151804 MKV D 1999 Office Space / Alles Routine tt0154420 MKV D 1998 Festen / The Celebration - Das Fest tt0154506 MKV ED/e 1998 Following / tt0155267 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 The Thomas Crown Affair / Die Thomas Crown Affäre tt0155267 MKV ED/d 1999 The Thomas Crown Affair / Die Thomas Crown Affäre tt0155388 DVD/HD ED/ed 1999 The Winslow Boy / tt0155388 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 The Winslow Boy / tt0155711 DVD/HD E 1999 Flawless / tt0155711 DVD 1 NTSC E 1999 Flawless / tt0156812 MKV ED/e 2000 My Dog Skip / tt0158371 DVD/HD ED/d 1999 Sweet and Lowdown / tt0158371 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1999 Sweet and Lowdown / tt0159097 MKV ED/d 1999 The Virgin Suicides / tt0159365 MKV ED/ed 2003 Cold Mountain / Unterwegs nach Cold Mountain tt0159365 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 Cold Mountain / Unterwegs nach Cold Mountain tt0161081 MKV ED/ed 2000 What Lies Beneath / tt0161081 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2000 What Lies Beneath / tt0161860 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2001 Nirgendwo in Afrika / tt0161860 MKV D/d 2001 Nirgendwo in Afrika / tt0162222 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 2000 Cast Away / Cast Away - Verschollen tt0162222 MKV ED/ed 2000 Cast Away / Cast Away - Verschollen tt0162661 MKV ED/ed 1999 Sleepy Hollow / tt0162661 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1999 Sleepy Hollow / tt0163025 MKV ED/ed 2001 Jurassic Park III / tt0163025 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 Jurassic Park III / tt0163264 DVD 2 PAL D/d 1988 Der Sommer des Falken / tt0163988 MKV ED/ed 1999 Bringing Out the Dead / Bringing Out the Dead - Nächte der Erinnerung tt0164052 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2000 Hollow Man / tt0164184 DVD/HD ED/ed 2002 The Sum of All Fears / tt0164184 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 The Sum of All Fears / tt0165798 MKV ED/d 1999 Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai / tt0165798 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1999 Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai / tt0165854 MKV ED/ed 1999 The Limey / tt0165982 DVD/HD ED/ed 2003 Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas / tt0165982 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas / tt0166175 DVD/HD ED/d 1999 East Is East / tt0166175 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1999 East Is East / tt0166396 MKV ED/d 1998 Waking Ned / tt0166396 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1998 Waking Ned / tt0166485 DVD/HD ED/ed 1999 Anna and the King / Anna und der König tt0166485 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 Anna and the King / Anna und der König tt0166896 MKV ED/d 1999 The Straight Story / tt0166924 MKV ED/d 2001 Mulholland Dr. / tt0167260 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King / tt0167260 DVD/HD ED/ed 2003 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King / tt0167260 MKV ED/ed 2003 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King / tt0167260 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King / Extended tt0167260 DVD/HD ED/ed 2003 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King / Extended tt0167261 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers / tt0167261 DVD/HD ED/ed 2002 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers / tt0167261 MKV ED/ed 2002 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers / tt0167261 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers / Extended tt0167261 DVD/HD ED/ed 2002 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers / Extended tt0167404 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 1999 The Sixth Sense / tt0167404 MKV ED/d 1999 The Sixth Sense / tt0168629 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2001 Dancer in the Dark / tt0168629 MKV ED/d 2001 Dancer in the Dark / tt0169102 DVD 2 PAL Hindi/d 2001 Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India / tt0169102 DVD/HD Hindi/d 2001 Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India / tt0169444 DVD/HD ED 1998 Falling for a Dancer / tt0169444 DVD 2 PAL ED 1998 Falling for a Dancer / tt0169547 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 American Beauty / tt0169547 MKV ED/ed 1999 American Beauty / tt0171580 DVD/HD ED/d 2000 Nurse Betty / tt0171580 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2000 Nurse Betty / tt0171804 MKV ED/d 1999 Boys Don't Cry / tt0172348 MKV ED 1999 Introducing Dorothy Dandridge / tt0172493 MKV ED/ed 1999 Girl, Interrupted / tt0172495 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2000 Gladiator / tt0172495 MKV ED/ed 2000 Gladiator / tt0175880 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 Magnolia / tt0175880 MKV ED/d 1999 Magnolia / tt0177858 MKV D 2000 Im Juli. / tt0177858 DVD 2 PAL D 2000 Im Juli. / tt0177971 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2000 The Perfect Storm / tt0177971 MKV ED/d 2000 The Perfect Storm / tt0178737 DVD/HD ED/ed 1999 Mansfield Park / tt0178737 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1999 Mansfield Park / tt0180093 Blu-ray ED/d 2000 Requiem for a Dream / tt0180093 MKV ED/d 2000 Requiem for a Dream / tt0180748 MKV DänD/d 1999 I Kina spiser de hunde / tt0181536 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2000 Finding Forrester / tt0181536 MKV ED/e 2000 Finding Forrester / tt0181689 MKV ED/d 2002 Minority Report / tt0181852 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines / Rebellion der Maschinen tt0181852 MKV ED/d 2003 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines / Rebellion der Maschinen tt0181865 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 Traffic / tt0181865 MKV ED/ed 2001 Traffic / tt0181875 MKV ED/ed 2000 Almost Famous / Almost Famous - Fast berühmt tt0181984 MKV ED/ed 2000 Boiler Room / Risiko - Der schnellste Weg zum Reichtum tt0183649 DVD/HD ED/ed 2002 Phone Booth / tt0183649 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 Phone Booth / tt0185014 MKV D 2000 Wonder Boys / tt0185125 DVD/HD SpD/d 1999 Todo sobre mi madre / Alles über meine Mutter tt0185125 DVD 2 PAL SpD/d 1999 Todo sobre mi madre / Alles über meine Mutter tt0185906 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 Band of Brothers / Band of Brothers: Wir waren wie Brüder tt0185906 MKV ED/ed 2001 Band of Brothers / Band of Brothers: Wir waren wie Brüder tt0186566 MKV ED/ed 2000 Space Cowboys / tt0186566 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2000 Space Cowboys / tt0187393 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2000 The Patriot / tt0187393 MKV ED/ed 2000 The Patriot / tt0188195 AVI/TV D 1962 Le septième juré / tt0188453 DVD/HD ED/d 2001 Birthday Girl / Birthday Girl - Braut auf Bestellung tt0188453 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2001 Birthday Girl / Birthday Girl - Braut auf Bestellung tt0190332 DVD 2 PAL MandD/d 2000 Wo hu cang long / Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon tt0190332 DVD/HD MandD/d 2000 Wo hu cang long / Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon tt0190332 MKV ED/ed 2000 Wo hu cang long / Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon tt0190590 MKV ED/ed 2000 O Brother, Where Art Thou? / tt0194946 MKV ED/d 1999 Hornblower: The Duchess and the Devil / Horatio Hornblower: The Duchess and the Devil tt0194947 MKV ED/d 1998 Hornblower: The Examination for Lieutenant / Horatio Hornblower: The Fire Ship tt0194948 MKV ED/d 1999 Hornblower: The Frogs and the Lobsters / Horatio Hornblower: The Wrong War tt0195020 MKV D 1941 Der letzte Postillon vom St. Gotthard / tt0195234 DVD/HD ED/d 2000 Saving Grace / tt0195234 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2000 Saving Grace / tt0195685 DVD/HD ED/ed 2000 Erin Brockovich / tt0195685 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2000 Erin Brockovich / tt0195685 MKV ED 2000 Erin Brockovich / tt0196216 MKV ED/d 2000 Small Time Crooks / Schmalspurganoven tt0198781 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 Monsters, Inc. / tt0198781 MKV ED/ed 2001 Monsters, Inc. / tt0199683 MKV JpD/d 1999 Kikujirô no natsu / tt0200465 MKV ED/d 2008 The Bank Job / tt0203009 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 Moulin Rouge! / tt0203009 MKV ED/ed 2001 Moulin Rouge! / tt0203082 MKV JED/ed 1999 Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan: Tsuioku Hen / tt0203166 DVD/HD SchwD/d 2000 Tillsammans / Together tt0203166 DVD 2 PAL SchwD/d 2000 Tillsammans / Together tt0203230 MKV/TV D 2000 You Can Count on Me / Zähl auf mich tt0203540 DVD/HD ED/d 2000 Greenfingers / tt0204137 AVI D 2000 Animal Factory / tt0204164 DVD/HD D/e 1999 Beresina oder Die letzten Tage der Schweiz / tt0204164 DVD 2 PAL D/e 1999 Beresina oder Die letzten Tage der Schweiz / tt0205873 MKV ED 2000 The Dish / tt0206634 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2006 Children of Men / tt0206634 MKV ED/ed 2006 Children of Men / tt0207201 MKV ED/d 2000 What Women Want / tt0207201 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2000 What Women Want / tt0208092 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2000 Snatch / tt0208092 MKV ED/ed 2000 Snatch / tt0208874 MKV ED/d 2000 The Contender / Rufmord - Jenseits der Moral tt0209144 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2000 Memento / tt0209144 MKV ED/ed 2000 Memento / tt0209163 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 The Mummy Returns / tt0211915 DVD 2 PAL FD/fd 2001 Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain / tt0211915 MKV FD/d 2001 Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain / tt0212346 MKV ED 2000 Miss Congeniality / tt0212712 MKV ChD/d 2004 2046 / Der ultimative Liebesfilm tt0212720 MKV ED/d 2001 A.I. Artificial Intelligence / A.I.: Künstliche Intelligenz tt0212985 DVD/HD ED/d 2001 Hannibal / tt0212985 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2001 Hannibal / tt0213149 DVD/HD ED/ed 2001 Pearl Harbor / tt0213149 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 Pearl Harbor / tt0215364 DVD/HD E/e 1999 Wives and Daughters / tt0215750 MKV ED/ed 2001 Enemy at the Gates / Duell tt0217505 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 Gangs of New York / tt0217505 MKV ED/d 2002 Gangs of New York / tt0217869 MKV ED/ed 2000 Unbreakable / Unbreakable - Unzerbrechlich tt0218922 DVD/HD ED/d 2001 Original Sin / tt0218922 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2001 Original Sin / tt0219965 MKV ED/d 2001 Bandits / Banditen! tt0219965 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2001 Bandits / Banditen! tt0221027 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 Blow / tt0221027 MKV ED/ed 2001 Blow / tt0230011 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 Atlantis: The Lost Empire / Atlantis - Das Geheimnis der verlorenen Stadt tt0230011 MKV ED/ed 2001 Atlantis: The Lost Empire / Atlantis - Das Geheimnis der verlorenen Stadt tt0230600 MKV ED/d 2001 The Others / tt0230600 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2001 The Others / tt0230838 DVD/HD E/e 2001 Sweet November / tt0230838 DVD 2 PAL E/e 2001 Sweet November / tt0234215 MKV ED/ed 2003 The Matrix Reloaded / tt0234215 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 The Matrix Reloaded / tt0234288 DVD/HD TschD/d 2002 Musíme si pomáhat / Wir müssen zusammenhalten tt0234288 DVD 2 PAL TschD/d 2002 Musíme si pomáhat / Wir müssen zusammenhalten tt0236027 MKV D/d 2000 Blinkende lygter / Blinkende Lichter tt0236493 DVD/HD ED/ed 2001 The Mexican / tt0236493 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 The Mexican / tt0237539 DVD 2 PAL ID/d 2000 Pane e tulipani / tt0237539 DVD/HD ID/d 2000 Pane e tulipani / tt0237539 MKV D/d 2000 Pane e tulipani / tt0237572 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2001 The Pledge / tt0237572 MKV ED/ed 2001 The Pledge / tt0240772 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 Ocean's Eleven / tt0240772 MKV ED/ed 2001 Ocean's Eleven / tt0240890 MKV ED/d 2001 Serendipity / tt0241303 MKV ED/d 2000 Chocolat / Chocolat... ein kleiner Biss genügt! tt0241303 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2000 Chocolat / Chocolat... ein kleiner Biss genügt! tt0241527 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone / tt0241527 MKV ED/ed 2001 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone / tt0242653 MKV ED/ed 2003 The Matrix Revolutions / tt0242653 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 The Matrix Revolutions / tt0243133 MKV ED/ed 2001 The Man Who Wasn't There / tt0243155 DVD/HD ED/ed 2001 Bridget Jones's Diary / Bridget Jones - Schokolade zum Frühstück tt0243155 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 Bridget Jones's Diary / Bridget Jones - Schokolade zum Frühstück tt0243862 DVD/HD DänD/d 2002 Italiensk for begyndere / Italian for Beginners tt0243862 DVD 2 PAL DänD/d 2002 Italiensk for begyndere / Italian for Beginners tt0244173 DVD 2 PAL F/f 2000 Le roi danse (2000) / tt0244244 DVD/HD ED/ed 2001 Swordfish / tt0244244 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 Swordfish / tt0245429 DVD 2 PAL JD/d 2001 Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi / Chihiros Reise ins Zauberland tt0245429 MKV JD/d 2001 Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi / Chihiros Reise ins Zauberland tt0245712 DVD 2 PAL SpD/d 2000 Amores perros / tt0245712 MKV SpD/d 2000 Amores perros / tt0246460 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 Die Another Day / James Bond 20 tt0246460 MKV ED/ed 2002 Die Another Day / James Bond 20 tt0246677 MKV D/d 2002 Heaven / tt0247425 DVD/HD ED/ed 2001 In the Bedroom / tt0247425 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 In the Bedroom / tt0248808 MKV E/d 2000 For the Birds / Der Vogelschreck tt0248808 MKV ED/ed 2000 For the Birds / Der Vogelschreck tt0249462 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2000 Billy Elliot / Billy Elliot - I Will Dance tt0249462 MKV ED/d 2000 Billy Elliot / Billy Elliot - I Will Dance tt0250258 MKV D/ef 2001 Das Experiment / tt0250264 DVD/HD ED/e 2000 Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace / Bonhoeffer - Die letzte Stufe tt0250264 DVD 0 NTSC ED/e 2000 Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace / Bonhoeffer - Die letzte Stufe tt0250573 DVD/HD D 2001 Die Manns - Ein Jahrhundertroman / tt0250573 DVD 2 PAL D 2001 Die Manns - Ein Jahrhundertroman / tt0251127 DVD/HD ED/ed 2003 How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days / tt0251127 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days / tt0253474 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 The Pianist / tt0253474 MKV ED/ed 2002 The Pianist / tt0253754 MKV ED/d 2002 Star Trek: Nemesis / tt0253836 DVD 2 PAL I/ed 1994 La traviata (1994) / tt0253839 MKV D 2002 Napoléon / tt0254455 DVD/HD SpD/d 2001 Lucía y el sexo / tt0254455 DVD 2 PAL SpD/d 2001 Lucía y el sexo / tt0255208 AVI/TV D 1959 HD-Soldat Läppli / tt0256009 MKV SpD/ed 2001 El espinazo del diablo / The Devil's Backbone tt0256103 MKV ED/d 2001 Intimacy / tt0256103 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2001 Intimacy / tt0256276 DVD/HD ED/ed 2002 Possession / tt0256415 DVD/HD ED/ed 2002 Sweet Home Alabama / tt0256415 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 Sweet Home Alabama / tt0256524 MKV ED/d 2001 The Curse of the Jade Scorpion / Im Bann des Jade Skorpions tt0257044 MKV D/d 2002 Road to Perdition / tt0257076 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 S.W.A.T. / tt0257360 MKV ED/ed 2002 About Schmidt / tt0258000 DVD/HD ED/ed 2002 Panic Room / tt0258000 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 Panic Room / tt0258068 MKV ED/ed 2002 The Quiet American / Der stille Amerikaner.mkv tt0258463 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 The Bourne Identity / Die Bourne Identität tt0258463 MKV ED/ed 2002 The Bourne Identity / Die Bourne Identität tt0258760 MKV D 2001 Lammbock / tt0259446 DVD/HD ED/ed 2002 My Big Fat Greek Wedding / tt0259446 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 My Big Fat Greek Wedding / tt0259711 MKV ED/ed 2001 Vanilla Sky / tt0259786 DVD/HD E/e 2000 Lorna Doone / tt0259786 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 2000 Lorna Doone / tt0260615 DVD/HD ED/d 2002 The Forsyte Saga / Season 1 (2002) tt0260615 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2002 The Forsyte Saga / Season 1 (2002) tt0260991 MKV D/d 2000 Gongdong gyeongbi guyeok JSA / Joint Security Area tt0264333 DVD/HD ED/d 2002 The Abduction Club / The Abduction Club - Entführer & Gentlemen tt0264333 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2002 The Abduction Club / The Abduction Club - Entführer & Gentlemen tt0264464 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 Catch Me If You Can / tt0264464 MKV ED/ed 2002 Catch Me If You Can / tt0264616 MKV ED/ed 2001 Frailty / tt0264917 DVD/HD D 2001 Mondscheintarif / tt0264917 DVD 2 PAL D 2001 Mondscheintarif / tt0265086 MKV ED/d 2001 Black Hawk Down / tt0265086 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2001 Black Hawk Down / tt0265666 MKV ED/ed 2001 The Royal Tenenbaums / tt0266308 MKV JpD/d 2000 Batoru rowaiaru / Battle Royale tt0266543 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 Finding Nemo / tt0266543 MKV ED/d 2003 Finding Nemo / tt0266697 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 Kill Bill: Vol. 1 / tt0266697 MKV ED/ed 2003 Kill Bill: Vol. 1 / tt0266915 MKV ED/ed 2001 Rush Hour 2 / tt0266915 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 Rush Hour 2 / tt0266987 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 Spy Game / tt0266987 MKV ED/ed 2001 Spy Game / tt0267626 DVD/HD ED/d 2002 K-19: The Widowmaker / tt0267626 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2002 K-19: The Widowmaker / tt0268126 MKV ED/ed 2002 Adaptation. / Adaption - Der Orchideen-Dieb tt0268380 MKV ED/ed 2002 Ice Age / tt0268380 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 Ice Age / tt0268978 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 A Beautiful Mind / A Beautiful Mind: Genie und Wahnsinn tt0268978 MKV ED/ed 2001 A Beautiful Mind / A Beautiful Mind: Genie und Wahnsinn tt0269461 MKV D/fd 2002 Laissez-passer / Safe Conduct - Der Passierschein tt0271029 MKV D/d 2000 Komm, süsser Tod / Come Sweet Death tt0272020 MKV ED/ed 2001 The Last Castle / Letzte Festung, Die tt0272020 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 The Last Castle / Letzte Festung, Die tt0272152 MKV ED/ed 2001 K-PAX / tt0273359 DVD/HD E/e 2000 A History of Britain / Season 1 (2000) tt0273359 DVD 2 PAL E/e 2000 A History of Britain / Season 1 (2000) tt0273656 MKV ED/d 2001 Hornblower: Mutiny / Hornblower: Mutiny tt0273657 MKV ED/d 2001 Hornblower: Retribution / Horatio Hornblower: Retribution tt0274117 MKV D/d 2001 Sur mes lèvres / Read My Lips - Tödliche Bekenntnisse tt0274166 DVD/HD ED/ed 2003 Johnny English / tt0274166 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 Johnny English / tt0275491 MKV D/d 2004 La mala educación / Bad Education tt0275847 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 Lilo and Stitch / tt0275847 MKV ED/d 2002 Lilo and Stitch / tt0276751 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 About a Boy / About a Boy oder: Der Tag der toten Ente tt0276751 MKV ED/d 2002 About a Boy / About a Boy oder: Der Tag der toten Ente tt0276919 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2003 Dogville / tt0276919 MKV ED/ed 2003 Dogville / tt0277027 MKV ED 2001 I Am Sam / tt0277296 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 The Scorpion King / tt0278504 MKV ED/ed 2002 Insomnia / tt0278548 DVD/HD E 2001 Love in a Cold Climate / tt0278548 DVD 2 PAL E 2001 Love in a Cold Climate / tt0279064 DVD/HD NorD/d 2001 Elling / tt0279064 DVD 2 PAL NorD/d 2001 Elling / tt0279113 DVD/HD ED/ed 2002 The Good Girl / tt0279113 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 The Good Girl / tt0279600 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 2002 Smallville / Season 01 (2002) tt0279600 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 2002 Smallville / Season 02 (2003) tt0279600 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 2002 Smallville / Season 03 (2004) tt0279600 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 2002 Smallville / Season 04 (2005) tt0279600 DVD 1 NTSC E/f 2002 Smallville / Season 05 (2006) tt0279600 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 2002 Smallville / Season 06 (2007) tt0279600 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 2002 Smallville / Season 07 (2008) tt0279600 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 2002 Smallville / Season 08 (2009) tt0279600 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 2002 Smallville / Season 09 (2010) tt0279600 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 Smallville / Season 10 (2011) tt0280460 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 The Banger Sisters / Groupies Forever tt0280707 MKV ED/d 2001 Gosford Park / tt0280707 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 Gosford Park / tt0280760 MKV ED/d 2002 Igby Goes Down / tt0281358 MKV ED/d 2002 A Walk to Remember / Nur mit dir tt0282560 AVI D 1959 Hinter den sieben Gleisen / tt0283139 DVD/HD ED/ed 2003 White Oleander / tt0283139 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 White Oleander / tt0283509 MKV ED/d 2001 No Man's Land / No Man's Land tt0283832 DVD/HD FD/fd 2002 8 femmes / 8 Frauen tt0283900 DVD/HD FD/fd 2002 L'Auberge espagnole / L'auberge espagnole - Barcelona für ein Jahr tt0283900 DVD 2 PAL FD/fd 2002 L'Auberge espagnole / L'auberge espagnole - Barcelona für ein Jahr tt0285331 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 24 / 24: Twenty Four Season 1 (2001) tt0285331 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 24 / 24: Twenty Four Season 2 (2002) tt0285331 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 24 / 24: Twenty Four Season 3 (2003) tt0285331 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 24 / 24: Twenty Four Season 4 (2004) tt0285331 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 24 / 24: Twenty Four Season 5 (2005) tt0285331 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 24 / 24: Twenty Four Season 6 (2006) tt0285331 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 24 / 24: Twenty Four Season 7 (2009) tt0285331 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2001 24 / 24: Twenty Four Season 8 (2010) tt0285742 DVD/HD ED/d 2002 Monster's Ball / tt0285742 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2002 Monster's Ball / tt0285823 MKV ED/d 2003 Once Upon a Time in Mexico / tt0285861 MKV ED 2003 Owning Mahowny / tt0286244 DVD/HD FD/d 2003 Les triplettes de Belleville / tt0286244 DVD 2 PAL FD/d 2003 Les triplettes de Belleville / tt0286261 MKV ED/ed 2002 All or Nothing / tt0286499 DVD/HD ED 2002 Bend It Like Beckham / Kick It Like Beckham tt0286499 DVD 2 PAL ED 2002 Bend It Like Beckham / Kick It Like Beckham tt0287467 DVD/HD SpD/spd 2002 Hable con ella / tt0287467 DVD 2 PAL SpD/spd 2002 Hable con ella / tt0287839 MKV ED/d 2003 Children of Dune / tt0289765 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 Red Dragon / tt0289765 MKV ED/d 2002 Red Dragon / tt0289879 MKV ED/d 2004 The Butterfly Effect / tt0289992 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 The Life of David Gale / tt0289992 MKV ED/ed 2003 The Life of David Gale / tt0290334 MKV ED/ed 2003 X2 / X-Men 2 tt0290334 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 X2 / X-Men 2 tt0292242 MKV D 2002 Solino / tt0292506 DVD/HD ED/d 2003 The Recruit / tt0292506 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2003 The Recruit / tt0292963 MKV D 2007 Before the Devil Knows You're Dead / Tödliche Entscheidung tt0293564 MKV ED/ed 2007 Rush Hour 3 / tt0293564 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Rush Hour 3 / tt0293662 DVD/HD ED/ed 2002 The Transporter / tt0293662 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 The Transporter / tt0295297 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / tt0295297 MKV ED/ed 2002 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / tt0296310 MKV D 2001 The Blue Planet / Unser blauer Planet tt0296712 DVD 2 PAL D 2002 Klatretøsen / Kletter Jda - Catch that Girl tt0298148 DVD/HD ED/ed 2004 Shrek 2 / tt0298148 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Shrek 2 / tt0298228 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2002 Whale Rider / tt0298228 MKV ED/d 2002 Whale Rider / tt0299172 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Home on the Range / tt0299172 DVD/HD ED/ed 2004 Home on the Range / tt0299658 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 Chicago / tt0299658 MKV ED/ed 2002 Chicago / tt0299977 DVD/HD ManD/d 2002 Ying xiong / Hero tt0299977 DVD 2 PAL ManD/d 2002 Ying xiong / Hero tt0300140 MKV D 2002 Lilja 4-ever / tt0300237 DVD/HD D/d 2003 Nackt / tt0300237 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2003 Nackt / tt0301199 DVD/HD ED/ed 2002 Dirty Pretty Things / tt0301199 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 Dirty Pretty Things / tt0301357 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2003 Good Bye Lenin! / tt0301357 MKV D/d 2003 Good Bye Lenin! / tt0301976 MKV ED 2003 The United States of Leland / State of Mind - 20 Messerstiche - Solitude - Die geheimnisvolle Welt des Leland Fitzgerald tt0304141 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / tt0304141 MKV ED/ed 2004 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / tt0304415 MKV ED/d 2003 Mona Lisa Smile / tt0305149 MP4 D 1957 Der 10. Mai / tt0306414 MKV ED/ed 2002 The Wire / Season 1 (2002) tt0306414 MKV ED/ed 2002 The Wire / Season 5 (2008) tt0306414 MKV ED/ed 2002 The Wire / Season 2 (2003) tt0306414 MKV ED/ed 2002 The Wire / Season 3 (2004) tt0306414 MKV ED/ed 2002 The Wire / Season 4 (2006) tt0307453 DVD/HD ED/ed 2004 Shark Tale / tt0307453 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Shark Tale / tt0307901 MKV ED 2002 25th Hour / 25 Stunden tt0308644 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Finding Neverland / tt0308644 MKV ED/ed 2004 Finding Neverland / tt0309377 MKV ED/ed 2002 Blood Work / tt0309530 DVD/HD ED/ed 2003 Down with Love / tt0309530 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 Down with Love / tt0309698 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 Identity / tt0309698 MKV ED/ed 2003 Identity / tt0309820 MKV ED/d 2003 Luther / tt0309912 MKV ED/d 2002 Nicholas Nickleby / tt0309987 MKV ED/d 2003 The Dreamers / tt0310203 MKV D/d 2003 Tais-toi! / Ruby & Quentin tt0310793 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2002 Bowling for Columbine / tt0310793 DVD/HD ED/d 2002 Bowling for Columbine / tt0310910 MKV ED 2003 Confidence / tt0311113 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World / tt0311113 MKV ED/ed 2003 Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World / tt0312004 MKV ED/ed 2005 Wallace & Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit / Wallace & Gromit - Auf der Jagd nach dem Riesenkaninchen tt0312004 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Wallace & Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit / Wallace & Gromit - Auf der Jagd nach dem Riesenkaninchen tt0312549 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 Veronica Guerin / tt0312549 DVD/HD ED/ed 2003 Veronica Guerin / tt0312549 MKV ED 2003 Veronica Guerin / tt0313542 MKV ED/ed 2003 Runaway Jury / tt0313542 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2003 Runaway Jury / tt0313737 DVD/HD ED/ed 2002 Two Weeks Notice / tt0313737 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2002 Two Weeks Notice / tt0313792 MKV ED/d 2003 Anything Else / tt0314331 MKV ED/d 2003 Love Actually / tt0314331 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 Love Actually / tt0314353 MKV ED/ed 2003 Tears of the Sun / tt0315733 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2003 21 Grams / 21 Gramm tt0315733 DVD/HD ED/d 2003 21 Grams / 21 Gramm tt0315733 MKV ED 2003 21 Grams / 21 Gramm tt0315983 MKV ED 2003 House of Sand and Fog / tt0316356 MKV ED/d 2003 Open Range / tt0316654 MKV ED/ed 2004 Spider-Man 2 / tt0316654 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Spider-Man 2 / tt0317198 DVD/HD ED/ed 2004 Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason / Bridget Jones - Am Rande des Wahnsinns tt0317198 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason / Bridget Jones - Am Rande des Wahnsinns tt0317219 Blu-ray ED/ed 2006 Cars / tt0317219 MKV ED/ed 2006 Cars / tt0317248 MKV D/d 2002 Cidade de Deus / City of God tt0317705 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 The Incredibles / tt0317705 MKV ED/d 2004 The Incredibles / tt0317740 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2003 The Italian Job (2003) / tt0317740 MKV ED/ed 2003 The Italian Job (2003) / tt0317919 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2006 Mission: Impossible III / tt0317919 DVD/HD ED/ed 2006 Mission: Impossible III / tt0318202 DVD/HD F/d 2002 Être et avoir / tt0318202 DVD 2 PAL F/d 2002 Être et avoir / tt0319061 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 Big Fish / Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht tt0319061 MKV ED/ed 2003 Big Fish / Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht tt0320661 MKV ED/d 2005 Kingdom of Heaven / tt0320661 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Kingdom of Heaven / tt0321897 DVD/HD E/e 2002 Daniel Deronda / tt0321897 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 2002 Daniel Deronda / tt0322330 MKV D 2003 Freaky Friday / tt0322420 DVD/HD SerD/d 2004 Zivot je cudo / Das Leben ist ein Wunder tt0322420 DVD 2 PAL SerD/d 2004 Zivot je cudo / Das Leben ist ein Wunder tt0323250 MKV ED/ed 2002 Mike's New Car / Mikes neues Auto tt0323250 MKV ED/ed 2002 Mike's New Car / Mikes neues Auto tt0323872 AVI D 2003 Salmer fra kjøkkenet / Kitchen Stories tt0323944 MKV ED/ed 2003 Shattered Glass / tt0324133 DVD 2 PAL DEF/d 2003 Swimming Pool / tt0324133 MKV EFD/d 2003 Swimming Pool / tt0324937 MKV/TV D 2002 Doctor Zhivago / tt0325703 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2003 Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life / tt0325710 MKV ED/d 2003 The Last Samurai / tt0325805 MKV ED 2003 Matchstick Men / Tricks tt0325980 Blu-ray ED/ed 2003 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl / tt0325980 MKV ED/ed 2003 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl / tt0327056 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 Mystic River / tt0327056 MKV ED/ed 2003 Mystic River / tt0327084 DVD/HD ED/ed 2006 Over the Hedge / tt0327084 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2006 Over the Hedge / tt0327137 MKV ED 2003 Secondhand Lions / tt0327597 MKV ED/ed 2009 Coraline / tt0327597 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2009 Coraline / tt0327890 MKV ED/d 2003 Hornblower: Loyalty / Hornblower: Loyalty tt0328107 MKV ED/d 2004 Man on Fire / tt0328538 MKV ED/ed 2003 Thirteen / tt0328844 DVD/HD DänD/d 2003 Arven / Das Erbe tt0328844 DVD 2 PAL DänD/d 2003 Arven / Das Erbe tt0328880 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2003 Brother Bear / Bärenbrüder tt0328880 DVD/HD ED/ed 2003 Brother Bear / Bärenbrüder tt0329388 MKV D/d 2003 Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran / Monsieur Ibrahim tt0330373 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / tt0330373 MKV ED/ed 2005 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / tt0332280 MKV ED/ed 2004 The Notebook / Wie ein einziger Tag tt0332280 Blu-ray ED/ed 2004 The Notebook / Wie ein einziger Tag tt0332452 MKV ED/ed 2004 Troy / tt0332452 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Troy / tt0333766 MKV ED/ed 2004 Garden State / tt0335266 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2003 Lost in Translation / tt0335266 MKV ED/ed 2003 Lost in Translation / tt0337563 MKV D 2004 13 Going on 30 / 30 über Nacht tt0337945 DVD 2 PAL ED 2003 Coronado / tt0337978 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Live Free or Die Hard / Stirb langsam 4.0 tt0337978 MKV ED/d 2007 Live Free or Die Hard / Stirb langsam 4.0 tt0338013 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2004 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind / Vergiss mein nicht tt0338013 MKV ED/ed 2004 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind / Vergiss mein nicht tt0338309 MKV D/d 2003 Ondskan / Evil - Faustrecht tt0338348 MKV ED/ed 2004 The Polar Express / tt0338348 Blu-ray ED/ed 2004 The Polar Express / tt0338751 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 The Aviator / tt0338751 MKV ED/ed 2004 The Aviator / tt0339349 DVD/HD/TV CH 2002 Mani Matter - Warum syt dir so truurig? / tt0340855 DVD/HD ED/d 2003 Monster / tt0340855 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2003 Monster / tt0342258 MKV ED/ed 2005 Unleashed / Unleashed - Entfesselt tt0342735 AVI D 2005 Manderlay / tt0343737 MKV ED/d 2006 The Good Shepherd / Der gute Hirte tt0343818 MKV ED/ed 2004 I, Robot / tt0345591 DVD/HD D 2003 Love Comes Softly / tt0346491 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2004 Alexander / tt0347048 MKV D/d 2004 Gegen die Wand / Head-On tt0347149 MKV JpD/d 2004 Hauru no ugoku shiro / Das wandelnde Schloss tt0347246 MKV JapD/d 2004 Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence / tt0349683 DVD/HD EF/ef 2004 King Arthur / tt0349903 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Ocean's Twelve / tt0349903 MKV ED/ed 2004 Ocean's Twelve / tt0350028 DVD/HD ED/ed 2004 Raising Helen / tt0350028 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Raising Helen / tt0350258 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Ray / tt0350258 MKV ED/d 2004 Ray / tt0350261 MKV ED/ed 2005 An Unfinished Life / Ein ungezähmtes Leben tt0351283 MKV ED/ed 2005 Madagascar / tt0351283 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Madagascar / tt0352248 MKV ED/d 2005 Cinderella Man / Das Comeback tt0352410 MKV ED/d 2003 Hornblower: Duty / Hornblower: Duty tt0353969 MKV D 2003 Salinui chueok / Memories of Murder tt0356154 DVD 2 PAL NorD/d 2003 Ulvesommer / Kim und die Wölfe tt0356487 AVI Sp/d 2004 Whisky Romeo Zulu / tt0356910 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2005 Mr. & Mrs. Smith / tt0357668 MKV D 2008 The Flyboys / tt0358135 DVD/HD ED/ed 2004 Shall We Dance / tt0358135 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Shall We Dance / tt0358273 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Walk the Line / tt0358273 MKV ED/ed 2005 Walk the Line / tt0360717 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 King Kong / tt0360717 MKV ED/ed 2005 King Kong / tt0361127 MKV ED/e 2004 The Woodsman / tt0361411 DVD/HD ED/d 2004 Bride & Prejudice / Liebe lieber indisch tt0361411 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2004 Bride & Prejudice / Liebe lieber indisch tt0361596 MKV/TV E/d 2004 Fahrenheit 9/11 / tt0361620 MKV ED 2004 First Daughter / tt0361748 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 Inglourious Basterds / tt0361748 MKV ED/d 2009 Inglourious Basterds / tt0361862 MKV ED/d 2004 The Machinist / tt0362225 MKV D 2006 Ne le dis à personne / Tell No One - Kein Sterbenswort tt0362227 MKV ED/ed 2004 The Terminal / tt0363163 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2004 Der Untergang / tt0363163 MKV D/ed 2004 Der Untergang / tt0364569 MKV KorD/d 2003 Oldeuboi / Oldboy tt0365686 DVD/HD ED/d 2005 Revolver / tt0365737 MKV ED/ed 2005 Syriana / tt0365737 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Syriana / tt0365748 MKV ED/d 2004 Shaun of the Dead / tt0366548 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2006 Happy Feet / tt0366627 MKV ED/d 2005 The Jacket / tt0366905 AVI D 1969 Pippi Långstrump / tt0367594 DVD/HD ED/ed 2005 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory / Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik tt0367594 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory / Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik tt0367882 MKV ED/ed 2008 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull / tt0368709 MKV ED/d 2005 Elizabethtown / tt0369339 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Collateral / tt0369339 MKV ED/ed 2004 Collateral / tt0369610 MKV ED/ed 2015 Jurassic World / tt0369672 MKV ED/ed 2004 A Love Song for Bobby Long / tt0369702 MKV SpD/spd 2004 Mar adentro / Das Meer in mir tt0371257 MKV ED/d 2005 Stay / tt0371606 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Chicken Little / Himmel und Huhn tt0371606 DVD/HD ED/ed 2005 Chicken Little / Himmel und Huhn tt0371746 MKV ED/d 2008 Iron Man / tt0371746 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2008 Iron Man / tt0372183 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 The Bourne Supremacy / Die Bourne Verschwörung tt0372183 MKV ED/ed 2004 The Bourne Supremacy / Die Bourne Verschwörung tt0372784 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Batman Begins / tt0372784 MKV ED/d 2005 Batman Begins / tt0372824 Blu-ray FD/d 2004 Les choristes / Die Kinder des Monsieur Mathieu tt0372824 MKV FD/d 2004 Les choristes / Die Kinder des Monsieur Mathieu tt0373469 MKV ED/d 2005 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang / tt0373861 DVD/HD MongD/d 2003 Die Geschichte vom weinenden Kamel / Weeping Camel tt0373861 DVD 2 PAL MongD/d 2003 Die Geschichte vom weinenden Kamel / Weeping Camel tt0373889 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / tt0373889 MKV ED/ed 2007 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / tt0373926 MKV ED/d 2005 The Interpreter / Die Dolmetscherin tt0373981 MKV D/d 2003 Kontroll / Control tt0374345 MKV D 2003 De zaak Alzheimer / The Memory of a Killer tt0374463 MKV ED/d 2010 The Pacific / tt0375063 DVD/HD ED/ed 2004 Sideways / tt0375063 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Sideways / tt0375679 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 L.A. Crash / tt0375679 MKV ED/ed 2004 L.A. Crash / tt0375912 MKV ED/ed 2004 Layer Cake / tt0376541 DVD/HD ED/ed 2004 Closer / Hautnah tt0376541 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Closer / Hautnah tt0376541 MKV ED 2004 Closer / Hautnah tt0378194 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Kill Bill: Vol. 2 / tt0378194 MKV ED/ed 2004 Kill Bill: Vol. 2 / tt0378793 MKV ED 2004 Speak / tt0378947 MKV ED/ed 2004 Melinda and Melinda / tt0379217 DVD/HD E/d 2003 Coffee and Cigarettes / tt0379217 DVD 2 PAL E/d 2003 Coffee and Cigarettes / tt0379306 AVI/TV D 2004 A Good Woman / tt0379306 MKV E/e 2004 A Good Woman / tt0379725 MKV ED 2005 Capote / tt0381061 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Casino Royale / James Bond 21 tt0381061 MKV ED/ed 2004 Casino Royale / James Bond 21 tt0381681 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Before Sunset / tt0381681 MKV ED/ed 2004 Before Sunset / tt0381849 MKV ED/ed 2007 3:10 to Yuma / Todeszug nach Yuma tt0381849 Blu-ray ED/ed 2007 3:10 to Yuma / Todeszug nach Yuma tt0381971 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2006 Curious George / Coco - Der neugierige Affe tt0382077 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Hide and Seek / tt0382330 MKV SwD/swd 2004 Så som i himmelen / Wie im Himmel tt0382330 DVD 2 PAL SwD/d 2004 Så som i himmelen / Wie im Himmel tt0382625 MKV ED/ed 2006 The Da Vinci Code / tt0382932 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Ratatouille / tt0382932 MKV ED/ed 2007 Ratatouille / tt0383028 MKV ED/d 2008 Synecdoche, New York / tt0383574 Blu-ray ED/ed 2006 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest / tt0383574 MKV ED/ed 2006 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest / tt0384369 MKV D 2004 Napola - Elite für den Führer / Before the Fall tt0384766 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Rome / Season 1 (2005) tt0384766 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Rome / Season 2 (2007) tt0384766 MKV ED/d 2005 Rome / Season 2 (2007) tt0384766 MKV ED/ed 2005 Rome / Season 1 (2005) tt0385002 MKV ED/d 2005 Hooligans / Green Street Hooligans tt0385004 MKV ChinD/e 2004 Shi mian mai fu / House of Flying Daggers tt0385004 DVD 2 PAL ChinD/d 2004 Shi mian mai fu / House of Flying Daggers tt0385017 DVD/HD E/df 2004 In My Father's Den / Als das Meer verschwand tt0385017 MKV ED 2004 In My Father's Den / Als das Meer verschwand tt0385887 MKV ED/ed 2019 Motherless Brooklyn / tt0386032 MKV/TV D 2007 Sicko / tt0386038 MKV D/edf 2004 Silentium / tt0386792 MKV ED/ed 2004 Something the Lord Made / Ein Werk Gottes tt0387131 MKV ED/d 2005 The Constant Gardener / Der ewige Gärtner tt0388318 MKV D/d 2005 Paha maa / tt0388473 DVD/HD JapD/ed 2003 Tôkyô goddofâzâzu / Tokyo Godfathers tt0388473 DVD 2 PAL JapD/ed 2003 Tôkyô goddofâzâzu / Tokyo Godfathers tt0388482 DVD/HD ED/ed 2005 Transporter 2 / tt0388482 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Transporter 2 / tt0388795 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Brokeback Mountain / tt0388795 DVD/HD ED/ed 2005 Brokeback Mountain / tt0388795 MKV ED 2005 Brokeback Mountain / tt0388980 MKV D/d 2005 The Greatest Game Ever Played / Das grösste Spiel seines Lebens tt0389557 MKV ED 2006 Zwartboek / Black Book tt0392799 DVD/HD D/e 2004 Sternenberg / tt0392799 DVD 2 PAL D/e 2004 Sternenberg / tt0393109 MKV ED 2005 Brick / tt0395169 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2004 Hotel Rwanda / tt0395169 MKV ED/ed 2004 Hotel Rwanda / tt0395479 MKV ED/ed 2003 Boundin' / Ein Schaf ist von der Wolle tt0395479 MKV ED/ed 2003 Boundin' / Ein Schaf ist von der Wolle tt0395571 MKV ED 2004 Hawking / Die Suche nach dem Anfang der Zeit tt0395972 MKV ED/ed 2005 North Country / tt0395972 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 North Country / tt0396171 MKV ED/d 2006 Perfume: The Story of a Murderer / Das Parfum tt0396555 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Meet the Robinsons / tt0396555 DVD/HD ED/ed 2007 Meet the Robinsons / tt0396882 MKV/TV Chd 2004 Strähl / tt0397892 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2008 Bolt / Bolt: Ein Hund für alle Fälle tt0397892 DVD/HD ED/ed 2008 Bolt / Bolt: Ein Hund für alle Fälle tt0398017 DVD/HD ED/ed 2005 Derailed / tt0398017 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Derailed / tt0398286 Blu-ray ED/ed 2010 Tangled / Rapunzel - Neu verföhnt tt0398286 MKV ED/ed 2010 Tangled / Rapunzel - Neu verföhnt tt0398808 MKV ED/d 2007 Bridge to Terabithia / Brücke nach Terabithia tt0399095 MKV/TV D 2007 Trade / tt0399146 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 A History of Violence / tt0399146 MKV ED/ed 2005 A History of Violence / tt0399201 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 The Island / tt0399201 MKV ED/ed 2005 The Island / tt0399295 MKV ED/d 2005 Lord of War / Händler des Todes tt0401383 MKV D 2007 Le scaphandre et le papillon / The Diving Bell and the Butterfly tt0401445 DVD/HD ED/ed 2006 A Good Year / tt0401445 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2006 A Good Year / tt0401711 MKV EFD/fd 2006 Paris, je t'aime / tt0401711 DVD 2 PAL EFD/fd 2006 Paris, je t'aime / tt0401792 MKV ED/d 2005 Sin City / tt0401997 MKV ED 2007 Breach / Enttarnt - Verrat auf höchster Ebene tt0402348 DVD/HD D 2004 Love's Enduring Promise / - tt0402399 MKV ED 2005 The New World / tt0402711 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Boston Legal / Season 1 (2004) tt0402711 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Boston Legal / Season 2 (2005) tt0402711 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2004 Boston Legal / Season 3 (2006) tt0402711 DVD 2 PAL E/e 2004 Boston Legal / Season 4 (2007) tt0402711 DVD 2 PAL E/e 2004 Boston Legal / Season 5 (2008) tt0402711 DVD/HD ED/ed 2004 Boston Legal / Season 1 (2004) tt0402711 DVD/HD ED/ed 2004 Boston Legal / Season 2 (2005) tt0402711 DVD/HD ED/ed 2004 Boston Legal / Season 3 (2006) tt0402711 DVD/HD E/e 2004 Boston Legal / Season 4 (2007) tt0402711 MKV ED 2004 Boston Legal / Season 4 (2007) tt0402711 DVD/HD E/e 2004 Boston Legal / Season 5 (2008) tt0402711 MKV ED 2004 Boston Legal / Season 5 (2008) tt0402894 DVD/HD ED/ed 2005 Casanova / tt0402894 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Casanova / tt0404030 MKV/TV ED 2005 Everything Is Illuminated / tt0404203 MKV ED/e 2006 Little Children / tt0405094 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2006 Das Leben der Anderen / tt0405094 MKV D/d 2006 Das Leben der Anderen / tt0405159 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 2004 Million Dollar Baby / tt0405159 MKV ED/d 2004 Million Dollar Baby / tt0407304 MKV ED/d 2005 War of the Worlds / Krieg der Welten tt0407887 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2006 The Departed / tt0407887 MKV ED/ed 2006 The Departed / tt0408236 MKV ED/ed 2007 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street / tt0408236 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street / tt0408306 MKV ED/ed 2005 Munich / tt0409260 MKV D 1942 Der Schuß von der Kanzel / tt0410297 DVD/HD ED/ed 2006 The Lake House / tt0410297 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2006 The Lake House / tt0411272 MKV D/d 2008 L'ennemi public n°1 / tt0412019 MKV ED/ed 2005 Broken Flowers / tt0412080 MKV ED/d 2005 The World's Fastest Indian / tt0412536 DVD/HD/TV D 2008 Brideshead Revisited / Wiedersehen mit Brideshead tt0412922 MKV/TV D 2005 Little Manhattan / tt0413015 DVD/HD E/e 2005 Mrs Henderson Presents / tt0413267 MKV ED/ed 2007 Shrek the Third / tt0413267 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Shrek the Third / tt0413300 DVD/HD ED/ed 2007 Spider-Man 3 / tt0413300 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Spider-Man 3 / tt0414387 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Pride and Prejudice / Stolz und Vorurteil tt0414387 DVD/HD ED/ed 2005 Pride and Prejudice / Stolz und Vorurteil tt0414387 MKV D/d 2005 Pride and Prejudice / Stolz und Vorurteil tt0414993 MKV ED/ed 2006 The Fountain / tt0416320 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Match Point / tt0416320 MKV ED/ed 2005 Match Point / tt0416331 DVD/HD D/d 2004 Go for Zucker / tt0416331 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2004 Go for Zucker / tt0417189 MKV ED 2005 Le temps qui reste / Time to Leave - Die Zeit, die bleibt tt0417349 DVD/HD E/e 2004 North and South / tt0417349 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 2004 North and South / tt0417741 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / tt0417741 MKV ED/ed 2009 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / tt0418235 DVD 2 PAL F/ed 2004 Thaïs / tt0418279 Blu-ray ED/ed 2007 Transformers / tt0418455 MKV DänD/d 2005 Adams æbler / Adam's Apples tt0418455 DVD 2 PAL DänD/d 2005 Adams æbler / Adam's Apples tt0418689 MKV ED/ed 2006 Flags of Our Fathers / tt0418689 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2006 Flags of Our Fathers / tt0418763 DVD/HD ED/ed 2005 Jarhead / tt0418763 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Jarhead / tt0419294 MKV ED/d 2005 The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada / tt0419749 MKV ED/e 2006 Find Me Guilty / Find Me Guilty tt0419887 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 The Kite Runner / Drachenläufer tt0419887 MKV ED/ed 2007 The Kite Runner / Drachenläufer tt0420223 DVD/HD Ed/d 2006 Stranger Than Fiction / tt0420223 DVD 2 PAL Ed/d 2006 Stranger Than Fiction / tt0420223 MKV ED 2006 Stranger Than Fiction / tt0420609 MKV ED/e 2006 Infamous / tt0421715 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2008 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button / Der seltsame Fall des Benjamin Button tt0421715 MKV ED/ed 2008 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button / Der seltsame Fall des Benjamin Button tt0423651 DVD/HD ED/d 2005 Fingersmith / tt0423651 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2005 Fingersmith / tt0423667 DVD 2 PAL D 1978 Heidi / Season 1 (1978) tt0423667 DVD 2 PAL D 1978 Heidi / Season 2 (1978) tt0424205 DVD/HD EFD/d 2005 Joyeux Noël / Merry Christmas tt0424205 DVD 2 PAL EFD/d 2005 Joyeux Noël / Merry Christmas tt0425112 MKV ED/ed 2007 Hot Fuzz / tt0425118 MKV ED/e 2020 I Know This Much Is True / tt0425123 MKV ED/ed 2005 Just Like Heaven / Solange Du da bist tt0425210 MKV ED/d 2006 Lucky Number Slevin / tt0425326 DVD/HD ED/d 2006 Outsourced / tt0425326 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2006 Outsourced / tt0426578 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2005 Sophie Scholl - Die letzten Tage / tt0426578 MKV D/e 2005 Sophie Scholl - Die letzten Tage / tt0426883 MKV ED/d 2006 Alpha Dog / Alpha Dog - Tödliche Freundschaften tt0426931 MKV ED 2007 August Rush / Der Klang des Herzens tt0427309 MKV ED 2007 The Great Debaters / Die Macht der Worte tt0427470 MKV/TV ED 2007 The Lookout / tt0428134 AVI D 2005 Mary Bryant / tt0429589 Blu-ray ED/ed 2006 The Ant Bully / Lukas, der Ameisenschreck tt0430105 MKV ED/ed 2005 Four Brothers / Vier Brüder tt0430357 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2006 Miami Vice / tt0430404 DVD 1 NTSC - 1922 Nice and Friendly / tt0430404 MKV - 1922 Nice and Friendly / tt0430576 MKV ED/ed 2005 The Secret Life of Words / tt0432283 MKV ED/d 2009 Fantastic Mr. Fox / tt0433035 MKV ED/ed 2011 Real Steel / tt0433383 MKV ED/d 2005 Good Night, and Good Luck. / tt0434409 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 V for Vendetta / tt0434409 MKV ED/ed 2005 V for Vendetta / tt0435761 Blu-ray ED/ed 2010 Toy Story 3 / tt0435761 MKV ED/ed 2010 Toy Story 3 / tt0436697 MKV E 2006 The Queen / tt0437086 MKV ED/ed 2019 Alita - Battle Angel / tt0437800 MKV ED 2006 Akeelah and the Bee / Akeelah ist die Grösste tt0438097 DVD/HD ED/ed 2006 Ice Age: The Meltdown / tt0438097 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2006 Ice Age: The Meltdown / tt0438488 MKV ED/ed 2009 Terminator Salvation / tt0438488 Blu-ray ED/ed 2009 Terminator Salvation / tt0439123 DVD/HD DF 2006 Azur et Asmar / tt0439123 DVD 2 PAL DF 2006 Azur et Asmar / tt0440963 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 The Bourne Ultimatum / Das Bourne Ultimatum tt0440963 MKV ED/ed 2007 The Bourne Ultimatum / Das Bourne Ultimatum tt0441773 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2008 Kung Fu Panda / tt0441773 MKV ED/ed 2008 Kung Fu Panda / tt0441909 MKV SpD/d 2006 Volver / tt0442632 DVD/HD E/e 2005 Bleak House / tt0442632 DVD 1 NTSC E/e 2005 Bleak House / tt0443272 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2012 Lincoln / tt0443272 MKV ED/ed 2012 Lincoln / tt0443543 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2006 The Illusionist / Nichts ist wie es scheint tt0443543 MKV ED/d 2006 The Illusionist / Nichts ist wie es scheint tt0443632 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2006 The Sentinel / tt0443680 MKV ED/d 2007 The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford / Die Ermordung des Jesse James durch den Feigling Robert Ford tt0443680 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford / Die Ermordung des Jesse James durch den Feigling Robert Ford tt0443706 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Zodiac / Die Spur des Killers tt0443706 MKV ED/ed 2007 Zodiac / Die Spur des Killers tt0445336 MKV D/d 2007 Du levande / Das jüngste Gewitter tt0446755 MKV ED/d 2006 The Painted Veil / Der bunte Schleier tt0447374 DVD/HD E 2005 The Presidents / Season 1 (2005) tt0447374 DVD 2 PAL E 2005 The Presidents / Season 1 (2005) tt0448115 MKV ED/ed 2019 Shazam! / tt0448124 MKV ED 2006 Snow Cake / tt0448134 MKV ED/d 2007 Sunshine / tt0448694 DVD/HD ED/ed 2011 Puss in Boots / tt0449059 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2006 Little Miss Sunshine / tt0449059 MKV ED/d 2006 Little Miss Sunshine / tt0449088 Blu-ray ED/ed 2007 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End / tt0449088 MKV ED/ed 2007 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End / tt0449467 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 1998 Babel / tt0449467 MKV ED/ed 1998 Babel / tt0449959 DVD/HD DFI/fi 2006 Grounding - Die letzten Tage der Swissair / tt0449959 DVD 2 PAL DFI/fi 2006 Grounding - Die letzten Tage der Swissair / tt0450232 DVD/HD ED/ed 2006 16 Blocks / tt0450232 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2006 16 Blocks / tt0450259 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2006 Blood Diamond / tt0450259 MKV ED/ed 2006 Blood Diamond / tt0451079 DVD/HD ED/ed 2008 Horton Hears a Who! / tt0451079 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2008 Horton Hears a Who! / tt0451094 MKV KorD/d 2005 Chinjeolhan geumjassi / Lady Vengeance tt0451279 MKV ED/ed 2017 Wonder Woman / tt0452623 MKV ED/ed 2007 Gone Baby Gone / tt0452624 DVD/HD ED/ed 2006 The Good German / tt0452624 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2006 The Good German / tt0452694 MKV ED/d 2009 The Time Traveler's Wife / tt0453467 MKV ED/ed 2006 Deja Vu / tt0454776 MKV ED/d 2006 Amazing Grace / Der Mann, der die Welt veränderte tt0454848 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2006 Inside Man / tt0454848 MKV ED/ed 2006 Inside Man / tt0454876 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2012 Life of Pi / tt0454876 MKV ED/ed 2012 Life of Pi / tt0454921 MKV ED/ed 2006 The Pursuit of Happyness / Das Streben nach Glück tt0455275 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Prison Break / Season 5 (2017) tt0455275 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Prison Break / Season 4 (2009) tt0455275 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Prison Break / Season 3 (2008) tt0455275 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Prison Break / Season 2 (2007) tt0455275 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2005 Prison Break / Season 1 (2005) tt0455565 MKV ED/ed 2005 Jack-Jack Attack / tt0455565 MKV ED/ed 2005 Jack-Jack Attack / tt0455590 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2006 The Last King of Scotland / tt0455590 DVD/HD ED/ed 2006 The Last King of Scotland / tt0455590 MKV D/d 2006 The Last King of Scotland / tt0455824 MKV ED/ed 2008 Australia / tt0455824 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2008 Australia / tt0455944 MKV ED/ed 2014 The Equalizer / tt0457430 MKV SpD/d 2006 Pan's Labyrinth / tt0457513 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2006 Scoop / Scoop - Der Knüller tt0457513 MKV ED 2006 Scoop / Scoop - Der Knüller tt0457513 DVD/HD ED/d 2006 Scoop / Scoop - Der Knüller tt0457939 MKV ED/ed 2006 The Holiday / Liebe braucht keine Ferien tt0457939 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2006 The Holiday / Liebe braucht keine Ferien tt0458352 MKV ED/ed 2006 The Devil Wears Prada / Der Teufel trägt Prada tt0458413 MKV ED/d 2014 A Long Way Down / tt0458413 Blu-ray ED 2014 A Long Way Down / tt0458481 MKV ED/d 2014 Sin City: A Dame to Kill For / tt0461694 MKV D/d 2006 Vier Minuten / Four Minutes tt0461770 DVD/HD ED/ed 2007 Enchanted / tt0461770 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Enchanted / tt0461872 AVI D 2005 Human Trafficking / tt0462322 MKV ED/ed 2007 Grindhouse / tt0462338 MKV ED 2006 The Hoax / tt0462499 MKV ED/d 2008 Rambo / tt0462499 Blu-ray ED/d 2008 Rambo / tt0462504 MKV ED/d 2006 Rescue Dawn / tt0463998 MKV ED 2007 Freedom Writers / tt0465188 MKV/TV ED 2006 Nuovomondo / Golden Door tt0465538 MKV ED/d 2007 Michael Clayton / tt0465551 MKV ED/ed 2006 Notes on a Scandal / tt0465653 DVD/HD ED/d 2005 Under the Greenwood Tree / tt0465653 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2005 Under the Greenwood Tree / tt0466893 MKV D 2011 Margaret / tt0467406 MKV ED/ed 2007 Juno / tt0467406 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Juno / tt0468489 MKV ED/d 2006 Half Nelson / tt0468569 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2008 The Dark Knight / tt0468569 MKV ED/d 2008 The Dark Knight / tt0469263 MKV ED/d 2006 The Astronaut Farmer / tt0469494 Blu-ray ED/ed 2007 There Will Be Blood / tt0469494 MKV ED/ed 2007 There Will Be Blood / tt0469955 DVD 2 PAL D 2006 Paulas Geheimnis / tt0470752 MKV ED/ed 2015 Ex Machina / tt0472027 MKV ED 2008 John Adams / tt0472043 MKV Myn/d 2006 Apocalypto / tt0472181 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2011 The Smurfs / tt0473705 MKV ED/ed 2009 State of Play / tt0473705 Blu-ray ED/ed 2009 State of Play / tt0473753 MKV D/d 2005 Angel-A / tt0475276 MKV ED/ed 2006 United 93 / Flug 93 tt0475286 MKV ED/d 2007 Graduation / tt0475293 DVD/HD ED/ed 2006 High School Musical / tt0476964 MKV ED/d 2007 The Brave One / Die Fremde in dir tt0477080 MKV ED/ed 2010 Unstoppable / tt0477302 MKV ED/ed 2011 Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close / tt0477348 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 No Country for Old Men / tt0477348 MKV ED/d 2007 No Country for Old Men / tt0477857 MKV/TV D 2005 Sehar / Kalter Morgen der Vergeltung tt0478087 MKV ED/d 2008 21 / tt0478134 MKV ED/d 2007 In the Valley of Elah / Im Tal von Elah tt0478304 MKV ED/d 2011 The Tree of Life / tt0478331 MP4/TV D 2005 Workingman's Death / tt0478829 DVD/HD D/ed 2006 Vitus / tt0478829 DVD 2 PAL D/ed 2006 Vitus / tt0479113 MKV E 2005 One Man Band / Die Ein-Mann-Band tt0479113 MKV ED/ed 2005 One Man Band / Die Ein-Mann-Band tt0479143 MKV ED/ed 2006 Rocky Balboa / Rocky Balboa tt0479354 AVI D 2006 Crónica de una fuga / Buenos Aires 1977 tt0479952 DVD/HD ED/ed 2008 Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa / tt0479952 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2008 Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa / tt0480025 MKV ED 2006 This Is England / tt0480249 MKV ED/ed 2007 I Am Legend / tt0480558 DVD/HD Chd 2005 Mein Name ist Eugen / tt0480558 DVD 2 PAL Chd 2005 Mein Name ist Eugen / tt0480669 MKV D/d 2007 Los cronocrímenes / Timecrimes - Mord ist nur eine Frage der Zeit tt0481499 MKV ED/ed 2013 The Croods / Die Croods tt0482088 DVD/HD FD/d 2006 Hors de prix / Priceless tt0482546 MKV ED 2006 Miss Potter / Die zauberhafte Welt der Beatrix Potter tt0482571 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2006 The Prestige / tt0482571 MKV ED/d 2006 The Prestige / tt0482572 DVD/HD ED/ed 2008 Pride and Glory / tt0482572 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2008 Pride and Glory / tt0484740 DVD/HD SpED/ed 2007 Love in the Time of Cholera / tt0484740 DVD 2 PAL SpED/ed 2007 Love in the Time of Cholera / tt0485241 MKV FD/fde 2006 Je vais bien, ne t'en fais pas / tt0485947 MKV ED/d 2009 Mr. Nobody / tt0486219 MKV HuD 2006 Szabadság, szerelem / Children of Glory tt0486420 DVD/HD D 2005 Love's Long Journey / tt0486674 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2008 What Just Happened / tt0488059 DVD 2 PAL DänD/d 2006 Tempelriddernes skat / tt0488120 MKV ED/d 2007 Fracture / Das perfekte Verbrechen tt0488317 DVD 2 PAL D 2005 Miracle Planet / Season 1 (2005) tt0488317 MKV D 2005 Miracle Planet / Season 1 (2005) tt0489664 DVD/HD ED/d 2007 Butterfly on a Wheel / Spiel mit der Angst tt0490204 MKV ED/e 2007 Reign Over Me / tt0490215 MKV ED/d 2016 Silence / tt0493464 MKV ED/d 2008 Wanted / tt0494271 MKV/TV D 2006 La sconosciuta / tt0496806 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Ocean's Thirteen / tt0496806 MKV ED/ed 2007 Ocean's Thirteen / tt0497137 MKV KorD/d 2006 Ssa-i-bo-geu-ji-man-gwen-chan-a / I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK tt0497465 MKV ED/d 2008 Vicky Cristina Barcelona / tt0497465 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2008 Vicky Cristina Barcelona / tt0498380 DVD/HD JpD/ed 2006 Letters from Iwo Jima / tt0498380 DVD 2 PAL JpD/ed 2006 Letters from Iwo Jima / tt0498380 MKV D/d 2006 Letters from Iwo Jima / tt0499549 Blu-ray ED/ed 2009 Avatar / Avatar - Aufbruch nach Pandora tt0499549 MKV ED/ed 2009 Avatar / Avatar - Aufbruch nach Pandora tt0758758 MKV ED/d 2007 Into the Wild / tt0758766 DVD/HD ED/ed 2007 Music and Lyrics / tt0758766 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Music and Lyrics / tt0758774 MKV ED/ed 2008 Body of Lies / Der Mann, der niemals lebte tt0758774 Blu-ray ED/ed 2008 Body of Lies / Der Mann, der niemals lebte tt0760329 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 The Water Horse / tt0765010 MKV ED/d 2009 Brothers / tt0765120 AVI/TV D 2007 My Blueberry Nights / tt0765120 MKV E 2007 My Blueberry Nights / tt0765429 Blu-ray ED/ed 2007 American Gangster / tt0765429 MKV ED/ed 2007 American Gangster / tt0765443 MKV ED/ed 2007 Eastern Promises / tt0765443 Blu-ray ED/ed 2007 Eastern Promises / tt0768155 DVD 2 PAL ED 2006 Little Amadeus / Season 1 (2006) tt0780362 DVD/HD E 2006 Jane Eyre / tt0780362 DVD 1 NTSC E 2006 Jane Eyre / tt0780504 MKV ED/ed 2011 Drive / tt0780511 MKV ED/e 2009 Everybody's Fine / tt0780521 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 The Princess and the Frog / tt0780521 MKV ED/d 2009 The Princess and the Frog / tt0780536 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2008 In Bruges / Brügge sehen und sterben tt0780536 MKV ED/ed 2008 In Bruges / Brügge sehen und sterben tt0783233 MKV ED/d 2007 Atonement / Abbitte tt0783233 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Atonement / Abbitte tt0783515 MKV ED 2007 The Education of Charlie Banks / tt0783640 MKV ED/d 2019 The Last Full Measure / Keiner bleibt zurück tt0787442 MKV D/d 2012 The Attack / tt0787524 MKV ED/d 2015 The Man Who Knew Infinity / tt0790636 MKV ED/d 2013 Dallas Buyers Club / tt0790663 MKV ED/d 2010 The First Grader / tt0790712 MKV ED 2009 The Messenger / tt0790724 MKV ED/ed 2012 Jack Reacher / tt0792965 DVD/HD FD/d 2007 Ensemble, c'est tout / tt0792965 DVD 2 PAL FD/d 2007 Ensemble, c'est tout / tt0795176 DVD 2 PAL ED 2006 Planet Earth / tt0795176 MKV ED 2006 Planet Earth / tt0795368 MKV ED/d 2007 Death at a Funeral / Sterben für Anfänger tt0795368 Blu-ray ED/d 2007 Death at a Funeral / Sterben für Anfänger tt0795421 MKV ED/ed 2008 Mamma Mia! / tt0795421 Blu-ray ED/ed 2008 Mamma Mia! / tt0795493 MKV D 2007 Cassandra's Dream / tt0796366 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 Star Trek / Star Trek - The Future Begins tt0796366 MKV ED/ed 2009 Star Trek / Star Trek - The Future Begins tt0800308 MKV ED 2008 Appaloosa / tt0800369 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2011 Thor / tt0802948 MKV ED 2007 An American Crime / tt0803100 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2009 Vorstadtkrokodile / tt0804522 DVD/HD ED/ed 2007 Rendition / tt0804522 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Rendition / tt0808151 MKV ED/d 2009 Angels & Demons / Illuminati tt0808185 MKV D 2006 Den brysomme mannen / Anderland tt0808244 DVD/HD ED/ed 2008 Easy Virtue / tt0808244 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2008 Easy Virtue / tt0808285 MKV ED/d 2009 The Good Heart / tt0808357 MKV D/d 2007 Se, jie / Lust, Caution - Gefahr und Begierde tt0808506 MKV JapD/d 2006 Toki o kakeru shôjo / The Girl Who Leapt Through Time - Das Mädchen das durch die Zeit sprang tt0809951 MKV D 2007 Vratné lahve / Empties - Leergut tt0810819 AVI/TV D 2015 The Danish Girl / tt0810819 MKV E/e 2015 The Danish Girl / tt0810900 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 High School Musical 2 / tt0813547 MKV D 2007 Die Fälscher / Counterfeiters, The tt0814255 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2010 Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief / tt0814314 MKV ED/d 2008 Seven Pounds / Sieben Leben tt0816442 MKV ED/ed 2013 The Book Thief / Die Bücherdiebin tt0816692 MKV ED/ed 2014 Interstellar / tt0816711 MKV ED/ed 2013 World War Z / tt0817230 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2010 Valentine's Day / tt0823671 MKV ED/ed 2008 Tinker Bell / tt0823671 Blu-ray ED/ed 2008 Tinker Bell / tt0824747 MKV ED/d 2008 Changeling / Der fremde Sohn tt0825232 MKV ED/ed 2007 The Bucket List / Das Beste kommt zum Schluss tt0829459 MKV ED/e 2007 A Mighty Heart / tt0830515 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2008 Quantum of Solace / James Bond 22 tt0830515 MKV ED/ed 2008 Quantum of Solace / James Bond 22 tt0837562 DVD/HD ED/ed 2012 Hotel Transylvania / tt0840361 MKV ED/ed 2010 The Town / Stadt ohne Gnade tt0841109 MKV D 2006 Die Herbstzeitlosen / Late Bloomers tt0842926 AVI/TV D 2010 The Kids Are All Right / tt0842926 MKV E/e 2010 The Kids Are All Right / tt0844286 MKV/TV D 2008 The Brothers Bloom / tt0844330 DVD/HD ED/d 2007 Persuasion (2007) / tt0844330 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2007 Persuasion (2007) / tt0844457 MKV D 2008 Nordwand / North Face tt0844794 DVD/HD ED/d 2007 Northanger Abbey (2007) / tt0844794 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2007 Northanger Abbey (2007) / tt0845046 MKV ED/d 2007 Son of Rambow / tt0847150 DVD/HD E/e 2008 Sense and Sensibility / tt0847150 DVD 2 PAL E/e 2008 Sense and Sensibility / tt0848228 MKV ED/ed 2012 The Avengers / tt0848537 MKV ED/ed 2013 Epic / tt0848537 Blu-ray ED/ed 2013 Epic / tt0857191 MKV ED/d 2007 The Visitor / Ein Sommer in New York tt0859163 Blu-ray ED/ed 2008 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor / tt0861739 MKV D/d 2007 Tropa de Elite / Elite Squad tt0864944 DVD/HD D/d 2006 Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire / tt0864944 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2006 Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire / tt0866437 DVD/HD ED/ed 2007 The Jane Austen Book Club / tt0866437 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 The Jane Austen Book Club / tt0866439 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2008 Made of Honor / tt0870111 MKV D/d 2008 Frost/Nixon / tt0870154 MKV ED/ed 2021 Jungle Cruise / tt0875113 MKV D/d 2007 99 francs / 39,90 tt0876563 DVD 2 PAL JD/d 2008 Gake no ue no Ponyo / Ponyo tt0876563 MKV JD/d 2008 Gake no ue no Ponyo / Ponyo tt0878709 Blu-ray D/d 2008 Die rote Zora / tt0878804 MKV ED/d 2009 The Blind Side / Blind Side - Die grosse Chance tt0878804 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 The Blind Side / Blind Side - Die grosse Chance tt0887883 MKV ED/d 2008 Burn After Reading / tt0887912 Blu-ray ED/d 2008 The Hurt Locker / tt0887912 MKV ED/d 2008 The Hurt Locker / tt0889588 MKV ED/d 2008 The Children of Huang Shi / Die Kinder der Seidenstrasse tt0892769 MKV ED/ed 2010 How to Train Your Dragon / tt0892791 MKV ED 2010 Shrek Forever After / tt0893382 DVD/HD E/d 2008 Shine a Light / tt0893382 DVD 2 PAL E/d 2008 Shine a Light / tt0896872 MKV ED/d 2010 The Whistleblower / tt0898367 MKV ED/d 2009 The Road / tt0901686 MKV ED/ed 2006 Mater and the Ghostlight / Hook und das Geisterlicht tt0901686 MKV ED/ed 2006 Mater and the Ghostlight / Hook und das Geisterlicht tt0903624 MKV ED/ed 2012 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey / tt0903624 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2012 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey / tt0903627 MKV D 2008 Julia / tt0903657 MKV ED/d 2014 Love & Mercy / tt0903747 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 Breaking Bad / Season 1 (2009) tt0903747 MKV ED/ed 2009 Breaking Bad / Season 1 (2009) tt0903747 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 Breaking Bad / Season 6 (2014) tt0903747 DVD/HD ED/ed 2009 Breaking Bad / Season 6 (2014) tt0903747 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 Breaking Bad / Season 5 (2013) tt0903747 MKV ED/ed 2009 Breaking Bad / Season 5 (2013) tt0903747 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 Breaking Bad / Season 4 (2012) tt0903747 MKV ED/ed 2009 Breaking Bad / Season 4 (2012) tt0903747 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 Breaking Bad / Season 3 (2011) tt0903747 MKV ED/ed 2009 Breaking Bad / Season 3 (2011) tt0903747 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 Breaking Bad / Season 2 (2010) tt0903747 MKV ED/ed 2009 Breaking Bad / Season 2 (2010) tt0907657 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2006 Once / tt0907657 MKV ED/d 2006 Once / tt0910936 MKV ED/d 2008 Pineapple Express / tt0910970 Blu-ray ED/ed 2008 WALL.E / tt0910970 MKV ED/ed 2008 WALL.E / tt0913425 MKV SpD/d 2009 Los abrazos rotos / Zerrissene Umarmungen tt0914387 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Damages / Season 1 (2007) tt0914387 DVD 2 PAL E/e 2007 Damages / Season 2 (2009) tt0914387 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Damages / Season 3 (2010) tt0914387 MKV ED/e 2007 Damages / Season 1 (2007) tt0914387 MKV ED/e 2007 Damages / Season 2 (2009) tt0914387 MKV ED/e 2007 Damages / Season 3 (2010) tt0914387 MKV ED/e 2007 Damages / Season 4 (2011) tt0914797 MKV ED 2008 Bottle Shock / tt0914798 MKV ED/ed 2008 The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas / Der Junge im gestreiften Pyjama tt0914863 MKV ED/d 2010 Unthinkable / tt0918927 MKV ED/ed 2008 Doubt / Glaubensfrage tt0926084 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2010 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 / tt0926084 MKV ED/ed 2010 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 / tt0926759 MKV FD 2008 Le premier jour du reste de ta vie / The First Day of the Rest of Your Life tt0929632 MKV ED/d 2009 Precious / Das Leben ist kostbar tt0934814 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Chuck / Season 2 (2008) tt0934814 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Chuck / Season 5 (2012) tt0934814 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Chuck / Season 3 (2010) tt0934814 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2007 Chuck / Season 4 (2011) tt0934814 DVD/HD ED/ed 2007 Chuck / Season 1 (2007) tt0935075 MKV ED/d 2010 Rabbit Hole / Neue Wege tt0936501 MKV ED/d 2008 Taken / 96 Hours tt0942385 MKV ED/ed 2008 Tropic Thunder / tt0944947 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2011 Game of Thrones / Season 1 (2011) tt0944947 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2011 Game of Thrones / Season 2 (2012) tt0944947 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2011 Game of Thrones / Season 3 (2013) tt0944947 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2011 Game of Thrones / Season 4 (2014) tt0944947 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2011 Game of Thrones / Season 5 (2015) tt0944947 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2011 Game of Thrones / Season 7 (2017) tt0944947 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2011 Game of Thrones / Season 8 (2019) tt0944947 MKV ED/ed 2011 Game of Thrones / Season 6 (2016) tt0944947 MKV ED/ed 2011 Game of Thrones / Season 7 (2017) tt0944947 MKV ED/ed 2011 Game of Thrones / Season 8 (2019) tt0944947 MKV ED/ed 2011 Game of Thrones / Season 1 (2011) tt0944947 MKV ED/ed 2011 Game of Thrones / Season 2 (2012) tt0944947 MKV ED/ed 2011 Game of Thrones / Season 3 (2013) tt0944947 MKV ED/ed 2011 Game of Thrones / Season 4 (2014) tt0944947 MKV ED/ed 2011 Game of Thrones / Season 5 (2015) tt0945513 MKV ED/d 2011 Source Code / tt0945571 MKV E/d 2006 Lifted / tt0945571 MKV ED/ed 2006 Lifted / tt0947798 MKV ED/d 2010 Black Swan / tt0947810 MKV ED/d 2010 Green Zone / tt0948470 MKV ED/ed 2012 The Amazing Spider-Man / tt0955308 MKV ED/ed 2010 Robin Hood (2010) / tt0955308 Blu-ray ED/ed 2010 Robin Hood (2010) / tt0959337 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2008 Revolutionary Road / Zeiten des Aufruhrs tt0959337 MKV ED/ed 2008 Revolutionary Road / Zeiten des Aufruhrs tt0960790 MKV D 2007 Keinohrhasen / tt0962726 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2008 High School Musical 3: Senior Year / tt0963178 MKV ED/ed 2009 The International / tt0963178 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 The International / tt0964517 MKV ED/d 2010 The Fighter / tt0964586 MKV ED/d 2008 Skin / In schwarzer Haut tt0968264 MKV ED/d 2010 The Conspirator / Die Lincoln Verschwörung tt0970179 3D / Blu-ray ED/d 2011 Hugo / tt0970179 MKV ED/d 2011 Hugo / tt0970468 MKV ED 2008 Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day / tt0974077 DVD/HD E/e 2007 Cranford / Elizabeth Gaskell's Cranford Season 1 (2007) tt0974554 MKV ED/ed 2008 Elegy / Elegy oder die Kunst zu lieben tt0975645 MKV ED/ed 2012 Hitchcock / tt0976051 MKV ED/d 2008 The Reader / tt0977855 DVD/HD ED/ed 2010 Fair Game / tt0978759 DVD/HD ED/d 2008 Frozen River / tt0978759 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2008 Frozen River / tt0978762 MKV ED 2009 Mary and Max / tt0981042 MKV ED/d 2009 Like Dandelion Dust / Wie ein Staubkorn im Wind tt0983193 MKV ED/ed 2011 The Adventures of Tintin / Die Abenteuer von Tim und Struppi - Das Geheimnis der Einhorn tt0983983 MKV 2007 Shaun the Sheep / Season 1 (2007) tt0983983 AVI 2007 Shaun the Sheep / Season 2 (2009) tt0985699 MKV ED/ed 2008 Valkyrie / tt0988045 Blu-ray ED/d 2009 Sherlock Holmes / tt0988045 MKV ED/d 2009 Sherlock Holmes / tt0988047 MKV ED/d 2008 Traitor / Zwischen den Fronten tt0988108 MKV EstD/e 2007 Klass / tt0988595 MKV ED/ed 2008 27 Dresses / tt0993846 Blu-ray ED/ed 2013 The Wolf of Wall Street / tt0993846 MKV ED/ed 2013 The Wolf of Wall Street / tt0995036 MKV ED/e 2008 Einstein and Eddington / tt1001508 DVD/HD ED/ed 2009 He's Just Not That Into You / tt1001508 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 He's Just Not That Into You / tt10016180 MKV ED/ed 2021 The Little Things / tt10048342 MKV ED/ed 2020 The Queen's Gambit / tt10051088 MKV D 2020 Curveball / Curveball - Wir machen die Wahrheit tt1010048 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2008 Slumdog Millionaire / tt1010048 MKV ED/d 2008 Slumdog Millionaire / tt10117768 MKV D 2020 Schwesterlein / tt1013753 MKV ED/d 2008 Milk / tt1014759 MKV ED/ed 2010 Alice in Wonderland (2010) / Alice im Wunderland tt1014759 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2010 Alice in Wonderland (2010) / Alice im Wunderland tt1014762 AVI D 2009 Home / tt10155688 MKV ED/e 2021 Mare of Easttown / tt10160804 MKV ED/ed 2021 Hawkeye / tt1016150 MKV D/ed 2022 Im Westen nichts Neues / All Quiet on the Western Front tt10166622 MKV ED/ed 2022 The Dropout / tt10192406 MKV ED/ed 2022 Causeway / tt1019452 MKV D/d 2009 A Serious Man / tt10199590 MKV D/d 2019 Les misérables / Les Misérables tt1020072 MKV ED/d 2014 Selma / tt10204940 MKV FD/d 2019 Donne-moi des ailes / Spread Your Wings - Der Junge und die Wildgänse tt1020773 MKV ED/d 2010 Copie conforme / Die Liebesfälscher tt1022603 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 (500) Days of Summer / tt1022603 MKV ED/ed 2009 (500) Days of Summer / tt10243672 MKV ED/ed 2024 Joy / Joy tt1024648 Blu-ray ED/ed 2012 Argo / tt1024648 MKV ED/ed 2012 Argo / tt10262648 MKV RuD/d 2021 Hytti nro 6 / Compartment Number 6 tt10272386 MKV ED/e 2020 The Father / tt10272386 MKV ED/d 2020 The Father / tt1027718 MKV ED/d 2010 Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps / tt1027718 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2010 Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps / tt1028528 MKV ED/d 2007 Death Proof / tt1028532 MKV ED/d 2009 Hachi: A Dog's Tale / tt10287954 MKV ED/ed 2020 L'incredibile storia dell'Isola delle Rose / Rose Island - Die unglaubliche Geschichte der Roseninsel tt10288566 MKV DänD/d 2020 Druk / Another Round - Der Rausch tt10293406 MKV ED/ed 2021 The Power of the Dog / tt10298810 MKV ED/ed 2022 Lightyear / tt10298840 MKV ED/ed 2022 Strange World / tt1032755 MKV ED/ed 2008 RocknRolla / tt1032846 MKV RoD 2007 4 luni, 3 saptamâni si 2 zile / 4 Monate, 3 Wochen und 2 Tage tt1032856 DVD/HD ED/df 2007 Bikur Ha-Tizmoret / The Band's Visit - Die Band von Nebenan tt1032856 DVD 2 PAL ED/df 2007 Bikur Ha-Tizmoret / The Band's Visit - Die Band von Nebenan tt1033575 MKV ED/ed 2011 The Descendants / Familie und andere Angelegenheiten tt10341034 MKV FD/d 2021 Boîte noire / Black Box - Gefährliche Wahrheit tt1034303 MKV ED/d 2008 Defiance / tt1034325 MKV ED/d 2008 Phoebe in Wonderland / Phoebe im Wunderland tt1034389 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2011 The Eagle / tt1034415 MKV ED/ed 2018 Suspiria / tt1035736 MKV FD/d 2009 Coco avant Chanel / Coco Chanel: Der Beginn einer Leidenschaft tt10366460 MKV ED/ed 2021 CODA / tt10370710 MKV NorD/d 2021 Verdens verste menneske / The Worst Person in the World tt1037705 MKV ED/ed 2010 The Book of Eli / tt1041829 MKV ED/d 2009 The Proposal / tt1041829 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 The Proposal / tt1045658 MKV ED/d 2012 Silver Linings Playbook / tt1046947 DVD/HD ED/d 2008 Last Chance Harvey / tt1046947 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2008 Last Chance Harvey / tt1049413 Blu-ray ED/ed 2009 Up / tt1049413 MKV ED/ed 2009 Up / tt10505316 MKV FD/d 2021 Illusions perdues / tt10514222 MKV ED/ed 2020 Ma Rainey's Black Bottom / tt1051906 MKV ED/ed 2020 The Invisible Man / Der Unsichtbare tt10545296 MKV ED/d 2023 The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes / The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes tt1054580 MKV ED/d 2009 Desert Flower / Wüstenblume tt1055369 Blu-ray ED/ed 2009 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen / tt1057500 MKV ED/ed 2009 Invictus / tt1057500 Blu-ray ED/ed 2009 Invictus / tt10598848 MKV D 2021 Die Toten von Marnow / tt10618286 MKV ED/ed 2010 Mank / tt10628092 MKV D/ed 2020 Contra / tt10633456 MKV ED/ed 2020 Minari / tt1063669 MKV D 2008 Die Welle / tt10639680 MKV D 2020 Frieden / tt10640346 MKV ED/ed 2022 Babylon / Babylon - Rausch der Ekstase tt1064932 DVD 2 PAL FD/d 2008 Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis / Willkommen bei den Sch'tis tt1064932 MKV FD/d 2008 Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis / Willkommen bei den Sch'tis tt1065073 MKV ED/ed 2014 Boyhood / tt1067583 MKV ED/ed 2011 Water for Elephants / Wasser für die Elefanten tt1067774 MKV ED/ed 2011 Monte Carlo / Plötzlich Star - Monte Carlo tt1068641 MKV ED/d 2008 The Burning Plain / Auf brennender Erde tt1068646 MKV FD 2008 Entre les murs / tt10687744 MKV D 1965 Die hölzerne Schüssel / tt1069238 MKV D 2008 Okuribito / Departures, Nokan - Die Kunst des Ausklangs tt10696896 MKV ED/ed 2021 Stillwater / Gegen jeden Verdacht tt1070874 MKV ED/ed 2020 The Trial of the Chicago 7 / tt1073241 MKV ED/d 2008 Nothing But the Truth / Nichts als die Wahrheit tt1073510 MKV ED/d 2009 Prayers for Bobby / tt1074638 Blu-ray ED/ed 2012 Skyfall / James Bond 23 tt1074638 MKV ED/ed 2012 Skyfall / James Bond 23 tt1075110 MKV D 2009 De helaasheid der dingen / The Misfortunates tt1076240 DVD/HD ED/d 2008 Miss Austen Regrets / tt1076240 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2008 Miss Austen Regrets / tt1077744 DVD/HD ED/d 2008 Lark Rise to Candleford / Season 1.1 (2008) tt1077744 DVD/HD ED/d 2008 Lark Rise to Candleford / Season 1.2 (2008) tt1077744 DVD/HD E/e 2008 Lark Rise to Candleford / Season 2 (2009) tt1077744 DVD/HD E/e 2008 Lark Rise to Candleford / Season 3 (2010) tt1077744 DVD/HD E/e 2008 Lark Rise to Candleford / Season 4 (2011) tt1078188 MKV ED/e 2007 Boy A / tt1080016 MKV ED/ed 2009 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs / tt1080016 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs / tt10832274 MKV ED/d 2021 Swan Song / tt1083452 MKV ED/ed 2015 Eddie the Eagle / tt10855768 MKV ED/ed 2023 Missing / tt10872600 MKV ED/ed 2021 Spider-Man: No Way Home / tt10883660 MKV SpD/d 2020 Antidisturbios / tt1091191 MKV ED/ed 2013 Lone Survivor / tt1092021 MKV D/d 2008 A nyomozó / Investigator, The tt10986222 MKV ED/d 2021 C'mon C'mon / Come on, Come on tt1100089 MKV ED/d 2014 Foxcatcher / tt11003218 MKV ED/d 2021 Pig / tt11024406 MP4/TV D 2019 Der Büezer / tt1104001 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2010 Tron: Legacy / tt11080922 MKV D 2020 Eine Handvoll Wasser / tt1109624 MKV ED/d 2014 Paddington / tt11121664 MKV ED/ed 2021 Blue Bayou / tt11127680 MKV ED/d 2021 Boiling Point / Yes, Chef! tt11131464 MKV ED 2021 The Novice / tt11152168 MKV ED/e 2024 IF / IF tt11161474 MKV ED/ed 2020 Pieces of a Woman / tt1117385 MKV ED/d 2008 Felon / tt1118511 MKV ED/d 2008 A Matter of Loaf and Death / Auf Leben und Brot tt11214590 MKV ED/ed 2021 House of Gucci / tt11233960 MKV ED/ed 2021 The Unforgivable / tt1124035 MKV ED/ed 2011 The Ides of March / tt1124035 Blu-ray ED/ed 2011 The Ides of March / tt1124377 MKV D/d 2009 John Rabe / tt1125849 MKV ED/d 2008 The Wrestler / Ruhm, Liebe, Schmerz tt1125849 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2008 The Wrestler / Ruhm, Liebe, Schmerz tt1126590 MKV ED/d 2014 Big Eyes / tt1127715 MKV D/d 2009 Sin nombre / Zug der Hoffnung tt1127876 MKV ED/d 2012 Birdsong / Birdsong - Gesang vom grossen Feuer tt11286314 MKV ED/ed 2021 Don't Look Up / tt11286640 MKV ED/d 2020 Nowhere Special / tt11291274 MKV ED/d 2022 The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent / tt1130080 DVD/HD ED/ed 2009 The Informant! / tt1130080 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 The Informant! / tt1130884 Blu-ray ED/d 2010 Shutter Island / tt1130884 MKV ED/d 2010 Shutter Island / tt11315808 MKV ED/ed 2024 Joker: Folie à Deux / Joker: Folie à Deux tt1131729 MKV ED/d 2009 The Boat That Rocked / Pirate Radio tt1131748 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 Prison Break: The Final Break / tt11318602 MKV ED/ed 2019 Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer / tt11324406 MKV ED/e 2022 The Staircase / tt1132620 Blu-ray SwD/d 2009 Män som hatar kvinnor / Verblendung tt1132620 MKV SwD/d 2009 Män som hatar kvinnor / Verblendung tt1132620 MKV D 2009 Män som hatar kvinnor / Verblendung tt1132623 MKV ED 2010 You Don't Know Jack / Ein Leben für den Tod tt11332484 MKV ED/d 2021 The Road Dance / Dunkle Liebe tt11337908 MKV ED/ed 2021 Maid / tt1135487 MKV ED/ed 2009 Duplicity / tt1135487 Blu-ray ED/ed 2009 Duplicity / tt1135503 DVD/HD ED/ed 2009 Julie & Julia / tt1135503 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 Julie & Julia / tt1136608 Blu-ray ED/ed 2009 District 9 / tt1136608 MKV ED/ed 2009 District 9 / tt1136617 MKV ED/ed 2023 The Killer / tt11389872 MKV ED/ed 2024 Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes / Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes tt1139328 MKV ED/d 2010 The Ghost Writer / Der Ghostwriter tt1139328 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2010 The Ghost Writer / Der Ghostwriter tt1139797 MKV D/d 2008 Låt den rätte komma in / Let the Right One In - So finster die Nacht tt1142988 DVD/HD ED/ed 2009 The Ugly Truth / tt1142988 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 The Ugly Truth / tt1149361 MKV FD/d 2009 Micmacs à tire-larigot / tt1149361 Blu-ray FD/d 2009 Micmacs à tire-larigot / tt1149362 MKV D/d 2009 Das weiße Band - Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte / tt1149362 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2009 Das weiße Band - Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte / tt1152397 MKV ED 2008 American Violet / tt11525644 MKV ED/ed 2021 No Sudden Move / tt1152836 DVD/HD ED/ed 2009 Public Enemies / tt1152836 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 Public Enemies / tt11564570 MKV ED/ed 2022 Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery / tt1160419 MKV ED/ed 2021 Dune: Part One / Dune tt1164999 MKV SpD/d 2010 Biutiful / tt11655202 MKV D/d 2020 Retfærdighedens ryttere / Helden der Wahrscheinlichkeit - Riders of Justice tt11674730 MKV ED/ed 2023 The Last Stop in Yuma County / The Last Stop in Yuma County tt11697844 MKV D/d 2020 Sheytan vojud nadarad / There Is No Evil - Doch das Böse gibt es nicht tt11700260 MKV SpD/d 2021 Competencia oficial / Der beste Film aller Zeiten tt1170358 MKV ED/ed 2013 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug / tt11703710 MKV ED/ed 2022 Downton Abbey: A New Era / tt1172049 MKV ED/d 2015 Demolition / tt1172570 MKV ED/d 2008 Bronson / tt1173745 MKV D/e 2008 Revanche / tt1174730 MKV ED/d 2009 City Island / Meet the Rizzos tt1174732 MKV ED/ed 2009 An Education / tt1176740 DVD/HD ED/ed 2009 Away We Go / Away We Go - Auf nach Irgendwo tt1176740 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2009 Away We Go / Away We Go - Auf nach Irgendwo tt11771270 MKV ED/ed 2022 The English / tt11777738 MKV PersD/d 2021 Ghahreman / A Hero tt1178522 DVD/HD ED/d 2008 Little Dorrit / tt1178522 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2008 Little Dorrit / tt1178522 MKV ED 2008 Little Dorrit / tt1178663 MKV ED/d 2009 Whatever Works / tt1178665 MKV ED/d 2015 A Walk in the Woods / tt1178665 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2015 A Walk in the Woods / tt11794022 MKV D 2020 Alles ist eins. Ausser der 0. / tt11813216 MKV ED/ed 2022 The Banshees of Inisherin / tt1181927 MKV D/ed 2009 Der Knochenmann / The Bone Man tt1182345 MKV ED/d 2009 Moon / tt1182350 MKV ED/d 2010 You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger / tt11834592 MKV ED/ed 2022 Gaslit / Season 1 (2022) tt1183923 MKV ED 2010 Welcome to the Rileys / Willkommen bei den Rileys tt1185616 MKV HebD/e 2008 Vals Im Bashir / Waltz with Bashir tt1186342 DVD/HD ED/d 2008 Tess of the D'Urbervilles / tt1186342 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2008 Tess of the D'Urbervilles / tt1187043 MKV HinED/ed 2009 3 Idiots / tt1189073 MKV SpD/d 2011 La piel que habito / The Skin I Live In tt1189340 MKV ED/d 2011 The Lincoln Lawyer / Der Mandant tt11897478 MKV ED/ed 2022 The Stranger / tt1190080 Blu-ray ED/ed 2009 2012 / Das Ende der Welt tt1192628 MKV ED/ed 2011 Rango / tt1192628 Blu-ray ED/ed 2011 Rango / tt1193138 MKV ED/ed 2009 Up in the Air / tt1193138 Blu-ray ED/ed 2009 Up in the Air / tt1194173 DVD 2 PAL E/e 2012 The Bourne Legacy / Das Bourne Vermächtnis tt1194173 MKV ED/ed 2012 The Bourne Legacy / Das Bourne Vermächtnis tt11946138 MKV D/d 2022 Rebel / In den Fängen des Terrors tt1197624 MKV ED/d 2009 Law Abiding Citizen / Gesetz der Rache tt1198156 MKV ED/d 2014 You're Not You / Das Glück an meiner Seite tt11989890 MKV E/ed 2020 David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet / tt1200263 MKV ED/ed 2023 The Color Purple / Die Farbe Lila tt1201607 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2011 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 / tt1201607 MKV ED/ed 2011 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 / tt1204340 MKV ED 2011 Tyrannosaur / tt1204342 MKV ED/ed 2011 The Muppets / tt1205489 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2008 Gran Torino / tt1205489 MKV ED/ed 2008 Gran Torino / tt1205535 DVD/HD ED/d 2009 The Rebound / tt1205535 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2009 The Rebound / tt1205537 MKV ED/ed 2014 Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit / tt12058584 MKV D/d 2021 Schachnovelle / The Royal Game tt1206543 MKV ED/ed 2013 Out of the Furnace / Auge um Auge tt1206885 MKV ED/ed 2019 Rambo: Last Blood / tt1209367 DVD 2 PAL SwD/d 2008 Allt flyter / Männer im Wasser tt1210166 MKV ED/ed 2011 Moneyball / Die Kunst zu gewinnen tt1210819 MKV ED/ed 2013 The Lone Ranger / tt1210819 Blu-ray ED/ed 2013 The Lone Ranger / tt1211837 MKV ED/ed 2016 Doctor Strange / tt1212419 MKV EDF/ed 2010 Hereafter / tt1212450 MKV ED/d 2012 Lawless / Die Gesetzlosen tt1213641 MKV ED/d 2018 First Man / tt1213663 MKV ED/ed 2013 The World's End / tt1216475 Blu-ray ED/ed 2011 Cars 2 / tt1216475 MKV ED/ed 2011 Cars 2 / tt1216487 Blu-ray SwD/d 2009 Flickan som lekte med elden / Verdammnis tt1216487 MKV SwD/d 2009 Flickan som lekte med elden / Verdammnis tt1216487 MKV D 2009 Flickan som lekte med elden / Verdammnis tt1216492 MKV ED/d 2010 Leap Year / tt1217209 Blu-ray ED/ed 2012 Brave / Merida - Legende der Highlands tt1217209 MKV ED/ed 2012 Brave / Merida - Legende der Highlands tt1217637 MKV D/d 2008 Pour elle / Anything for Her - Ohne Schuld tt1219289 MKV ED/d 2011 Limitless / Ohne Limit tt12194006 MKV D/d 2022 Wunderschön / tt1219817 MKV ED 2010 Going Postal / tt1219827 MKV ED/ed 2017 Ghost in the Shell (2017) / tt1220719 MKV ChiED/ed 2008 Yip Man / Ip Man tt12262116 MKV ED/ed 2022 Thirteen Lives / tt1226236 MKV ID/d 2009 Io sono l'amore / I Am Love tt1226273 MKV ED/d 2010 Edge of Darkness / tt1226774 MKV ED/d 2009 In the Loop / Kabinett ausser Kontrolle tt1226837 MKV ED/d 2018 Beautiful Boy / tt1228705 DVD/HD ED/d 2010 Iron Man 2 / tt1228705 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2010 Iron Man 2 / tt1229238 Blu-ray ED/ed 2011 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) / tt1229238 MKV ED/ed 2011 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) / tt1229822 MKV ED/ed 2011 Jane Eyre / tt1229822 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2011 Jane Eyre / tt1230168 MKV ED/ed 2017 Same Kind of Different as Me / tt1232776 MKV ED 2009 Fish Tank / Fish Tank tt1233290 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2010 Hanni & Nanni / tt1235166 MKV D/d 2009 Un prophète / A Prophet tt1235189 MKV ED/d 2010 Wild Target / Sein schärfstes Ziel tt12361974 MKV ED/ed 2021 Zack Snyder's Justice League / tt1242422 MKV D 2009 Celda 211 / Zelle 211 - Der Knastaufstand tt1242460 MKV ED/d 2011 We Need to Talk About Kevin / tt1242543 MKV D/d 2011 Dschungelkind / Jungle Child tt1242545 MKV ED/d 2009 Looking for Eric / tt1242545 Blu-ray ED/d 2009 Looking for Eric / tt12427158 MKV ED/ed 2023 A Thousand and One / tt1243957 DVD/HD ED/d 2010 The Tourist / tt1243957 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2010 The Tourist / tt1244754 MKV ED/d 2010 Conviction / Betty Anne Waters tt1245526 MKV ED/d 2010 RED / tt1250777 MKV ED/d 2010 Kick-Ass / tt1255953 MKV ED 2010 Incendies / tt1255955 MKV D/d 2009 Männerherzen / tt1258197 MKV ED 2009 Exam / tt1259014 MKV D/d 2008 L'instinct de mort / tt12593682 MKV ED/ed 2022 Bullet Train / tt1259528 MKV ED/ed 2018 Den of Thieves / Criminal Squad tt1260502 MKV JapD/d 2008 Ghost in the Shell 2.0 / Kôkaku kidôtai 2.0 tt12618926 MKV D/d 2021 Madres paralelas / Parallel Mothers tt1262426 MKV ED/ed 2024 Wicked: Part I / tt12731980 MKV ED/d 2021 Old Henry / tt12758060 MKV ED/ed 2023 Tetris / tt1276419 MKV DanD/d 2012 En kongelig affære / A Royal Affair tt1277728 DVD/HD ID/d 2008 Pranzo di ferragosto / Das Festmahl im August tt1277728 DVD 2 PAL ID/d 2008 Pranzo di ferragosto / Das Festmahl im August tt1277953 MKV ED/d 2012 Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted / tt1278449 MKV D 2010 Sound of Noise / tt1278469 MKV ED 2010 Temple Grandin / tt12801262 MKV ED/ed 2021 Luca / Luca tt1285016 MKV ED/ed 2010 The Social Network / tt1288376 MKV D/d 2010 Die Fremde / When We Leave tt12888358 MKV E/ed 2020 John Williams: Live in Vienna / tt1289403 MKV ED/ed 2018 The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society / Deine Juliet tt1289406 MKV ED/d 2009 Harry Brown / tt1291570 MKV ED/d 2015 Solace / Die Vorsehung tt1291584 MKV ED/d 2011 Warrior / tt1295085 MKV ED/ed 2009 Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story / Begnadete Hände - Die Ben Carson Story tt1296077 MKV ChD 2010 Sennentuntschi / tt1298650 Blu-ray ED/ed 2011 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides / tt1298650 MKV ED/ed 2011 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides / tt13007904 MKV ED/ed 2020 Tiny World / Tiny World Season 1 (2020) tt13007904 MKV ED/ed 2020 Tiny World / Tiny World Season 2 (2021) tt1300854 MKV ED/d 2013 Iron Man 3 / tt1302006 MKV ED/ed 2019 The Irishman / tt1302011 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2011 Kung Fu Panda 2 / tt1302011 MKV ED/ed 2011 Kung Fu Panda 2 / tt1302067 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2010 Yogi Bear / Yogi Bär tt13056052 MKV D/d 2022 Beurokeo / Broker tt1305806 MKV D/d 2009 El secreto de sus ojos / In Ihren Augen tt13066182 MKV D/d 2021 El buen patrón / Der perfekte Chef - Willkommen in der Familie tt1306980 MKV ED/ed 2011 50/50 / 50/50: Freunde fürs (Über)Leben tt1307068 MKV ED/ed 2012 Seeking a Friend for the End of the World / Auf der Suche nach einem Freund fuers Ende der Welt tt13087796 MKV D/d 2021 Ich bin dein Mensch / tt13097932 MKV ED/d 2023 One Life / One Life tt13109952 MKV NorD/d 2021 I onde dager / The Trip - Ein mörderisches Wochenende tt13111040 MKV ED/ed 2022 The Offer / tt13116888 MKV D 2021 Ferdinand von Schirach - Glauben / tt1313092 MKV ED/d 2010 Animal Kingdom / Königreich des Verbrechens tt1314280 MKV FD 2009 Welcome / tt13149378 MKV D/d 2021 Und morgen seid ihr tot / tt13149470 MP4 Ch/d 2021 Prinzessin / tt1315981 MKV ED/d 2009 A Single Man / tt13160408 MKV D 2021 Tonis Welt / Season 1 (2021) tt13160408 MKV D 2021 Tonis Welt / Season 2 (2022) tt1318514 MKV ED/ed 2011 Rise of the Planet of the Apes / tt13200188 MKV D 2020 Ferdinand von Schirach - Gott / Playing God tt1320082 MKV D/d 2009 Le concert / Das Konzert tt1320253 MKV ED/d 2010 The Expendables / tt1320253 Blu-ray ED/d 2010 The Expendables / tt1320320 AVI/TV D 2009 Krupp - Eine deutsche Familie / tt13204490 MP4/TV D/d 2021 Petite maman / tt1321870 MKV ED/ed 2013 Gangster Squad / tt1322269 MKV ED/d 2013 August: Osage County / Im August in Osage County tt1323594 MKV ED/ed 2010 Despicable Me / tt1323594 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2010 Despicable Me / tt13238346 MKV Kor/d 2023 Past Lives / tt13269580 MP4 D/d 2021 À plein temps / Full Time tt13274016 MKV ED/ed 2023 Reptile / tt1327773 MKV ED/d 2013 The Butler / Der Butler tt13287846 MKV ED/ed 2023 Napoleon / Napoleon tt13320622 MKV ED/ed 2022 The Lost City / tt1332134 MKV D/d 2010 Kongen av Bastøy / King of Devil's Island tt1334260 MKV ED/d 2010 Never Let Me Go / tt1340107 MKV D/d 2010 Haevnen / tt1340138 MKV ED/ed 2015 Terminator Genisys / tt1340138 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2015 Terminator Genisys / tt1340800 MKV ED/ed 2011 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy / tt1340800 Blu-ray ED/ed 2011 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy / tt1341167 MKV ED/ed 2010 Four Lions / tt13430858 MKV ED/d 2022 What's Love Got to Do with It? / tt1343092 MKV ED/ed 2013 The Great Gatsby (2013) / tt1343092 Blu-ray ED/ed 2013 The Great Gatsby (2013) / tt1343097 Blu-ray SwD/d 2009 Luftslottet som sprängdes / Vergebung tt1343097 MKV SwD/d 2009 Luftslottet som sprängdes / Vergebung tt1343097 MKV D 2009 Luftslottet som sprängdes / Vergebung tt1343755 MKV D/d 2009 Zweiohrküken / tt13444014 MKV ED/ed 2023 Love at First Sight / tt1345836 Blu-ray ED/ed 2012 The Dark Knight Rises / tt1345836 MKV ED/ed 2012 The Dark Knight Rises / tt13471738 MKV D/d 2022 Rabiye / Rabiye Kurnaz vs. George W. Bush tt1355631 MKV ED/ed 2016 The Infiltrator / tt1355644 MKV ED/ed 2016 Passengers / tt13576626 MKV D 2021 Ferdinand von Schirach: Feinde - Das Geständnis / tt13576640 MKV D 2021 Ferdinand von Schirach: Feinde - Gegen die Zeit / tt1360860 MKV D 2009 Darbareye Elly / Alles über Elly tt1361835 MKV D 2010 Das letzte Schweigen / The Silence tt1365050 MKV ED/ed 2015 Beasts of No Nation / tt13651794 MKV ED/d 2023 May December / May December tt1365519 MKV ED/ed 2018 Tomb Raider / tt1366312 MP4 E 2009 Emma / tt13668894 MKV ED/ed 2021 The Book of Boba Fett / Das Buch von Boba Fett Season 1 (2021) tt13669038 MKV ED/ed 2022 Women Talking / tt1371111 MKV ED/d 2012 Cloud Atlas / tt1371155 MKV ED/d 2010 Made in Dagenham / tt1374958 DVD/HD/TV CH 2009 Die Standesbeamtin / tt1375666 Blu-ray ED 2010 Inception / tt1375666 MKV ED/ed 2010 Inception / tt1379182 MKV D 2009 Kynodontas / Dogtooth tt13821562 MKV D 2021 Ninjababy / Ninjababy tt1382725 MKV D 2010 La rafle / The Roundup tt13833688 MKV ED/d 2022 The Whale / tt13845652 MKV D/d 2022 Rose / Rose tt1385826 MKV ED/d 2011 The Adjustment Bureau / Der Plan tt13880104 MKV FD/ed 2021 L'événement / Happening - Das Ereignis tt1390411 MKV ED/ed 2015 In the Heart of the Sea / Im Herzen der See tt13911628 MKV ED/ed 2023 Lessons in Chemistry / tt13918776 MKV ED/ed 2023 The Night Agent / Season 1 (2023) tt13918776 MKV ED/ed 2023 The Night Agent / Season 2 (2025) tt1392170 MKV ED/d 2012 The Hunger Games / Hunger Games 1 / Tribute von Panem 1 tt1392190 MKV ED/ed 2015 Mad Max: Fury Road / tt1392214 MKV ED/d 2013 Prisoners / tt13957560 MKV ED/ed 2023 Dumb Money / Dumb Money - Schnelles Geld tt1396226 MKV ED 2012 Venuto al mondo / Twice Born - Was vom Leben übrig bleibt tt1398426 MKV ED/d 2015 Straight Outta Compton / tt1399103 Blu-ray ED/ed 2011 Transformers: Dark of the Moon / tt13991232 MKV ED/ed 2021 1883 / tt1399664 MKV ED/d 2016 The Night Manager / tt1399683 MKV ED/d 2010 Winter's Bone / tt14005338 MKV D/d 2022 Der Nachname / Family Affairs tt1401245 DVD 2 PAL ED 2009 Prinzessin Lillifee / tt1403865 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2010 True Grit / tt1403865 MKV ED/d 2010 True Grit / tt14075260 MKV SpD/spd 2021 No fue mi culpa: México / tt1408101 MKV ED/ed 2013 Star Trek Into Darkness / tt1409024 MKV ED/ed 2012 Men in Black 3 / tt1410063 MKV ED/d 2011 Jin ling shi san chai / tt14109724 MKV ED/ed 2022 Ticket to Paradise / tt14114802 MKV ED/ed 2022 The Outfit / tt1412386 MKV ED/ed 2011 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel / tt1412386 Blu-ray ED/ed 2011 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel / tt14124080 MKV ED/d 2023 The Great Escaper / In voller Blüte tt14153080 MKV ED/d 2023 A Good Person / tt14168118 MKV PorD/d 2021 7 Prisioneiros / 7 Prisoners - 7 Gefangene tt14206696 MKV ID/id 2023 The Good Mothers / Season 1 (2023) tt14208870 MKV ED/ed 2022 The Fabelmans / tt1422020 MKV ED/d 2010 Dog Pound / tt14230388 MKV ED/ed 2023 Asteroid City / tt14230458 MKV ED/ed 2023 Poor Things / Poor Things tt1423894 MKV ED/ed 2010 Barney's Version / tt1424797 MP4/TV D/d 2009 J'ai tué ma mère / I Killed My Mother tt1431045 MKV ED/ed 2016 Deadpool / tt1433811 MKV ED/d 2012 Disconnect / tt1436562 MKV ED/ed 2011 Rio / tt1439572 MKV ED/d 2011 Perfect Sense / tt1440161 DVD/HD ED/d 2011 A Little Bit of Heaven / tt1440161 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2011 A Little Bit of Heaven / tt1440232 MKV FD/d 2010 Les petits mouchoirs / tt1440232 DVD 2 PAL FD/d 2010 Les petits mouchoirs / tt1440728 AVI D/ed 2010 The American / tt1440728 MKV E 2010 The American / tt1441912 MKV ED/d 2010 The Way / tt1441951 MKV ED/d 2012 Quartet / tt1441951 Blu-ray ED/d 2012 Quartet / tt1441953 MKV ED/ed 2014 Testament of Youth / tt1442519 MKV D/d 2009 Le hérisson / Die Eleganz der Madame Michel tt14439178 MKV D/d 2022 Der Fuchs / The Fox tt14444726 MKV ED/ed 2022 Tár / tt1446208 MKV ED 2010 Ways to Live Forever / Ewiges Leben - Jede Minute zählt tt1446714 MKV ED/d 2012 Prometheus / tt1448755 MKV ED/d 2011 Killer Elite / tt1448755 DVD 2 PAL E 2011 Killer Elite / tt1449283 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2011 Winnie the Pooh / tt1449283 DVD/HD ED/ed 2011 Winnie the Pooh / tt1450321 MKV ED/d 2013 Filth / Drecksau tt1453159 MKV ED/d 2010 The Pillars of the Earth / tt1453405 Blu-ray ED/ed 2013 Monsters University / tt1453405 MKV ED/ed 2013 Monsters University / tt1454029 MKV ED/ed 2011 The Help / tt1454468 MKV ED/d 2013 Gravity / tt14570440 MKV D/d 2023 Radical / Radical tt1458175 MKV ED/d 2010 The Next Three Days / tt1462764 MKV ED/ed 2023 Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny / tt14641542 MKV D/d 2022 Le otto montagne / The Eight Mountains tt1464335 MKV ED/ed 2022 Uncharted / tt1473121 MKV FD/d 2010 Je n'ai rien oublié / Small World tt1473352 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2010 Vorstadtkrokodile 2 / tt1474684 DVD 2 PAL E/e 2010 Luther / Season 1 (2010) tt1474684 DVD 2 PAL E/e 2010 Luther / Season 2 (2011) tt1475582 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 2010 Sherlock / Season 1 (2010) tt1475582 MKV ED/ed 2010 Sherlock / Season 4 (2016) tt1475582 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2010 Sherlock / Season 3 (2013) tt1475582 MKV ED/e 2010 Sherlock / Season 1 (2010) tt1475582 MKV ED/ed 2010 Sherlock / Season 2 (2012) tt1475582 MKV ED/ed 2010 Sherlock / Season 3 (2013) tt14775784 MKV D/d 2021 Große Freiheit / Great Freedom tt1478839 MKV ED/d 2019 The Art of Racing in the Rain / Enzo und die wundersame Welt der Menschen tt14807308 MKV ED/d 2022 She Said / She Said tt1483013 MKV ED/ed 2013 Oblivion / tt14845172 MKV E 2021 Minions & Monsters / tt14849194 MKV ED/e 2023 The Holdovers / The Holdovers tt1485796 MKV ED/ed 2017 The Greatest Showman / tt1488589 MKV ED/ed 2022 Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio / tt1488606 MKV ED/ed 2019 Triple Frontier / tt1491044 MKV ED/d 2012 The Iceman / tt1494191 MKV ED 2012 The Untold History of the United States / tt1494191 Blu-ray ED 2012 The Untold History of the United States / tt1495950 MKV ED/ed 2015 The Book of Negroes / tt15006566 MKV D/d 2022 As bestas / Wie wilde Tiere tt1504320 Blu-ray ED/d 2010 The King's Speech / tt1504320 MKV ED/d 2010 The King's Speech / tt1510906 MKV ED/d 2010 Third Star / tt1510938 MKV ED 2011 The Sunset Limited / The Sunset Limited tt15140278 MKV FD/d 2023 Coup de chance / Ein Glücksfall tt1515091 Blu-ray ED/ed 2011 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows / tt1515091 MKV ED/ed 2011 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows / tt1517268 MKV ED/ed 2023 Barbie / tt1517451 MKV ED/ed 2018 A Star Is Born / tt1521197 DVD/HD ED/ed 2011 Anonymous / tt1521197 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2011 Anonymous / tt15239678 MKV ED/ed 2024 Dune: Part Two / Dune: Part Two tt1525780 MKV D 2010 Weissensee / Season 1 (2010) tt1525780 MKV D/ed 2010 Weissensee / Season 2 (2013) tt1525780 DVD 2 PAL D/ed 2010 Weissensee / Season 2 (2013) tt1525780 MKV D/d 2010 Weissensee / Season 3 (2015) tt1525780 MKV D/d 2010 Weissensee / Season 4 (2018) tt1527186 MKV ED/d 2011 Melancholia / tt1528313 MKV FD/d 2010 Rien à déclarer / tt1528313 Blu-ray FD/d 2010 Rien à déclarer / tt1529316 MKV D 2010 Picco / tt1532503 DVD/HD ED/ed 2010 Beginners / tt1532503 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2010 Beginners / tt1533395 DVD 2 PAL E/e 2009 Life / tt1533395 DVD/HD E/e 2009 Life / tt1533395 MKV ED 2009 Life / tt15339456 MKV ED/ed 2021 Marcel the Shell with Shoes On / tt1535108 MKV ED/ed 2013 Elysium / tt1535109 Blu-ray ED/ed 2013 Captain Phillips / tt1535109 MKV ED/ed 2013 Captain Phillips / tt15354950 MKV D/d 2021 Tagebuch einer Biene / tt1536537 MKV ED/d 2017 What Happened to Monday / tt15392100 MKV ED/ed 2021 The Billion Dollar Code / tt15398776 MKV ED/ed 2023 Oppenheimer / tt1541160 MKV ED/d 2011 Flypaper / tt1542344 MKV ED/d 2010 127 Hours / tt15435876 MKV ED/ed 2024 The Penguin / The Penguin tt1549920 DVD/HD ED/d 2013 The Last Stand / tt1549920 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2013 The Last Stand / tt1555149 MKV PorD/d 2010 Tropa de Elite 2: O Inimigo Agora é Outro / Elite Squad 2 - Im Sumpf der Korruption tt1560747 MKV ED/d 2012 The Master / tt1568338 MKV ED/d 2012 Man on a Ledge / Ein riskanter Plan tt1568911 MKV ED/ed 2011 War Horse / tt15789038 MKV ED/ed 2023 Elemental / tt1583420 MKV ED/d 2011 Larry Crowne / tt1587310 DVD/HD ED/ed 2014 Maleficent / tt1587310 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2014 Maleficent / tt1587707 MKV ED/d 2010 Exit Through the Gift Shop / tt15893750 MKV ED/ed 2023 Rye Lane / tt1590089 MKV D/d 2010 Kokuhaku / Confessions - Geständnisse tt1592292 MKV D/d 2010 Zero 2 / Shoot 'em Down tt1596345 MKV ED/d 2014 Pawn Sacrifice / tt1598778 MKV ED/ed 2011 Contagion / tt1599348 MKV ED/ed 2012 Safe House / tt1601913 MKV ED/ed 2011 The Grey / tt1602620 MKV FD/d 2012 Amour / Liebe tt1605735 MKV D 2011 Ein Tick anders / tt1605783 MKV ED/d 2011 Midnight in Paris / tt1605783 Blu-ray ED/d 2011 Midnight in Paris / tt1606180 MKV ED 2011 That's What I Am / tt1606375 DVD/HD E/e 2010 Downton Abbey / Season 1 (2010) tt1606375 DVD/HD E/e 2010 Downton Abbey / Season 2 (2011) tt1606375 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2010 Downton Abbey / Season 3 (2012) tt1606375 MKV ED/ed 2010 Downton Abbey / Season 3 (2012) tt1606375 Blu-ray ED/ed 2010 Downton Abbey / Season 4 (2013) tt1606375 MKV ED/ed 2010 Downton Abbey / Season 4 (2013) tt1606375 Blu-ray ED/ed 2010 Downton Abbey / Season 5 (2014) tt1606375 MKV ED/ed 2010 Downton Abbey / Season 5 (2014) tt1606375 Blu-ray ED/ed 2010 Downton Abbey / Season 6 (2015) tt1606375 MKV ED/ed 2010 Downton Abbey / Season 6 (2015) tt1606375 MKV ED 2010 Downton Abbey / Season 1 (2010) tt1606375 MKV ED 2010 Downton Abbey / Season 2 (2011) tt1611211 MKV D/d 2010 Vincent will Meer / Vincent Wants to Sea tt1613750 MKV ED/d 2012 Kon-Tiki / tt1614989 MKV NwD/d 2011 Hodejegerne / Headhunters tt1614989 Blu-ray NwD/d 2011 Hodejegerne / Headhunters tt1615160 MKV ED/ed 2017 The Foreigner / tt1616195 MKV ED/d 2011 J. Edgar / J. Edgar tt16277242 MKV SpD/d 2023 La sociedad de la nieve / Society of the Snow tt1629715 MKV Hin/d 2012 Miss Lovely / tt1630029 MKV ED/ed 2022 Avatar: The Way of Water / tt1631867 MKV ED/ed 2014 Edge of Tomorrow / tt1632701 Blu-ray ED/ed 2011 Suits / Season 1 (2011) tt1632701 MKV ED/ed 2011 Suits / Season 1 (2011) tt1632701 MKV ED/ed 2011 Suits / Season 2 (2012) tt1632701 MKV ED/ed 2011 Suits / Season 3 (2013) tt1632701 MKV ED/ed 2011 Suits / Season 4 (2014) tt1632701 MKV ED/ed 2011 Suits / Season 5 (2015) tt1632701 MKV ED/ed 2011 Suits / Season 6 (2016) tt1632701 MKV ED/ed 2011 Suits / Season 7 (2017) tt1633217 MKV FD/d 2017 La mélodie / Der Klang von Paris tt1637688 MKV ED/ed 2011 In Time / tt1638275 DVD 2 PAL D 2010 Klara / Ein Pferd für Klara tt1638355 MKV ED/ed 2015 The Man from U.N.C.L.E. / tt16419074 MKV ED/ed 2023 Air / Der grosse Wurf tt1645089 DVD 2 PAL E/ed 2010 Inside Job / tt1645089 DVD/HD E/ed 2010 Inside Job / tt1646971 MKV ED/ed 2014 How to Train Your Dragon 2 / tt1649419 MKV ED/d 2012 Lo imposible / The Impossible tt1649419 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2012 Lo imposible / The Impossible tt1650048 MKV D/d 2012 Laurence Anyways / tt1650062 MKV ED/ed 2011 Super 8 / tt1654523 DVD/HD ED/d 2013 Night Train to Lisbon / Nachtzug nach Lissabon tt1654523 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2013 Night Train to Lisbon / Nachtzug nach Lissabon tt1655442 Blu-ray ED 2011 The Artist / tt1655442 MKV ED 2011 The Artist / tt1656190 DVD/HD ED/d 2012 Safe / tt1656190 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2012 Safe / tt1659337 MKV ED/ed 2012 The Perks of Being a Wallflower / tt1660641 AVI/TV D 1969 Pfarrer Iseli / tt1661275 MKV ED/d 2016 Their Finest / Ihre beste Stunde tt1661420 MKV FD 2011 Polisse / tt1663202 MKV ED/ed 2015 The Revenant / tt1663329 DVD 2 PAL D/ed 1982 Die Zauberflöte für Kinder / tt1667889 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2012 Ice Age: Continental Drift / tt1667889 DVD/HD ED/ed 2012 Ice Age: Continental Drift / tt1670345 MKV ED/d 2013 Now You See Me / tt1675434 DVD 2 PAL FD/d 2011 Intouchables / tt1675434 MKV FD/fd 2011 Intouchables / tt1677720 MKV ED/ed 2018 Ready Player One / tt1683526 MKV ED/d 2011 Detachment / tt1684562 MKV ED/e 2024 The Fall Guy / The Fall Guy tt1686067 MKV D/d 2011 La source des femmes / The Source tt1690953 MKV ED/ed 2013 Despicable Me 2 / tt1690953 Blu-ray ED/ed 2013 Despicable Me 2 / tt1692190 MKV SpD/d 2010 El infierno / tt1692486 Blu-ray ED/d 2011 Carnage / Der Gott des Gemetzels tt1692486 MKV ED/d 2011 Carnage / Der Gott des Gemetzels tt16968450 MKV ED/ed 2023 The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar / tt17009710 MKV EFD/d 2023 Anatomie d'une chute / Anatomie eines Falls tt1701920 MKV ED 2011 The Shadow Line / Season 1 (2011) tt1702439 MKV ED/d 2013 Safe Haven / tt17041964 MP4 RuE/d 2022 Navalny / tt1705786 MKV D/d 2011 Un cuento chino / Chinese zum Mitnehmen tt1706593 MKV ED/ed 2012 Chronicle / Chronicle - Wozu bist du fähig? tt1706620 MKV ED/d 2013 Snowpiercer / tt1707386 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2012 Les Misérables / tt1707386 MKV ED/ed 2012 Les Misérables / tt1708135 MKV D/d 2015 Elser / 13 Minutes tt1714206 MKV ED/d 2013 The Spectacular Now / tt17163970 MKV ED/d 2024 Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl / Wallace & Gromit: Vergeltung mit Flügeln tt1716777 MKV ED 2012 People Like Us / Zeit zu leben tt1722484 MKV D/d 2011 Tom Sawyer / tt1723811 MKV ED/ed 2011 Shame / tt1727824 MKV ED/d 2018 Bohemian Rhapsody / tt1730768 MKV ED/ed 2017 The Zookeeper's Wife / Die Frau des Zoodirektors tt1731141 MKV ED/d 2013 Ender's Game / tt1733105 MKV D/d 2012 Bekas / tt1733785 Blu-ray DänSchwD/d 2011 Bron/Broen / Die Brücke: Transit in den Tod Season 1 (2011) tt1733785 Blu-ray DänSchwD/d 2011 Bron/Broen / Die Brücke: Transit in den Tod Season 2 (2013) tt1733785 Blu-ray DänSchwD/d 2011 Bron/Broen / Die Brücke: Transit in den Tod Season 3 (2015) tt1733785 MKV DänSchwD/d 2011 Bron/Broen / Die Brücke: Transit in den Tod Season 1 (2011) tt1733785 MKV DänSchwD/d 2011 Bron/Broen / Die Brücke: Transit in den Tod Season 2 (2013) tt1733785 MKV DänSchwD/d 2011 Bron/Broen / Die Brücke: Transit in den Tod Season 3 (2015) tt1733785 MKV D/e 2011 Bron/Broen / Die Brücke: Transit in den Tod Season 4 (2018) tt1734493 MKV ED/d 2017 Unlocked / tt1736633 MKV NorD/d 2011 Oslo, 31. august / tt1741542 MKV ED/d 2011 Les Lyonnais / tt1742044 MKV ED/ed 2014 Jersey Boys / tt1742683 MKV ED 2011 Too Big to Fail / tt1745960 MKV ED/ed 2022 Top Gun: Maverick / tt1748122 MKV ED/ed 2012 Moonrise Kingdom / tt1754656 MKV/TV ED 2015 Le Petit Prince / Little Prince tt1756750 MKV FD/d 2011 Starbuck / tt1764183 MKV ED/d 2012 Arbitrage / Arbitrage - Macht ist das beste Alibi tt1764234 DVD/HD ED/d 2012 Killing Them Softly / tt1764234 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2012 Killing Them Softly / tt1764651 MKV ED 2012 The Expendables 2 / tt1772250 MKV SpD/ed 2011 La cara oculta / Das verborgene Gesicht tt1772288 MKV ED/d 2015 Danny Collins / Mr. Collins' zweiter Frühling tt1772341 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2012 Wreck-It Ralph / Ralph reichts tt1772341 MKV ED/ed 2012 Wreck-It Ralph / Ralph reichts tt1772424 MKV D/d 2011 Et maintenant on va où? / Where Do We Go Now - Wer weiss, wohin tt1776222 MKV D/d 2012 Kauwboy / tt1778108 MKV D 2011 The Hour / Season 1 (2011) tt1778108 MKV D 2011 The Hour / Season 2 (2012) tt1780856 MKV D/d 2011 Halt auf freier Strecke / tt1781922 MKV ED/d 2015 No Escape / tt1790621 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2011 A Christmas Kiss / Weihnachtszauber - Ein Kuss kann alles verändern tt1790809 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2017 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales / tt1790809 MKV ED/ed 2017 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales / tt1790885 MKV ED/ed 2012 Zero Dark Thirty / tt17921714 MKV ED/ed 2023 A Small Light / Ein Funken Hoffnung - Anne Franks Helferin tt1796960 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2011 Homeland / Season 1 (2011) tt1796960 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2011 Homeland / Season 2 (2012) tt1796960 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2011 Homeland / Season 3 (2013) tt1796960 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2011 Homeland / Season 4 (2014) tt1796960 MKV ED/ed 2011 Homeland / Season 1 (2011) tt1796960 MKV ED/ed 2011 Homeland / Season 2 (2012) tt1796960 MKV ED/ed 2011 Homeland / Season 3 (2013) tt1796960 MKV ED/ed 2011 Homeland / Season 4 (2014) tt1796960 MKV ED/ed 2011 Homeland / Season 5 (2015) tt1796960 MKV ED/ed 2011 Homeland / Season 6 (2016) tt1796960 MKV ED/ed 2011 Homeland / Season 7 (2018) tt1796960 MKV ED/ed 2011 Homeland / Season 8 (2020) tt1797469 MKV ED/d 2011 Page Eight / tt1798709 MKV ED/d 2013 Her / tt1800241 MKV ED/ed 2013 American Hustle / tt1800302 MKV ED/d 2016 Gold / tt1800338 MKV D/d 2014 Lucia de B. / Accused tt1802197 MKV ED/d 2011 The Lady / tt1806234 MKV ED/e 2011 Human Planet / tt1809398 MKV ED/ed 2014 Unbroken / tt1810683 MKV ED/ed 2015 Little Boy / tt1817273 MKV ED/d 2012 The Place Beyond the Pines / tt1821549 MKV ED/ed 2013 Nebraska / tt1821694 MKV ED/d 2013 RED 2 / tt1825683 MKV ED/ed 2018 Black Panther / tt18272208 MKV ED/d 2024 Here / tt1832382 MKV D/d 2011 Jodaeiye Nader az Simin / A Separation - Nader und Simin - Eine Trennung tt18335752 MKV ED/ed 2022 1923 / Season 1 (2023) tt1839492 MKV ED/ed 2012 Ruby Sparks / tt1839578 Blu-ray ED/ed 2011 Person of Interest / Season 4 (2014) tt1839578 Blu-ray ED/ed 2011 Person of Interest / Season 3 (2013) tt1839578 Blu-ray ED/ed 2011 Person of Interest / Season 2 (2012) tt1839578 Blu-ray ED/ed 2011 Person of Interest / Season 1 (2011) tt1839578 MKV ED/ed 2011 Person of Interest / Season 5 (2015) tt1839654 MKV ED 2012 The Magic of Belle Isle / tt1840309 MKV ED/d 2014 Divergent / tt1843866 MKV ED/ed 2014 Captain America: The Winter Soldier / The Return of the First Avenger tt1846492 MKV ED/d 2012 Imagine / tt1848902 MKV ED 2012 Game Change / tt1853544 MKV D 2013 Die schwarzen Brüder / tt1853728 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2012 Django Unchained / tt1853728 MKV ED/ed 2012 Django Unchained / tt1854226 DVD/HD E/e 2011 Wonders of the Universe / tt1854226 DVD 2 PAL E/e 2011 Wonders of the Universe / tt1854564 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2013 Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters / tt18550140 MKV D/d 2022 Holy Spider / Holy Spider tt1855199 MKV ED/d 2012 End of Watch / tt1856010 MKV ED/ed 2013 House of Cards / Season 2 (2014) tt1856010 MKV ED/ed 2013 House of Cards / Season 1 (2013) tt1856010 Blu-ray ED/ed 2013 House of Cards / Season 1 (2013) tt1856010 MKV ED/ed 2013 House of Cards / Season 3 (2015) tt1856010 MKV ED/ed 2013 House of Cards / Season 4 (2016) tt1856010 MKV ED/ed 2013 House of Cards / Season 5 (2017) tt1856010 MKV ED/ed 2013 House of Cards / Season 6 (2018) tt1856101 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2017 Blade Runner 2049 / tt1856101 MKV ED/ed 2017 Blade Runner 2049 / tt1859650 MKV ED/ed 2012 To Rome with Love / tt1860242 MKV ED/ed 2019 The Highwaymen / tt1860357 MKV ED/d 2016 Deepwater Horizon / tt1861375 DVD/HD FD/d 2001 La guerre des boutons / War of the Buttons tt18626656 MKV D/d 2022 Arrête avec tes mensonges / Hör auf zu lügen tt1865505 MKV ED/d 2014 Song of the Sea / Die Melodie des Meeres tt1872181 MKV ED/ed 2014 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 / tt1872194 MKV ED/ed 2014 The Judge / tt1877514 MKV D 2017 The Vietnam War / tt1877830 MKV ED/ed 2022 The Batman / tt1883092 MKV D 2013 Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter / Generation War tt1893256 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2013 Hummingbird / Redemption - Stunde der Vergeltung tt1893273 MKV ED/ed 2021 The Last Letter from Your Lover / Eine Handvoll Worte tt1895315 MKV ED/ed 2016 Brimstone / Brimstone - Erlöse uns von dem Bösen tt1895587 Blu-ray ED/d 2015 Spotlight / tt1895587 MKV ED/d 2015 Spotlight / tt1904996 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2013 Parker / tt1907668 MKV ED/d 2012 Flight / tt1912398 MKV ED/ed 2011 God Bless America / tt1919207 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2012 Yoko / tt1921149 MKV ED/ed 2014 Trash / tt1924245 MKV ED/ed 2021 Cry Macho / tt1924394 MKV ED/ed 2012 The Angels' Share / Angels' Share - Ein Schluck für die Engel tt1924396 MKV ED/ed 2013 La migliore offerta / Best Offer, The tt1931533 MKV ED/ed 2012 Seven Psychopaths / tt1932767 MKV ED/ed 2012 What Maisie Knew / Das Glück der großen Dinge tt1934234 MKV D/d 2012 Diaz - Don't Clean Up This Blood / Diaz - Don't Clean Up This Blood tt1935179 MKV ED/d 2012 Mud / Kein Ausweg tt1935859 MKV ED/ed 2016 Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children / Insel der besonderen Kinder, Die tt1935859 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2016 Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children / Insel der besonderen Kinder, Die tt1937149 MKV SpD/d 2012 El cuerpo / The Body - Die Leiche tt1937390 MKV ED/d 2013 Nymphomaniac: Vol. I / tt1937390 Blu-ray ED/d 2013 Nymphomaniac: Vol. I / tt1950186 MKV ED/ed 2019 Ford v Ferrari / tt1951264 MKV D/d 2013 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire / Hunger Games 2 / Tribute von Panem 2 tt1951265 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2014 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014) / Hunger Games 3 / Tribute von Panem 3 tt1951265 DVD/HD ED/d 2014 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014) / Hunger Games 3 / Tribute von Panem 3 tt1951266 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2015 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 (2015) / Hunger Games 4 / Tribute von Panem 4 tt1951266 MKV ED/d 2015 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 (2015) / Hunger Games 4 / Tribute von Panem 4 tt1954412 MKV D 2012 Eine wen iig, dr Dällebach Kari / tt1954464 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2012 Fünf Freunde / tt1954470 MKV D/d 2012 Gangs of Wasseypur / tt1954470 MKV D/d 2012 Gangs of Wasseypur / tt1956017 DVD/HD ED/ed 2012 Parade's End / tt1956017 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2012 Parade's End / tt1959563 MKV ED/ed 2017 The Hitman's Bodyguard / Killer's Bodyguards tt1959563 Blu-ray ED/ed 2017 The Hitman's Bodyguard / Killer's Bodyguards tt1964624 MKV D/d 2012 Dans la maison / In the House tt1966604 MKV ED/d 2012 The Imposter / Der Blender tt1972571 MKV ED/d 2014 A Most Wanted Man / tt19760052 MKV D/d 2023 La passion de Dodin Bouffant / The Taste of Things tt1976558 MKV D/d 2011 Die Summe meiner einzelnen Teile / Hut in the Woods tt19770238 MKV ED/ed 2022 Aftersun / tt1979320 MKV ED/ed 2013 Rush / tt1979376 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2019 Toy Story 4 / tt1979376 MKV ED/ed 2019 Toy Story 4 / tt1979388 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2015 The Good Dinosaur / Arlo and Spot tt1979388 MKV ED/ed 2015 The Good Dinosaur / Arlo and Spot tt1980929 MKV ED/d 2013 Begin Again / Can a Song Save Your Life? tt1980929 Blu-ray ED/d 2013 Begin Again / Can a Song Save Your Life? tt1981677 MKV ED/ed 2012 Pitch Perfect / tt1981677 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2012 Pitch Perfect / tt1984119 MKV D 2017 Feud / Feud: Bette and Joan tt19894774 MKV ED/d 2023 La tresse / Der Zopf - The Braid tt1990314 MKV ED/d 2012 Robot & Frank / tt1998372 MKV E/ed 2022 Under the Banner of Heaven / Mord im Auftrag Gottes tt2005151 MKV ED/d 2016 War Dogs / tt2006295 MKV ED/ed 2015 The 33 / 69 Tage Hoffnung tt2006421 DVD 2 PAL SpD 2011 Gran Hotel / Season 1 (2011) tt2006421 DVD 2 PAL SpD 2011 Gran Hotel / Season 2 (2012) tt2006421 DVD 2 PAL SpD 2011 Gran Hotel / Season 3 (2013) tt2006421 DVD 2 PAL SpD 2011 Gran Hotel / Season 4 (2014) tt2006421 DVD 2 PAL SpD 2011 Gran Hotel / Season 5 (2015) tt20115766 MKV ED/d 2023 Knox Goes Away / Knox Goes Away tt2011971 MKV FD/d 2011 Monsieur Lazhar / tt2015381 MKV ED/ed 2014 Guardians of the Galaxy / tt2015381 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2014 Guardians of the Galaxy / tt2017020 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2013 The Smurfs 2 / tt2017038 MKV ED/ed 2013 All Is Lost / All Is Lost - Überleben ist Alles tt20215234 MKV ED/d 2024 Conclave / Konklave tt2024519 Blu-ray NlD/d 2012 The Broken Circle Breakdown / The Broken Circle tt2024519 MKV NlD/d 2012 The Broken Circle Breakdown / The Broken Circle tt2024544 Blu-ray ED/ed 2013 12 Years a Slave / tt2024544 MKV ED/ed 2013 12 Years a Slave / tt2034761 DVD 2 PAL NorD/d 2012 Reisen til julestjernen / Die Legende vom Weihnachtsstern tt2034800 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2016 The Great Wall / tt20465746 MKV D/d 2023 L'ultima notte di Amore / Last Night of Amore tt2049403 MKV ED/ed 2024 Beetlejuice Beetlejuice / tt2053425 MKV FD/d 2012 De rouille et d'os / Rust and Bone - Der Geschmack von Rost und Knochen tt2053463 MKV ED/d 2013 Side Effects / Tödliche Nebenwirkungen tt20561198 MKV D/d 2023 Bastarden / King's Land tt2057392 MKV ED/d 2015 Eye in the Sky / tt2057931 MKV D/ef 2011 Der Verdingbub / tt2058107 MKV ED/d 2013 The Railway Man / Die Liebe seines Lebens tt2066051 MKV ED/ed 2019 Rocketman / tt2073086 MKV D/d 2012 Still Mine / tt2080374 MKV ED/ed 2015 Steve Jobs / tt2081266 MKV D/ed 2012 Die Abenteuer des Huck Finn / tt2081266 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2012 Die Abenteuer des Huck Finn / tt2083383 MKV ED/ed 2012 Trouble with the Curve / Back in the Game tt2084970 MKV ED/ed 2014 The Imitation Game / tt2092588 MKV ED 2011 Frozen Planet / tt2093990 MKV SpD/d 2014 El Niño / El Niño - Jagd vor Gibraltar tt2096673 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2015 Inside Out / Alles steht Kopf tt2096673 MKV ED/ed 2015 Inside Out / Alles steht Kopf tt2097298 MKV ED/d 2015 McFarland, USA / tt2101473 MKV ED/d 2013 The Physician / tt2103281 MKV ED/ed 2014 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes / tt2106476 MKV DänD/d 2012 Jagten / The Hunt - Die Jagd tt2113075 MKV ED 2013 The Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete / Mister und Pete gegen den Rest der Welt tt2113644 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2012 Das Haus der Krokodile / tt2113681 MKV SwD/d 2013 Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann / The 101-Year-Old Man Who Skipped Out on the Bill and Disappeared tt21148858 MKV D/d 2022 Mittagsstunde / tt21192142 MKV ED/ed 2023 All of Us Strangers / tt2119532 MKV ED/ed 2016 Hacksaw Ridge / tt2121382 MKV D/d 2014 Turist / tt21322416 MKV NlD/d 2022 Rampvlucht / tt2139881 MKV ED/d 2019 Long Shot / tt2140203 MKV JpD/d 2012 Ôkami kodomo no Ame to Yuki / Wolf Children tt2140373 MKV ED/ed 2013 Saving Mr. Banks / tt2140479 MKV ED/ed 2016 The Accountant / tt2140507 MKV ED/d 2017 The Current War / Edison - Ein Leben voller Licht tt21440780 MKV ED/d 2022 How to Blow Up a Pipeline / tt2167266 MKV ED/d 2013 Tracks / Lass alles hinter Dir tt2170593 MKV ED/d 2014 St. Vincent / tt2177533 DVD 2 PAL D 2012 Die Thomaner - Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben / tt2177575 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2012 Hanni & Nanni 2 / tt2178941 MKV D/d 2012 Barbara / tt2179055 MKV D 2012 Gnade / tt2179116 MKV ED/d 2013 The Kings of Summer / tt2179121 MKV FD/d 2012 Le Prénom / Der Vorname tt2179121 DVD 2 PAL FD/d 2012 Le Prénom / Der Vorname tt2179136 MKV ED/ed 2014 American Sniper / tt2179136 Blu-ray ED/ed 2014 American Sniper / tt2180411 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2014 Into the Woods / tt21823606 MKV ED/ed 2024 A Real Pain / tt2183404 MKV ED 2013 Rectify / Season 1 (2013) tt2183404 MKV ED 2013 Rectify / Season 2 (2014) tt2183404 MKV ED 2013 Rectify / Season 3 (2015) tt2183404 MKV ED/e 2013 Rectify / Season 4 (2016) tt2186562 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2012 Die Vampirschwestern / tt21867434 MKV ED/ed 2023 BlackBerry / BlackBerry: Klick einer Generation tt21877768 MKV ED/ed 2022 Post Modern Minions / tt2189258 Blu-ray ED/d 2013 North America / Wildnis Amerikas tt2192016 MKV ED/d 2014 The Dark Horse / tt21942866 MKV ED/d 2023 Dream Scenario / Dream Scenario tt2194499 MKV ED/ed 2013 About Time / Alles eine Frage der Zeit tt22022452 MKV ED/ed 2024 Inside Out 2 / Inside Out 2 tt2207072 Blu-ray FD/d 2013 Eyjafjallajökull / tt2209418 MKV ED/d 2013 Before Midnight / tt2209418 Blu-ray ED/d 2013 Before Midnight / tt2211542 AVI/TV D 2012 Obendrüber da schneit es / tt2216240 MKV D/d 2012 Kapringen / A Hijacking tt2217458 MKV ED/d 2013 Flores Raras / Reaching for the Moon tt2222052 MKV ED/d 2020 My Salinger Year / tt2222394 MKV D/d 2013 Nosotros los Nobles / We Are the Nobles - The Noble Family - Die Kinder des Senor Noble tt2226597 MKV ED/ed 2017 The Mountain Between Us / The Mountain Between Us tt2234003 MKV ED/d 2014 Calvary / Am Sonntag bist du tot tt2234261 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2013 The Love Punch / tt2238050 MKV ED/ed 2014 White Bird in a Blizzard / tt2239822 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2017 Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets / tt2241351 MKV ED/ed 2016 Money Monster / tt2241676 MKV ED/d 2012 Restless / tt2245084 Blu-ray ED/ed 2014 Big Hero 6 / Baymax - Riesiges Robowabohu tt2245084 MKV ED/ed 2014 Big Hero 6 / Baymax - Riesiges Robowabohu tt2250912 MKV ED/ed 2017 Spider-Man: Homecoming / tt2250912 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2017 Spider-Man: Homecoming / tt2258281 MKV D 2012 Dupa dealuri / Beyond the Hills tt2258858 MKV ArD/d 2012 Wadjda / Das Mädchen Wadjda tt2263058 MKV D/d 2012 More Than Honey / tt2267968 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2016 Kung Fu Panda 3 / tt2267968 MKV ED/ed 2016 Kung Fu Panda 3 / tt2267998 MKV ED/ed 2014 Gone Girl / tt2271563 MKV ED/d 2015 Forsaken / tt2277860 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2016 Finding Dory (2016) / tt2277860 MKV ED/ed 2016 Finding Dory (2016) / tt2278388 Blu-ray ED/ed 2014 The Grand Budapest Hotel / tt2278388 MKV ED/ed 2014 The Grand Budapest Hotel / tt2278871 MKV FD/d 2013 La Vie d'Adèle / tt2283362 MKV ED/ed 2017 Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle / tt2284766 MKV ED/d 2013 Mary and Martha / tt2290247 MKV D 2012 Das Ende einer Nacht / tt2294629 Blu-ray ED/ed 2013 Frozen / tt2294629 MKV ED/ed 2013 Frozen / tt2294677 MKV ED 2013 In a World... / tt2303687 MKV ED 2012 Line of Duty / Season 1 (2012) tt2303687 MKV ED 2012 Line of Duty / Season 2 (2014) tt2303687 MKV ED 2012 Line of Duty / Season 3 (2016) tt2303687 MKV ED 2012 Line of Duty / Season 4 (2017) tt2303687 MKV ED/d 2012 Line of Duty / Season 5 (2019) tt2303687 MKV ED 2012 Line of Duty / Season 6 (2021) tt2304589 MKV ED/ed 2020 Defending Jacob / Verschwiegen tt2304771 MKV ED/ed 2013 Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom / tt2305051 MKV ED/ed 2014 Wild / tt23055660 MKV ED/ed 2024 Nickel Boys / tt2310332 MKV ED/ed 2014 The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies / tt2316204 MKV ED/ed 2017 Alien: Covenant / tt2319580 MKV ED/d 2013 The Grand Seduction / tt2321405 MKV FD/d 2016 Ma vie de Courgette / tt2324730 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2013 Fünf Freunde 2 / tt2331143 MKV D 2013 Soshite chichi ni naru / Like Father, Like Son tt2333598 MKV D 2012 7 cajas / 7 Boxes tt2333784 MKV D/d 2014 The Expendables 3 / tt2334649 MKV ED/d 2013 Fruitvale Station / Fruitvale Station - Nächster Halt tt2334873 MKV ED/d 2013 Blue Jasmine / tt2334879 MKV ED/ed 2013 White House Down / tt2338151 MKV HinD/d 2014 PK / tt23468836 MKV ED/e 2024 Touch / Touch tt2347569 MKV ED/d 2012 Frances Ha / tt2350496 MKV/TV ED 2013 Dabba / The Lunchbox tt2354169 DVD 2 PAL I/ed 1996 Le nozze di Figaro / tt23561236 MKV ED/ed 2023 American Fiction / Amerikanische Fiktion tt2356464 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2013 Ostwind - Zusammen sind wir frei / tt2356464 MKV D/ed 2013 Ostwind - Zusammen sind wir frei / tt2356777 MKV ED/ed 2014 True Detective / Season 1 (2014) tt2356777 MKV ED 2014 True Detective / Season 3 (2019) tt2356777 MKV ED/ed 2014 True Detective / Season 2 (2015) tt2356777 MKV ED/ed 2014 True Detective / Season 4 (2024) tt2358891 MKV D/d 2013 La grande bellezza / Die grosse Schönheit tt2361317 MKV ED/ed 2016 Live by Night / tt2361509 MKV ED/d 2015 The Intern / Man lernt nie aus tt2368254 MKV ED/d 2018 A Private War / tt2370248 MKV ED/d 2013 Short Term 12 / tt2371158 MKV D/d 2014 Oorlogsgeheimen / Secrets of War tt23736044 MKV D/d 2023 Kaibutsu / Monster tt23782584 MKV NorD/ed 2024 Nr. 24 / tt2379713 Blu-ray ED/ed 2015 Spectre / James Bond 24 tt2379713 MKV ED/ed 2015 Spectre / James Bond 24 tt2380307 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2017 Coco / Coco: Lebendiger als das Leben tt2380307 MKV ED/ed 2017 Coco / Coco: Lebendiger als das Leben tt2380331 MKV ED/d 2013 Words and Pictures / tt2381111 MKV ED/ed 2015 Brooklyn / Brooklyn - Eine Liebe zwischen zwei Welten tt2381249 Blu-ray ED/ed 2015 Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation / tt2381249 MKV ED/ed 2015 Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation / tt2381281 MKV/TV D 2013 Recycling Lily / tt2381941 MKV ED/ed 2015 Focus / tt2381991 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2016 The Huntsman: Winter's War (2016) / tt2382009 MKV ED/d 2013 Nymphomaniac: Vol. II / tt2382009 Blu-ray ED/d 2013 Nymphomaniac: Vol. II / tt2382320 MKV ED/ed 2021 No Time to Die / James Bond 25 tt2386490 MKV ED/ed 2019 How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World / tt2387513 MKV D/d 2013 Libertador / tt2388725 MKV ED/d 2012 Paperman / tt2388771 MKV ED/ed 2018 Mowgli / tt2390361 MKV ED/ed 2013 Enough Said / tt2397535 MKV ED/d 2014 Predestination / tt2398149 MKV FD/d 2019 J'accuse / Intrige tt2399776 MKV D 2012 Torka aldrig tårar utan handskar / Don't Ever Wipe Tears without Gloves tt2401256 MKV ED/ed 2016 The Night Of / Die Wahrheit einer Nacht tt2401878 MKV ED/ed 2015 Anomalisa / tt2402927 MKV ED/d 2015 Carol / tt2404181 MKV ED/ed 2013 Dido Elizabeth Belle / tt2404311 MKV ED/ed 2013 The Family / tt2404425 MKV ED/ed 2015 Woman in Gold / Die Frau in Gold tt2404435 MKV ED/ed 2016 The Magnificent Seven (2016) / tt2404461 Blu-ray FD/d 2013 Le passé / tt2404461 MKV FD/d 2013 Le passé / tt24053860 MKV ED/ed 2024 The Day of the Jackal / Season 1 (2024) tt2406252 MKV FD/d 2013 La Vénus à la fourrure / Venus im Pelz tt24070754 MKV FD/d 2023 Je verrai toujours vos visages / All Your Faces tt2421662 MKV ED 2013 The Challenger / Challenger - Ein Mann kämpft für die Wahrheit tt2431286 MKV ED/d 2013 Philomena / tt2438644 MKV DänD/d 2013 Kvinden i buret / Erbarmen tt2442560 MKV ED/ed 2013 Peaky Blinders / Season 1 (2013) tt2442560 MKV ED/ed 2013 Peaky Blinders / Season 2 (2014) tt2442560 MKV ED/e 2013 Peaky Blinders / Season 3 (2016) tt2442560 MKV ED/ed 2013 Peaky Blinders / Season 4 (2017) tt2442560 MKV ED/ed 2013 Peaky Blinders / Season 5 (2019) tt2446980 MKV ED/ed 2015 Joy / tt2452042 MKV ED/ed 2015 The Peanuts Movie / tt2452254 MKV E/e 2014 Clouds of Sils Maria / Die Wolken von Sils Maria tt2452386 MKV ED/ed 2016 The Fundamentals of Caring / tt2463302 MKV ED 2013 Wish You Well / tt2465578 MKV D 2013 Il capitale umano / Die süsse Gier tt2480940 DVD 2 PAL D 2013 My Lucky Elephant / tt2481498 MKV ED/d 2019 Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile / tt2488496 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2015 Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens / tt2488496 MKV ED/ed 2015 Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens / tt2494362 MKV ED 2015 Bone Tomahawk / tt2510894 MKV ED/ed 2015 Hotel Transylvania 2 / tt2517558 DVD/HD D/d 2013 Da geht noch was! / tt2517558 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2013 Da geht noch was! / tt2522324 MKV ED 2012 The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler / Hitler, Verführer der Massen tt2522324 Blu-ray ED 2012 The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler / Hitler, Verführer der Massen tt2527336 MKV ED/ed 2017 Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi / tt2527338 MKV ED/ed 2019 Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker / tt2534634 MKV D 2015 Miekkailija / The Fencer - Die Kinder des Fechters tt2543164 MKV ED/ed 2016 Arrival / tt2543472 MKV ED/d 2017 Wonder / tt2545118 MKV E/d 2013 Blackfish / Der Killerwal tt2555736 MKV ED/ed 2015 The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel / tt2562232 Blu-ray ED/ed 2014 Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) / Birdman oder (Die unverhoffte Macht der Ahnungslosigkeit) tt2562232 MKV ED/ed 2014 Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) / Birdman oder (Die unverhoffte Macht der Ahnungslosigkeit) tt2567026 MKV ED/ed 2016 Alice Through the Looking Glass / Alice im Wunderland: Hinter den Spiegeln tt2567026 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2016 Alice Through the Looking Glass / Alice im Wunderland: Hinter den Spiegeln tt2568862 DVD/HD ED/ed 2017 Going in Style / tt2568862 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2017 Going in Style / tt2576852 MKV D/d 2013 Kaguya-hime no monogatari / The Tale of The Princess Kaguya tt2582496 MKV ED/ed 2015 Me and Earl and the Dying Girl / tt2582502 MKV ED/d 2015 Fathers & Daughters / tt2582782 MKV ED/ed 2016 Hell or High Water / tt2582802 MKV ED/d 2014 Whiplash / tt2582846 Blu-ray ED/ed 2014 The Fault in Our Stars / tt2582846 MKV ED/ed 2014 The Fault in Our Stars / tt2584384 MKV ED/d 2019 Jojo Rabbit / tt2610798 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2013 Hanni & Nanni 3 / tt2611652 MKV D/d 2015 Fúsi / Virgin Mountain tt26440619 MKV D 2023 Roter Himmel / tt2647420 MKV ED/ed 2014 Fleming / tt2649356 MKV ED/ed 2018 Sharp Objects / tt2650978 MKV D/d 2014 Das finstere Tal / tt2660888 MKV ED/d 2016 Star Trek Beyond / tt26612950 MKV D/d 2023 Das Lehrerzimmer / The Teachers' Lounge tt26625693 MKV ED/ed 2024 The Order / tt2663812 MKV ED/ed 2013 An Adventure in Space and Time / Ein Abenteuer in Raum und Zeit tt2671706 MKV ED/d 2016 Fences / tt2674426 MKV ED/ed 2016 Me Before You / tt2674454 MKV ED/d 2017 Churchill / tt2677722 MKV ED/d 2018 City of Lies / City of Lies tt2692904 MKV ED/d 2013 Locke / Locke tt2704998 MKV ED/ed 2018 Game Night / tt2704998 Blu-ray ED/ed 2018 Game Night / tt2713180 MKV ED/ed 2014 Fury / Herz aus Stahl tt2719848 MKV ED/d 2015 Everest / tt2723240 MKV D/ed 2014 Zeit der Kannibalen / Age of Cannibals tt2737050 MKV FD/d 2014 Deux jours, une nuit / tt27403986 MKV ED/ed 2024 Juror #2 / tt27417166 MKV D/ed 2023 Crossing / Crossing: Auf der Suche nach Tekla tt27503384 MKV D/ed 2023 Perfect Days / Perfect Days tt2758880 MKV D/d 2014 Kis Uykusu / Winter Sleep / Winterschlaf tt2763296 MKV ED/d 2013 The Great Train Robbery / tt27657135 MKV ED/ed 2024 Saturday Night / tt2771200 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2017 Beauty and the Beast / Die Schöne und das Biest tt2771200 MKV ED/ed 2017 Beauty and the Beast / Die Schöne und das Biest tt27792190 MKV D/ed 2024 Maxton Hall - Die Welt zwischen uns / Maxton Hall Season 1 (2024) tt2800240 MKV FD/d 2014 Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait au Bon Dieu? / Monsieur Claude und seine Toechter tt2802144 MKV ED/d 2014 Kingsman: The Secret Service / tt2802154 MKV D/d 2014 Leviafan / tt2802850 MKV ED/d 2014 Fargo / Season 1 (2014) tt2802850 MKV ED/d 2014 Fargo / Season 2 (2015) tt2802850 MKV ED/ed 2014 Fargo / Season 3 (2017) tt2802850 MKV ED/d 2014 Fargo / Season 4 (2020) tt2802850 MKV ED/ed 2014 Fargo / Season 5 (2023) tt2821430 MKV ED 2013 Anna Karenina / tt2822400 MKV D 2013 Tore tanzt / Nothing Bad Can Happen tt2837574 MKV ED/d 2018 The Old Man & the Gun / tt2846008 MKV D 2014 Deca na sonceto / Children of the Sun - Die Kinder der Sonne tt28490044 MKV D/d 2023 Aku wa sonzai shinai / Evil Does Not Exist tt28511535 MKV D/d 2024 Der Buchspazierer / tt28607951 MKV ED/e 2024 Anora / tt28618089 MKV D/ed 2016 Eine Million Minuten / Eine Million Minuten tt2870756 MKV ED/ed 2014 Magic in the Moonlight / tt2872718 MKV ED/d 2014 Nightcrawler / tt2872732 MKV ED/ed 2014 Lucy / tt2872750 MKV D 2015 Shaun the Sheep Movie / tt2873282 MKV ED/ed 2018 Red Sparrow / tt2883218 MKV D/d 2014 Der Goalie bin ig / tt2883512 MKV ED/d 2014 Chef / Kiss the Cook: So schmeckt das Leben tt2884206 MKV ED/ed 2014 I Origins / tt2886632 MKV D 2015 Enklava / tt2891174 MKV ED/d 2014 99 Homes / 99 Homes: Stadt ohne Gewissen tt2904608 MKV ED/d 2014 Turks & Caicos / tt2904626 MKV ED/d 2014 Salting the Battlefield / tt2906216 MKV ED/ed 2023 Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves / tt2908446 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2015 Insurgent / tt2910904 MKV ED/d 2015 The Dressmaker / Die Schneiderin tt2911666 MKV ED/d 2014 John Wick / tt2935510 MKV ED/ed 2019 Ad Astra / Ad Astra - Zu den Sternen tt2937898 MKV ED/d 2014 A Most Violent Year / A Most Violent Year tt29439114 MKV ED/ed 2024 The Room Next Door / tt2948356 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2016 Zootopia / Zoomania tt2948356 MKV ED/ed 2016 Zootopia / Zoomania tt2948372 MKV ED/ed 2020 Soul / tt2953050 MKV ED/ed 2021 Encanto / tt2955316 DVD/HD SpD/d 2014 Ocho apellidos vascos / tt2955316 DVD 2 PAL SpD/d 2014 Ocho apellidos vascos / tt29623480 MKV ED/e 2024 The Wild Robot / The Wild Robot tt2969522 MKV KorD/d 2013 Mong-ta-joo / Verjährung tt2980210 MKV ED/d 2016 A Hologram for the King / tt2980516 MKV ED/ed 2014 The Theory of Everything / tt2980648 MKV ED/d 2014 The Hundred-Foot Journey / Madame Mallory und der Duft von Curry tt3007512 MKV ED/ed 2014 The Water Diviner / tt3011894 MKV SpD/spd 2014 Relatos salvajes / Wild Tales - Jeder dreht mal durch tt3012698 MKV ED/ed 2014 Olive Kitteridge / Mit Blick aufs Meer tt3013588 MKV FD/d 2014 Avis de mistral / Ein Sommer in der Provence tt3013588 DVD 2 PAL FD/d 2014 Avis de mistral / Ein Sommer in der Provence tt3021686 MKV ED/ed 2014 The Honourable Woman / tt3037164 MKV HunD/d 2016 Tiszta szívvel / Kills On Wheels tt3040964 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2016 The Jungle Book / tt3040964 MKV ED/ed 2016 The Jungle Book / tt3042408 MKV D/d 2014 Who Am I - Kein System ist sicher / tt3062976 DVD/HD ED/d 2014 Learning to Drive / tt3062976 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2014 Learning to Drive / tt3064298 DVD/HD ED/ed 2015 Man Up / tt3064298 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2015 Man Up / tt3068194 DVD/HD ED/d 2016 Love and Friendship / tt3068194 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2016 Love and Friendship / tt3076658 MKV ED/d 2015 Creed / Creed: Rocky's Legacy tt3077214 MKV ED/d 2015 Suffragette / tt30795948 MKV D/d 2024 Un p'tit truc en plus / Was ist schon normal? tt3086442 MKV D/d 2014 Ich seh ich seh (2014) / tt3092552 MKV D/d 2013 Chce sie zyc / In meinem Kopf ein Universum tt3110958 MKV ED/d 2016 Now You See Me 2 (2016) / tt3121050 MKV D 2013 Oktober November / tt3132738 MKV ED/d 2014 Houdini / Houdini tt3136752 MKV D/d 2014 Le dernier diamant / 137 Karat tt3146360 DVD/HD FD/d 2013 Belle et Sébastien / Belle und Sebastian tt3146360 DVD 2 PAL FD/d 2013 Belle et Sébastien / Belle und Sebastian tt3148952 MKV D/d 2014 Der Kreis / tt3159736 MKV ED/d 2014 The Game / tt3168230 MKV ED/d 2015 Mr. Holmes / tt3170832 MKV ED/ed 2015 Room / tt3183660 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2016 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them / tt3183660 MKV ED/ed 2016 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them / tt3203606 MKV ED/d 2015 Trumbo / tt3224458 MKV ED/ed 2019 A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood / Der wunderbare Mr. Rogers tt3228774 MKV ED/ed 2021 Cruella / tt3231564 MKV ED/d 2014 Manhattan / Season 1 (2014) tt3231564 MKV ED 2014 Manhattan / Season 2 (2015) tt3246874 MKV ED/d 2019 Wish Man / Jeder kann ein Held sein tt3253930 MKV SpD/d 2014 La isla mínima / tt3262342 MKV ED/d 2017 Loving Vincent / tt3263904 MKV ED/ed 2016 Sully / tt3266934 MKV/TV D 2014 Clara Immerwahr / tt3273636 Blu-ray D/d 2014 Hin und weg / tt3273636 MKV D/d 2014 Hin und weg / tt3280150 MKV NorD/ed 2015 Kampen om tungtvannet / The Saboteurs - Saboteure im Eis - Operation Schweres Wasser tt3281548 MKV ED/ed 2019 Little Women / tt3300542 MKV ED/ed 2016 London Has Fallen / tt3300980 MKV NorD/d 2017 Den 12. mann / The 12th Man - Kampf ums Überleben tt3312830 MKV ED/d 2015 Youth / Ewige Jugend tt3315342 MKV ED/ed 2017 Logan / tt3316960 MKV ED/d 2014 Still Alice / tt3322364 MKV ED/ed 2015 Concussion / Erschütternde Wahrheit tt3346824 MKV/TV D 2014 1001 Gram / tt3350098 MKV D 2015 Der 8. Kontinent / tt3361792 MKV ED/ed 2019 Tolkien / tt3385524 MKV ED/ed 2018 Stan & Ollie / tt3393786 MKV ED/ed 2016 Jack Reacher: Never Go Back / tt3397884 MKV ED/d 2015 Sicario / tt3402236 DVD/HD ED/ed 2017 Murder on the Orient Express / tt3402236 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2017 Murder on the Orient Express / tt3410834 Blu-ray ED/ed 2016 Allegiant / Die Bestimmung - Allegiant tt3416532 MKV ED/d 2016 A Monster Calls / tt3416532 Blu-ray ED/d 2016 A Monster Calls / tt3416828 MKV ED/ed 2016 Ice Age: Collision Course / tt3420504 MKV ED/ed 2021 Finch / Finch tt3445438 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2014 Die Vampirschwestern 2 / tt3447590 MKV ED/ed 2022 Roald Dahl's Matilda the Musical / tt3450958 MKV ED/ed 2017 War for the Planet of the Apes / tt3460252 MKV ED/d 2015 The Hateful Eight / tt3464902 MKV ED/ed 2015 The Lobster / tt3469046 MKV ED/ed 2017 Despicable Me 3 / tt3480822 MKV ED/ed 2021 Black Widow / tt3488462 DVD/HD D/ed 2014 Honig im Kopf / tt3488462 DVD 2 PAL D/ed 2014 Honig im Kopf / tt3488710 MKV ED/ed 2015 The Walk / tt3495026 MKV HindiD/d 2016 Fan / tt3513548 MKV ED/d 2019 Richard Jewell / tt3521164 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2016 Moana / Vaiana tt3521164 MKV ED/ed 2016 Moana / Vaiana tt3532216 MKV ED/ed 2017 American Made / Barry Seal - Only in America tt3544112 MKV ED/d 2016 Sing Street / tt3547740 DVD/HD FD/d 2014 La famille Bélier / tt3553976 Blu-ray ED/d 2016 Captain Fantastic / Captain Fantastic: Einmal Wildnis und zurück tt3553976 MKV ED/d 2016 Captain Fantastic / Captain Fantastic: Einmal Wildnis und zurück tt3556920 MKV ED/d 2015 Wolf Hall / tt3569230 MKV ED/d 2015 Legend / tt3577624 MKV ED/d 2015 A Perfect Day / tt3581652 MKV ED/ed 2021 West Side Story / tt3606752 Blu-ray ED/ed 2017 Cars 3 / Cars 3: Evolution tt3606752 MKV ED/ed 2017 Cars 3 / Cars 3: Evolution tt3606756 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2018 Incredibles 2 / tt3606756 MKV ED/ed 2018 Incredibles 2 / tt3606888 MKV ED/d 2016 A Street Cat Named Bob / tt3612616 MKV FD/d 2014 Mommy / tt3616916 MKV/TV D 2015 Bølgen / The Wave - Die Todeswelle tt3631112 MKV ED/ed 2016 The Girl on the Train / tt3636060 Blu-ray ED 2015 Poldark / Season 1 (2015) tt3636060 Blu-ray ED/e 2015 Poldark / Season 2 (2016) tt3636060 Blu-ray ED/d 2015 Poldark / Season 3 (2017) tt3636060 MKV ED/e 2015 Poldark / Season 4 (2018) tt3636060 MKV ED/e 2015 Poldark / Season 5 (2019) tt3640424 MKV ED/d 2016 Allied / Allied: Vertraute Fremde tt3642618 MKV D/d 2015 Das ewige Leben / tt3647498 MKV ED/d 2016 Blood Father / tt3651612 MKV D 2016 Das Programm / tt3655972 DVD 2 PAL SpD/d 2016 El Olivo / tt3655972 MKV D/d 2016 El Olivo / tt3659388 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2015 The Martian / tt3659388 MKV ED/ed 2015 The Martian / tt3682448 MKV ED/ed 2015 Bridge of Spies / Bridge of Spies - Der Unterhändler tt3691446 FLV D 2014 Sarajevo 1914 / tt3691740 MKV ED/d 2016 The BFG / BFG: Big Friendly Giant tt3691740 3D / Blu-ray ED/d 2016 The BFG / BFG: Big Friendly Giant tt3700392 MKV Chd/e 2015 Heidi (2015) / tt3700392 Blu-ray Chd/e 2015 Heidi (2015) / tt3701074 AVI/TV D 2015 Usfahrt Oerlike / tt3704050 MKV ED/d 2015 Remember / tt3704428 MKV ED/ed 2022 Elvis / tt3715320 MKV ED 2015 Irrational Man / tt3716530 MKV FD/d 2016 Elle / tt3718778 MKV ED/ed 2014 Over the Garden Wall / tt3721936 MKV ED/ed 2016 American Honey / tt3721954 MKV ED/d 2016 Maudie / tt3731562 MKV ED/ed 2017 Kong: Skull Island / tt3741834 MKV ED/d 2016 Lion / tt3742378 MKV D/d 2015 Que Horas Ela Volta? / Der Sommer mit Mamã tt3748528 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2016 Rogue One / tt3748528 MKV ED/ed 2016 Rogue One / tt3750872 MKV ED/ed 2017 The Wife / tt3766354 MKV ED/ed 2018 The Equalizer 2 / tt3774114 MKV ED/d 2016 Snowden / tt3778644 MKV ED/ed 2018 Solo: A Star Wars Story / tt3783958 MKV ED/d 2016 La La Land / tt3791216 MKV D 2016 All the Way / Der lange Weg tt3792960 MKV D/d 2015 Le tout nouveau testament / tt3794028 MKV FD/d 2016 Mal de pierres / From the Land of the Moon - Die Frau im Mond tt3799694 MKV ED/d 2016 The Nice Guys / tt3808342 MKV D/d 2015 Saul fia / Son of Saul tt3829868 MKV ED 2019 Looking for Alaska / tt3829920 MKV ED/d 2017 Only the Brave / tt3830162 MKV D 2015 Krigen / War, A tt3841424 MKV D/d 2015 Under sandet / Unter dem Sand tt3859076 MKV ED/d 2015 Truth / Der Moment der Wahrheit tt3861390 MKV ED/ed 2019 Dumbo / tt3877200 MKV ED/e 2014 The Missing / Season 1 (2014) tt3877200 MKV ED/e 2014 The Missing / Season 2 (2016) tt3881784 MKV ED/d 2017 Stronger / tt3890160 MKV ED/ed 2017 Baby Driver / tt3892172 MKV ED/ed 2018 Leave No Trace / tt3896198 MKV ED/ed 2017 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 / tt3910804 MKV ED/ed 2016 War & Peace / tt3915174 MKV ED/ed 2022 Puss in Boots: The Last Wish / tt3966404 MKV TürD/d 2015 Mustang / tt4005402 MKV ED/ed 2015 Colonia / Colonia Dignidad - Es gibt kein Zurück tt4015500 MKV ED/d 2018 The Tale / tt4016934 MKV KorD/d 2016 Ah-ga-ssi / Die Taschendiebin tt4025514 MKV ID/d 2015 Suburra / tt4034228 MKV ED/ed 2016 Manchester by the Sea / tt4034354 MKV ED/ed 2016 Swiss Army Man / tt4044364 MKV ED 2014 Citizenfour / tt4048272 MKV D/d 2016 Toni Erdmann / tt4065552 MKV FinD/d 2017 Tuntematon sotilas / Unknown Soldier - Kampf ums Vaterland tt4068576 MKV ED/d 2018 The Nightingale / tt4069220 AVI/TV D 2013 La naissance de Charlot (2013) / tt4080728 MKV SwD/d 2015 En man som heter Ove / tt4082068 MKV TamFD/d 2015 Dheepan / tt4093826 MKV ED/ed 2017 Twin Peaks / Season 1 (2017) tt4123430 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2018 Fantastic Beasts - The Crimes of Grindelwald / tt4123430 MKV ED/ed 2018 Fantastic Beasts - The Crimes of Grindelwald / tt4123432 MKV ED/ed 2022 Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore / tt4126304 MKV D/d 2015 Cartel Land / tt4136084 MKV ED/d 2016 Florence Foster Jenkins / tt4136636 MKV Ch 2015 Schellen-Ursli / tt4154664 MKV ED/ed 2019 Captain Marvel / tt4154756 MKV ED/ed 2018 Avengers - Infinity War / tt4154796 MKV ED/ed 2019 Avengers: Endgame / tt4172430 MKV ED/ed 2016 13 Hours / The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi tt4178092 MKV ED/ed 2015 The Gift / tt4190530 MKV ED/ed 2016 Anthropoid / Operation Anthropoid tt4192998 MKV D/d 2015 Okkupert / Occupied Season 1 (2015) tt4192998 MKV D 2015 Okkupert / Occupied Season 2 (2017) tt4196776 Blu-ray ED/ed 2016 Jason Bourne / tt4196776 MKV ED/ed 2016 Jason Bourne / tt4196848 MKV ED 2016 Mr. Church / tt4209788 MKV ED/d 2017 Molly's Game / tt4216934 MKV D/d 2015 Frau Müller muss weg! / tt4218572 MKV ED/ed 2018 Widows / tt4226388 MKV D/d 2015 Victoria / Eins Zwei Fünf Acht tt4228810 MKV D/d 2016 Au nom de ma fille / Im Namen meiner Tochter - Der Fall Kalinka tt4244994 MKV ED/ed 2021 The Last Duel / tt4257926 MKV ED/ed 2016 Miracles from Heaven / Himmelskind tt4271918 MKV ED/d 2015 An Inspector Calls / tt4273800 MKV ED/ed 2022 The Good Nurse / tt4276820 MKV ED/d 2016 The Founder / tt4301160 MKV ED/ed 2022 Black Bird / In with the Devil tt4302938 MKV ED/ed 2016 Kubo and the Two Strings / tt4302938 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2016 Kubo and the Two Strings / tt4354616 MKV ED/ed 2016 Crisis in Six Scenes / tt4364194 MKV ED/ed 2019 The Peanut Butter Falcon / tt4385888 MKV ED/d 2016 20th Century Women / Jahrhundertfrauen tt4400038 MKV FD/d 2016 Chocolat / Monsieur Chocolat tt4406178 MKV ED/e 2022 The Gilded Age / Season 1 (2022) tt4406178 MKV ED/ed 2022 The Gilded Age / Season 2 (2023) tt4420704 MKV D/d 2016 Kedi / tt4425200 MKV ED/d 2017 John Wick: Chapter 2 / tt4433890 MKV D/d 2016 Eidurinn / tt4449576 MKV ED/d 2015 Demain / tt4459156 MKV ED 2017 55 Steps / Eleanor & Colette tt4468740 MKV ED/ed 2017 Paddington 2 / tt4481066 MKV ED/d 2018 Giant Little Ones / tt4481414 MKV ED/ed 2017 Gifted / Begabt - Die Gleichung eines Lebens tt4495098 MKV ED/ed 2023 Gran Turismo / tt4505830 MKV D 2015 Jesse Stone: Lost in Paradise / tt4513674 MKV ED/d 2016 Café Society / tt4520988 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2019 Frozen II / tt4520988 MKV ED/ed 2019 Frozen II / tt4540710 MKV ED/ed 2016 Miss Sloane / tt4547056 MKV ED/d 2016 The Girl with All the Gifts / tt4550098 MKV ED/ed 2016 Nocturnal Animals / tt4555426 MKV ED/ed 2017 Darkest Hour / tt4562518 MKV D 2016 El ciudadano ilustre / Der Nobelpreisträger tt4572514 MKV ED/ed 2016 Patriots Day / tt4575576 MKV ED/ed 2018 Christopher Robin / tt4591834 MKV NorD/d 2016 Nobel / tt4595882 MKV ED/ed 2018 Can You Ever Forgive Me? / tt4610378 MKV D/ed 2018 Bankier van het Verzet / Der Bankier des Widerstands tt4621872 MKV D 2016 La pazza gioia / Like Crazy - Die Überglücklichen tt4633690 MKV ED/d 2017 Shot Caller / tt4633694 MKV ED/ed 2018 Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse / tt4633694 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2018 Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse / tt4645330 MKV ED/d 2016 Denial / Verleugnung tt4645368 MKV FD/d 2016 Juste la fin du monde / tt4649466 MKV ED/ed 2017 Kingsman: The Golden Circle / tt4666726 MKV ED/d 2016 Christine / tt4669788 MKV ED/ed 2018 On the Basis of Sex / Die Berufung – Ihr Kampf für Gerechtigkeit tt4686844 MKV ED/d 2017 The Death of Stalin / tt4693588 MKV FD/d 2019 Fahim / Das Wunder Von Marseille tt4698684 MKV ED/d 2016 Hunt for the Wilderpeople / tt4702752 MKV ED/d 2017 Eye on Juliet / tt4729430 MKV ED/ed 2019 Klaus / tt4730986 MKV FD 2016 Divines / tt4736550 MKV ED/ed 2019 The Great Hack / Cambridge Analyticas grosser Hack tt4761112 MKV ED/d 2021 The Mauritanian / tt4766630 MKV D 2018 Wolkenbruchs wunderliche Reise in die Arme einer Schickse / The Awakening of Motti Wolkenbruch tt4777008 MKV ED/ed 2019 Maleficent: Mistress of Evil / tt4777008 Blu-ray ED/ed 2019 Maleficent: Mistress of Evil / tt4786824 Blu-ray ED/ed 2016 The Crown / Season 1 (2016) tt4786824 Blu-ray ED/ed 2016 The Crown / Season 2 (2017) tt4786824 MKV ED/ed 2016 The Crown / Season 1 (2016) tt4786824 MKV ED/ed 2016 The Crown / Season 2 (2017) tt4786824 MKV ED/ed 2016 The Crown / Season 3 (2019) tt4786824 MKV ED/ed 2016 The Crown / Season 4 (2020) tt4786824 MKV ED/ed 2016 The Crown / Season 5 (2022) tt4786824 MKV ED/ed 2016 The Crown / Season 6 (2023) tt4807408 MKV ED/ed 2019 The Best of Enemies / tt4846232 MKV ED/d 2017 Good Time / tt4846340 MKV ED/ed 2016 Hidden Figures / tt4857264 MKV D/d 2016 Contratiempo / Der unsichtbare Gast tt4859168 MKV ED/ed 2018 Then Came You / tt4873118 MKV ED/ed 2023 Guy Ritchie's The Covenant / tt4881806 MKV ED/ed 2018 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom / tt4897822 MKV D 2015 Where to Invade Next / tt4899370 MKV ED/d 2017 Megan Leavey / tt4901306 MKV ID 2016 Perfetti sconosciuti / Perfect Strangers - Wie viele Geheimnisse verträgt eine Freundschaft? tt4912910 Blu-ray ED/ed 2018 Mission: Impossible - Fallout / tt4912910 MKV ED/ed 2018 Mission: Impossible - Fallout / tt4916630 MKV ED/ed 2019 Just Mercy / tt4925292 MKV ED/ed 2017 Lady Bird / tt4944596 MKV D/d 2016 Que Dios nos perdone / May God Save Us - Die Morde von Madrid tt4951982 MKV ED/d 2018 Kursk / tt4960748 MKV ED/ed 2022 Till / tt4964788 MKV SpD/d 2018 Todos lo saben / tt4971344 MKV ED/ed 2018 Les frères Sisters / Sisters Brothers tt4972582 MKV ED/ed 2016 Split / tt4975722 Blu-ray ED/d 2016 Moonlight / tt4975722 MKV ED/d 2016 Moonlight / tt4976588 MKV D 2016 Lou Andreas-Salomé / tt4995790 MKV D/d 2017 The Square / tt4996328 MKV ED/ed 2024 Ordinary Angels / Ordinary Angels tt5008688 MKV FD/d 2016 Gotthard / tt5012320 MKV ED/ed 2024 Out of My Mind / Out of My Mind tt5013056 MKV ED/ed 2017 Dunkirk / tt5027774 MKV ED/ed 2017 Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri / tt5052448 MKV ED/ed 2017 Get Out / tt5052474 MKV ED/ed 2018 Sicario: Day of the Soldado / tt5057054 MKV ED/ed 2018 Jack Ryan / Season 1 (2018) tt5057054 MKV ED/ed 2018 Jack Ryan / Season 2 (2019) tt5057054 MKV ED/ed 2018 Jack Ryan / Season 3 (2022) tt5057054 MKV ED/ed 2018 Jack Ryan / Season 4 (2023) tt5061360 MKV FD/d 2017 La promesse de l'aube / Promise at Dawn - Frühes Versprechen tt5074352 MKV/TV D 2016 Dangal / Die Hoffnung auf den grossen Sieg tt5078204 MKV D/d 2016 Demain tout commence / Two Is a Family - Plötzlich Papa tt5083738 MKV ED/ed 2018 The Favourite / tt5093026 MKV ED/d 2017 Papillon / tt5104604 MKV ED/ed 2018 Isle of Dogs / Ataris Reise tt5109280 MKV ED/ed 2021 Raya and the Last Dragon / tt5112584 MKV ED/d 2023 Lee / Die Fotografin tt5113044 MKV ED/ed 2022 Minions: The Rise of Gru / tt5116302 MKV ED/d 2019 Togo / tt5117428 MKV ED/e 2018 Wild Rose / tt5119048 MKV D 2016 Eine unerhörte Frau / tt5126602 MKV D 2016 Kästner und der kleine Dienstag / tt5126922 MKV ED/d 2017 The Pirates of Somalia / tt5151570 MKV ED/d 2022 Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris / tt5159916 MKV ED 2016 Thirteen / tt5164214 MKV ED/ed 2018 Ocean's Eight / tt5168192 MKV ED/d 2019 I, Daniel Blake / tt5186714 MKV D/d 2016 Forushande / tt5193460 MKV D/ed 2016 SMS für Dich / tt5193460 Blu-ray D/ed 2016 SMS für Dich / tt5197860 MKV NlD/d 2017 Tabula Rasa / tt5198068 MKV ED/ed 2020 WolfWalkers / tt5221584 MKV/TV D 2016 Aquarius / tt5222918 MKV FinD/d 2017 Toivon tuolla puolen / The Other Side of Hope - Die andere Seite der Hoffnung tt5247022 MKV ED/d 2016 Paterson / tt5247704 MKV FD/d 2017 Ce qui nous lie / Der Wein und der Wind tt5287168 MKV SchwD/d 2016 Sameblod / tt5294550 MKV ED/ed 2017 All the Money in the World / Alles Geld der Welt tt5301662 MKV ED/ed 2017 Marshall / tt5304464 MKV D/d 2017 Happy End / tt5304992 MKV ED/ed 2018 Set It Up / tt5311514 MKV JpD/d 2016 Kimi no na wa. / Your Name. tt5311542 MKV D/d 2018 Werk ohne Autor / Never Look Away tt5323662 MKV JpD/d 2016 Koe no katachi / A Silent Voice tt5337806 MKV D 2017 Charité / Season 1 (2017) tt5337806 MKV D/d 2017 Charité / Season 2 (2019) tt5337806 MKV D/d 2017 Charité / Season 3 (2021) tt5340300 MKV ED 2017 Lean on Pete / tt5362988 MKV ED/d 2017 Wind River / tt5390504 MKV ED/d 2017 Detroit / tt5397076 DVD/HD D/ed 2015 Giovanni Segantini: Magie des Lichts / tt5397076 DVD 2 PAL D/ed 2015 Giovanni Segantini: Magie des Lichts / tt5427194 MKV ED/d 2018 The Miracle Season / tt5431890 MKV ED/ed 2019 Official Secrets / tt5437928 MKV ED/d 2018 Colette / tt5439796 MKV ED/ed 2017 Logan Lucky / tt5451118 MKV D/d 2018 303 / tt5461944 MKV ED/d 2018 Hotel Mumbai / tt5462602 MKV ED 2017 The Big Sick / tt5463162 MKV ED/ed 2018 Deadpool 2 / tt5478478 MKV ED/d 2017 Hostiles / Feinde tt5491994 MKV ED/e 2016 Planet Earth II / tt5501104 MKV SwD/d 2018 Gräns / Border tt5516154 MKV ED/ed 2017 Godless / tt5520618 MKV D 2016 Fritz Lang / tt5535276 MKV ED/ed 2023 Maestro / tt5537002 MKV ED/ed 2023 Killers of the Flower Moon / tt5555502 MKV FD/fd 2016 Bienvenue à Marly-Gomont / Ein Dorf sieht schwarz tt5563334 MKV ED/ed 2019 The Good Liar / tt5580266 MKV ED/ed 2018 The Hate U Give / tt5580390 Blu-ray ED/ed 2017 The Shape of Water / tt5580390 MKV ED/ed 2017 The Shape of Water / tt5583512 MKV ED/d 2017 Cardinal / Season 1 (2017) tt5583512 MKV ED/d 2017 Cardinal / Season 2 (2018) tt5583512 MKV ED/d 2017 Cardinal / Season 3 (2019) tt5583512 MKV ED/ed 2017 Cardinal / Season 4 (2020) tt5586052 MKV D 2017 Die Unsichtbaren / tt5598100 MKV FD/d 2016 Patients / Lieber leben tt5606664 MKV ED/d 2019 Doctor Sleep / Doctor Sleeps Erwachen tt5607714 MKV UnD/d 2017 Teströl és lélekröl / On Body and Soul - Körper und Seele tt5610554 MKV ED/d 2018 Tully / tt5613484 MKV ED/d 2018 Mid90s / tt5635086 MKV ED/d 2017 God's Own Country / tt5648882 MKV ED/ed 2023 The Burial / Krieg der Bestatter tt5649108 MKV ED/d 2017 Thoroughbreds / tt5649144 MKV ED/ed 2017 The Florida Project / tt5672212 AVI/TV D 2016 Das Sacher. In bester Gesellschaft / tt5688932 MKV ED/d 2018 Sorry to Bother You / tt5715874 MKV ED/d 2017 The Killing of a Sacred Deer / tt5716464 MKV ED/d 2017 Breathe / Solange ich atme tt5723272 MKV D/e 2017 Aus dem Nichts / In the Fade tt5726616 MKV ED/ed 2017 Call Me by Your Name / tt5727208 MKV ED/ed 2019 Uncut Gems / Der Schwarze Diamant tt5742374 MKV ED/d 2017 You Were Never Really Here / A Beautiful Day tt5776858 MKV ED/ed 2017 Phantom Thread / tt5797184 MKV ED/d 2020 Escape from Pretoria / Flucht aus Pretoria - Sein Mut ist der Schlüssel tt5814592 MKV ED/d 2017 The Party / tt5818818 MKV Chd/d 2017 Die göttliche Ordnung / tt5825380 MKV ED/d 2017 Wonder Wheel / tt5827916 MKV ED/d 2019 A Hidden Life / Ein verborgenes Leben tt5848272 Blu-ray ED/ed 2018 Ralph Breaks the Internet / tt5848272 MKV ED/ed 2018 Ralph Breaks the Internet / tt5859238 MKV ED/d 2017 Lucky / tt5871080 MKV D/d 2017 The Whiskey Bandit / tt5875444 MKV ED/ed 2022 Slow Horses / Season 1 (2022) tt5875444 MKV ED/ed 2022 Slow Horses / Season 3 (2023) tt5875444 MKV ED/ed 2022 Slow Horses / Season 2 (2022) tt5875444 MKV ED/ed 2022 Slow Horses / Season 4 (2024) tt5917226 MKV D 2020 Der Überläufer / tt5929776 MKV D/d 2016 Before the Flood / tt5932728 MKV ED/d 2019 The Professor and the Madman / tt5952266 MKV D 2016 The Ivory Game / tt5977276 MKV ED/ed 2019 The Aftermath / Niemandsland tt5989218 MKV ED/d 2018 Life Itself / tt6002232 MP4 D 2017 Jusqu'à la garde / Custody tt6010628 MKV ED/d 2018 Zoe / tt6040662 MKV D 2017 The Children Act / Kindeswohl tt6048596 MKV D/d 2017 The Sinner / Season 1 (2017) tt6048596 MKV D/d 2017 The Sinner / Season 2 (2018) tt6048596 MKV ED/ed 2017 The Sinner / Season 3 (2020) tt6048596 MKV ED/ed 2017 The Sinner / Season 4 (2021) tt6048922 MKV ED/ed 2020 Greyhound / tt6053438 MKV ED/ed 2017 First Reformed / tt6062774 MKV SpD/ed 2019 Monos / Zwischen Himmel und Hölle tt6079516 MKV ED/d 2019 I See You / Das Böse ist näher als du denkst tt6105098 MKV ED/ed 2019 The Lion King / tt6133130 MKV ED/ed 2017 Professor Marston and the Wonder Women / tt6139732 MKV ED/ed 2019 Aladdin / tt6141246 MKV ED/ed 2019 The Aeronauts / tt6144672 MKV D 2018 De Dag / Season 1 (2018) tt6146586 MKV ED/d 2019 John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum / tt6166392 MKV ED/ed 2023 Wonka / tt6175234 MKV D/d 2017 Arthur & Claire / tt6180274 MKV/TV D 2017 Poorna / tt6190348 MKV ED 2017 Pin Cushion / tt6193454 MKV ChD/d 2017 Blue My Mind / tt6212478 MKV ED/d 2018 American Animals / tt6217608 MKV ED/d 2017 The Rider / tt6225520 MKV ED/d 2017 The Man Who Invented Christmas / tt6258718 MKV D/ed 2018 Bad Banks / Season 1 (2018) tt6258718 MKV D/d 2018 Bad Banks / Season 2 (2020) tt6263618 MKV D/ed 2018 In den Gängen / In the Aisles tt6264654 MKV ED/ed 2021 Free Guy / tt6266538 MKV ED/d 2018 Vice / Der zweite Mann tt6292852 MKV ED/d 2019 I Am Mother / tt6294822 MKV ED/ed 2017 The Post / tt6304162 MKV/TV D 2017 Nelyubov / Loveless tt6320628 MKV ED/d 2019 Spider-Man: Far from Home / tt6343314 MKV ED/ed 2018 Creed II / Creed II: Rocky's Legacy tt6358156 MKV D/d 2019 Brecht / tt6386748 MKV SpD/d 2018 Pajaros de verano / Birds of Passage - Das grüne Gold der Wayuu tt6390668 MKV PorD/d 2019 A Vida Invisível / Invisible Life - Die Sehnsucht der Schwestern Gusmao tt6394270 MKV ED/d 2019 Bombshell / Bombshell - Das Ende des Schweigens tt6398184 MKV ED/ed 2019 Downton Abbey / tt6433456 MKV D/d 2018 Unga Astrid / Astrid tt6436726 MKV ED/d 2019 7500 / tt6450186 MKV ED/d 2018 I Can Only Imagine / tt6450804 MKV ED/ed 2019 Terminator: Dark Fate / tt6472976 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2019 Five Feet Apart / tt6472976 MKV ED/ed 2019 Five Feet Apart / tt6474236 MKV ED/ed 2018 The Looming Tower / tt6491178 MKV ED/d 2018 Dragged Across Concrete / tt6495056 MKV ED/ed 2023 Migration / Migration tt6497898 MKV D/d 2017 Insyriated / Innenleben tt6499752 MKV ED/ed 2018 Upgrade / tt6513120 MKV ED/ed 2019 Fighting with My Family / Fighting with My Family tt6537238 MKV RuD 2017 Salyut-7 / tt6571548 MKV ED/ed 2021 The White Tiger / Der weisse Tiger tt6575280 MKV D 2018 Dreigroschenfilm / Mack the Knife - Brecht's Threepenny Film tt6576556 MKV D/d 2018 Das schweigende Klassenzimmer / The Silent Revolution tt6586318 MKV ED 2018 Patrick Melrose / tt6628394 MKV ED/ed 2018 Bad Times at the El Royale / tt6673840 MKV RuD/d 2017 Vremya pervykh / Spacewalker tt6675244 MKV D/e 2018 Transit / tt6692354 MKV/TV D 2017 Ittefaq / tt6710474 MKV ED/ed 2022 Everything Everywhere All at Once / tt6723592 MKV ED/ed 2020 Tenet / tt6742252 MKV DänD/d 2018 Den skyldige (2018) / The Guilty tt6743942 MKV D 2017 Flitzer / tt6751668 MKV KoreED/de 2019 Gisaengchung / Parasite tt6752992 MKV ID/d 2018 Lazzaro felice / Happy as Lazzaro - Glücklich wie Lazzaro tt6768578 MKV NorD/d 2018 Dogman / tt6769208 MKV ED 2017 Blue Planet II / Unser blauer Planet II tt6791350 MKV ED/ed 2023 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 / tt6802308 MKV ED/ed 2018 The 15:17 to Paris / tt6828390 MKV ED/d 2019 Mr. Jones / Red Secrets - Im Fadenkreuz Stalins tt6856242 MKV ED/ed 2021 The King's Man / The King's Man - The Beginning tt6858020 MKV FD/d 2018 Au bout des doigts / Der Klavierspieler vom Gare du Nord tt6858020 DVD 2 PAL FD/d 2018 Au bout des doigts / Der Klavierspieler vom Gare du Nord tt6865690 MKV ED/d 2018 The Professor / tt6866266 MKV ED/e 2018 Escape at Dannemora / tt6878306 MKV ED/ed 2020 News of the World / tt6892400 MKV ID/d 2017 La ragazza nella nebbia / The Girl in the Fog - Der Nebelmann tt6908274 MKV D/d 2018 Durante la tormenta / Mirage - Parallelwelten tt6924650 MKV ED/d 2019 Midway / Für die Freiheit tt6932244 MKV ED/ed 2019 Hanna / Season 1 (2019) tt6932244 MKV ED/ed 2019 Hanna / Season 2 (2020) tt6932244 MKV ED/ed 2019 Hanna / Season 3 (2021) tt6932818 MKV/TV D 2018 De dirigent / tt6958212 MKV ED 2017 Sweet Country / tt6966692 Blu-ray ED/d 2018 Green Book / tt6966692 MKV ED/d 2018 Green Book / tt6980960 MKV ED/ed 2019 Mafia Inc / tt7008682 MKV ED/ed 2018 Homecoming / Season 1 (2018) tt7008682 MKV ED/ed 2018 Homecoming / Season 2 (2020) tt7008872 MKV ED/ed 2018 Boy Erased / Der verlorene Sohn tt7014006 MKV ED/ed 2018 Eighth Grade / tt7040874 MKV ED/d 2018 A Simple Favor / Nur ein kleiner Gefallen tt7048622 MKV D/d 2017 L'insulte / The Insult - Der Affront tt7095482 MKV SpD/d 2018 El reino / The Candidate tt7125774 MKV D 2018 Ballon / tt7125860 MKV ED/d 2018 If Beale Street Could Talk / tt7131622 MKV ED/ed 2019 Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood / tt7134194 MKV D 2018 The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair / tt7137906 MKV ED/ed 2019 When They See Us / tt7139936 MKV ED/d 2019 A Rainy Day in New York / tt7142506 MKV D 2018 Sir / Die Schneiderin der Träume tt7146812 3D / Blu-ray ED/ed 2020 Onward / tt7146812 MKV ED/ed 2020 Onward / tt7150512 MKV ED/d 2019 2040 / Wir retten die Welt tt7153766 MKV ED/ed 2018 Unsane / tt7204348 MKV SpD/d 2018 El Ángel / Der schwarze Engel tt7207238 MKV ED/ed 2017 Jane / tt7220754 MKV NorD/d 2018 Hevi reissu / Heavy Trip tt7225386 MKV D/d 2018 25 km/h / tt7231342 MKV D/d 2018 La chute de l'empire américain / Der unverhoffte Charme des Geldes tt7242142 MKV ED/ed 2018 Blindspotting / tt7279188 MKV ED/d 2018 Kona fer í stríð / Woman at War - Gegen den Strom tt7282468 MKV KorD/d 2018 Beoning / Burning tt7286456 MKV ED/ed 2019 Joker / Joker tt7286916 MKV D/d 2017 The Dawn Wall / tt7286916 MKV E/ed 2017 The Dawn Wall / tt7322224 MKV ED/d 2022 Triangle of Sadness / tt7349662 MKV ED/ed 2018 BlacKkKlansman / tt7363336 MKV ED/d 2018 Nothing Like a Dame / Tea With the Dames - Ein unvergesslicher Nachmittag tt7363336 DVD 2 PAL ED/d 2018 Nothing Like a Dame / Tea With the Dames - Ein unvergesslicher Nachmittag tt7366338 MKV ED/d 2019 Chernobyl / tt7374926 MKV D/d 2019 Proxima / Die Astronautin tt7390646 MKV ED/ed 2019 Black and Blue / tt7395114 MKV ED/ed 2020 The Devil All the Time / Das Handwerk des Teufels tt7401588 MKV ED/ed 2018 Instant Family / Plötzlich Familie tt7401588 DVD 2 PAL ED/ed 2018 Instant Family / Plötzlich Familie tt7405458 MKV ED/ed 2022 A Man Called Otto / tt7456310 MKV ED/d 2019 Anna / Anna: Die Agentin tt7458762 MKV FD/d 2019 Le chant du loup / The Wolf's Call - Entscheidung in der Tiefe tt7461272 MKV ED/d 2022 Call Jane / tt7472896 MKV ED/ed 2018 Mr Inbetween / Season 1 (2018) tt7472896 MKV ED/ed 2018 Mr Inbetween / Season 2 (2019) tt7472896 MKV ED/ed 2018 Mr Inbetween / Season 3 (2021) tt7477310 MKV D/d 2018 Der Vorname / How About Adolf? tt7491144 MKV/TV D 2018 Amanda / Mein Leben mit Amanda tt7493974 MKV ED/ed 2018 Bodyguard (2018) / tt7533152 MKV ED/ed 2019 The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind / Der Junge der den Wind einfing tt7545524 MKV ED/d 2018 Ben Is Back / tt7598448 MKV ED/ed 2018 The Little Drummer Girl / Die Libelle tt7599146 MKV ED/ed 2023 Sound of Freedom / tt7615302 MKV ED/ed 2018 Red Joan / tt7638348 MKV ED/d 2021 Boss Level / tt7653254 MKV ED/ed 2019 Marriage Story / tt7657566 MKV ED/ed 2022 Death on the Nile / tt7668870 MKV ED/ed 2018 Searching / tt7717110 AVI/TV D 2018 Kaisersturz / tt7728082 MKV/TV D 2019 Chasing the Moon / Die Eroberung des Mondes tt7738450 MKV ED/ed 2018 Thunder Road / Der Chaos Cop tt7740496 MKV ED/ed 2021 Nightmare Alley / tt7772582 MKV ED/ed 2020 Never Rarely Sometimes Always / Niemals selten manchmal immer tt7775622 MKV ED/d 2018 Free Solo / tt7876510 MKV D 2019 Moyi dumky tykhi / My Thoughts Are Silent tt7888964 MKV ED/ed 2021 Nobody / tt7905466 MKV E/d 2018 They Shall Not Grow Old / tt7909970 MKV ED/ed 2019 Unbelievable / tt7914938 MKV/TV Kir/d 2020 Ala kachuu / Ala Kachuu - Take and Run tt7959026 MKV ED/d 2018 The Mule / tt7959216 MKV NorD/d 2018 Utøya 22. juli / tt7975244 MKV ED/d 2019 Jumanji: The Next Level / tt7979580 MKV ED/ed 2021 The Mitchells vs the Machines / tt7984734 MKV ED/ed 2019 The Lighthouse / Der Leuchtturm tt8009744 MKV ED/d 2020 What Is Life Worth / Wie viel ist ein Menschenleben wert tt8038160 MKV D 2018 Stroomop / A River Within - Gemeinsam gegen den Strom tt8041270 MKV ED/ed 2022 Jurassic World Dominion / tt8045906 MKV ED/ed 2020 Words on Bathroom Walls / tt8075192 MKV D/d 2018 Manbiki kazoku / Shoplifters - Familienbande tt8079248 MKV ED/ed 2019 Yesterday / tt8097030 MKV ED/ed 2022 Turning Red / tt8110330 MKV HinD/d 2020 Dil Bechara / Dil Bechara tt8111088 MKV ED/ed 2019 The Mandalorian / Season 1 (2019) tt8111088 MKV ED/ed 2019 The Mandalorian / Season 2 (2020) tt8134470 MKV ED/e 2020 The Undoing / tt8143990 MKV ED/ed 2020 Kajillionaire / tt8151874 MKV ED/d 2019 Honey Boy / tt8178634 MKV HinE/ed 2022 RRR (Rise Roar Revolt) / tt8201186 MKV D/d 2019 The Capture / tt8205656 MKV D/d 2019 Cherkasy / tt8206668 MKV D 2019 Bad Education / tt8230448 MKV ED/ed 2024 A Gentleman in Moscow / A Gentleman in Moscow tt8251234 MKV D/d 2019 Zwingli / tt8260226 MKV FD 2018 Un amour impossible / An Impossible Love tt8265928 MKV FD 2019 Mon inconnue / Love at Second Sight - Meine geliebte Unbekannte tt8267604 MKV ArD/d 2018 Capharnaüm / Capernaum: Stadt der Hoffnung tt8291224 MKV HinD/d 2019 Uri: The Surgical Strike / Lethal Strike tt8291806 MKV SpD/d 2019 Dolor y gloria / Pain and Glory - Leid und Herrlichkeit tt8305116 MKV D 2018 Ayka / tt8323668 MKV ED/ed 2022 Jerry & Marge Go Large / tt8332438 MKV ED/d 2020 ZeroZeroZero / tt8337264 MKV ED/ed 2023 Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget / Chicken Run: Operation Nugget tt8342862 MKV ED/ed 2018 Evil Genius: The True Story of America's Most Diabolical Bank Heist / tt8359816 MKV ED/d 2019 Sorry We Missed You / tt8367814 MKV ED/d 2019 The Gentlemen / tt8368512 MKV ED/ed 2020 The Courier / Der Spion tt8398600 MKV ED/ed 2019 After Life / Season 1 (2019) tt8398600 MKV ED/ed 2019 After Life / Season 2 (2020) tt8398600 MKV ED/ed 2019 After Life / Season 3 (2022) tt8399664 MKV ED 2019 Babyteeth / Milla Meets Moses tt8404614 MKV ED/ed 2019 The Two Popes / tt8435892 DVD 2 PAL D/d 2019 Gut gegen Nordwind / tt8435892 MKV D 2019 Gut gegen Nordwind / tt8436026 MKV DänD/e 2018 Lykke-Per / A Fortunate Man tt8466564 MKV ED/ed 2022 Obi-Wan Kenobi / Obi-Wan Kenobi tt8521718 MKV ED/d 2021 The United States vs. Billie Holiday / tt8535968 MKV D/ed 2019 Systemsprenger / tt8579674 MKV ED/ed 2019 1917 / tt8613070 MKV FD/d 2019 Portrait de la jeune fille en feu / Porträt einer jungen Frau in Flammen tt8633462 MKV TD/d 2020 Quo vadis, Aida? / tt8637428 MKV MandD/d 2019 The Farewell / tt8649186 MKV PolD/d 2019 Boze Cialo / Corpus Christi tt8652728 MKV ED/ed 2019 Waves / tt8655470 MKV FD/d 2019 Hors normes / The Specials - Alles ausser gewöhnlich tt8685324 DVD/HD ED/e 2019 Sanditon / Season 1 (2019) tt8685324 DVD 2 PAL ED/e 2019 Sanditon / Season 1 (2019) tt8685324 MKV ED/e 2019 Sanditon / Season 2 (2022) tt8685324 MKV D 2019 Sanditon / Season 3 (2023) tt8688634 MKV ED/d 2019 21 Bridges / Jagd durch Manhattan tt8694364 MKV ED/d 2019 Years and Years / tt8717446 MKV ED/ed 2019 Blackbird / Blackbird: Eine Familiengeschichte tt8739752 MKV D/d 2019 Der Fall Collini / tt8745676 MKV ED/ed 2022 The Swimmers / tt8760684 MKV E/ed 2019 Apollo 11 / tt8772262 MKV ED/d 2019 Midsommar / tt8773020 MKV D/ed 2019 Rocca verändert die Welt / tt8847712 MKV ED/ed 2021 The French Dispatch / tt8941440 MKV D/d 2019 Virus / tt8946378 MKV ED/ed 2019 Knives Out / tt9051908 MKV ED/ed 2022 Living / Einmal wirklich leben tt9056818 MKV D 2019 Last Breath / tt9058654 MKV ED/d 2020 Dinner in America / Dinner in America tt9059760 MKV ED/ed 2020 Normal People / tt9063902 MKV ED/ed 2019 Vivir dos veces / Live Twice, Love Once - Lebe zweimal, liebe einmal tt9071322 MKV ED/d 2019 Dark Waters / tt9098872 MKV ED/ed 2021 The Rescue / tt9100054 MKV ED/ed 2021 The Lost Daughter / Frau im Dunkeln tt9106672 MKV D/d 2019 Als Hitler das rosa Kaninchen stahl / tt9112152 MKV D 2021 The Investigation / Der Mord an Kim Wall tt9130508 MKV ED/ed 2021 Cherry / Cherry - Das Ende aller Unschuld tt9140342 MKV ED/ed 2021 It's a Sin / Boys tt9170516 MKV DänD/d 2021 Skyggen i mit øje / The Shadow in My Eye tt9172422 MKV FD 2019 La Belle Epoque / Die schönste Zeit unseres Lebens tt9174558 MKV ED/ed 2021 Dopesick / tt9179096 MKV ED/ed 2020 Minamata / Minamata tt9179230 MKV DänD/d 2019 Ser du månen, Daniel / Held for Ransom tt9198364 MKV ED/d 2022 Three Thousand Years of Longing / tt9211804 MKV D/d 2019 Quick / Die Erschaffung eines Serienkillers tt9218128 MKV ED/e 2024 Gladiator II / Gladiator II tt9243946 MKV ED/ed 2019 El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie / tt9253284 MKV E/ed 2022 Andor / tt9253866 MKV ED/ed 2019 Our Planet / tt9288822 MKV ED/ed 2022 The Wonder / Das Wunder tt9339850 MKV D/d 2022 Jezabel / tt9340860 MKV ED/ed 2020 Let Him Go / tt9376612 MKV ED/ed 2021 Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings / tt9410034 MKV ED/d 2021 The Last Bus / Engländer, der in den Bus stieg und bis ans Ende der Welt fuhr, Der tt9411972 MKV ED/ed 2022 Where the Crawdads Sing / tt9419884 MKV ED/ed 2022 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness / tt9421570 MKV ED/ed 2021 The Guilty / tt9502538 MKV D 2020 Bis wir tot sind oder frei / tt9506474 MKV ED/ed 2020 Sala samobójców. Hejter / The Hater tt9541602 MKV KorD/d 2019 Geukhanjikeob / Extreme Job - Die Spicy Chicken Police tt9603212 MKV ED/ed 2023 Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One / Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One tt9608818 MKV ED/d 2019 Our Friend / tt9620288 MKV ED/d 2021 King Richard / tt9620292 MKV ED/ed 2020 Promising Young Woman / tt9639470 MKV ED/ed 2021 Last Night in Soho / tt9648886 MKV D/d 2019 Un divan à Tunis / tt9660502 MKV FD/d 2022 Close / tt9683478 MKV ED/ed 2020 The Half of It / Nur die halbe Geschichte tt9686708 MKV ED/d 2020 The King of Staten Island / tt9686790 MKV ED/d 2022 Shotgun Wedding / tt9737798 MKV Chd/d 2020 Platzspitzbaby / tt9738784 MKV D/d 2020 Persian Lessons / tt9742794 MKV ED/d 2021 Way Down / The Vault tt9764362 MKV ED/ed 2022 The Menu / tt9770150 MKV ED/ed 2020 Nomadland / tt9784798 MKV ED/d 2021 Judas and the Black Messiah / tt9815454 MKV ED/ed 2020 Unorthodox / tt9850264 MKV D/d 2019 Bruno Manser - Die Stimme des Regenwaldes / Paradise War: The Story of Bruno Manser tt9853500 MKV ED/d 2022 Bandit / tt9893250 MKV ED/ed 2020 I Care a Lot /